* Posts by gfx

79 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Nov 2008


How the OS/2 flop went on to shape modern software



I installed OS/2 warp from floppy disks. A lot of floppy disks. A large box of floppy disks.

It was reasonably stable and came with a mayong game. We ran some building control program on it.

Shackleton's Endurance sets sail for polar peril in Lego



Triple expansion steam engines have different size cylinders the high pressure one is smaller than the lower pressured ones.

Xfce 4.20 is out: Wayland support lands, but some pieces are still missing


Re: XFCE borders

Try the Alt key with the right mouse button it resizes. Alt - left mouse button moves the window.

Windows key + arrows/keys on the numpad moves a window to different half of a screen. (tiling)


Re: Still?

Wacom support in Wayland is not trouble free. I usually try Wayland with every major update but switch back to X11 after encountering something that doesn't click nicely.

Windows 10 given an extra year of supported life, for $30


Re: So...

Microsoft already did that when they did not support updates for Windows XP with a FCKGW- key Everything was riddled with mallware.

Apple throws shade on pokey AI PCs, claims its maxed out M4 chips are 4x faster


Re: Mac Mini ports

I always turned off my mac mini 2011. Had it pointed backwards for easy access to the powerbutton. The macbook air m1 just get closed and wakes up again even a week later. Most windows laptops have emptied the battery by then.

Ex-Microsoft engineer resurrects PDP-11 from junkyard parts


we had one

We had one at work it ran some building control software in the nineties, it had a tape drive for backups. It was very heavy.

Microsoft sends Windows Control Panel to tech graveyard


Re: cue the wailing

XP was reasonably stable after 2 service packs. I think they stopped autorunning every USB-stick by then, but memory is a bit fuzzy.

TeamViewer can't bring itself to say someone broke into its network – but it happened


Re: On a positive note

Switched to anydesk years ago for remote support of my parents. Teamviewer was just annoying.

Manjaro 24 is Arch Linux for the rest of us



Sound jumps to the hdmi / displayport ouput in manjaro KDE after sleeping. Even when set to the optical out off the mainboard.

You can delete all reference to hdmi audio then it behaves better or use the settings to set it back to optical.

Finaly solved it to get a 42" OLED TV as monitor and use the optical output of that for the sound.

Playstation 4 also routes through the TV and fixed the prime video only using lowres in linux by using the TV app.


Re: So is it more stable than Arch?

It is easier than Arch, at least I tried Arch in the past and found it to much work compared to ubuntu. Manjaro works mostly out of the box. Installed it on it's own disk on a work laptop and behaves much better than Windows 11. That manages to empty the battery in an hour and a half.


After the update I had some troubles with the taskbar.

Setting another theme seemed to work. Had to add the previous pinned programs again. Tried wayland for a while, not completely bug free with a wacom. X is behaving reasonably.

Ardour doesn´t work nicely. Not the trouble free updates from the past. But so far sticking with it. I do have some other disks with working versions of linux so not everything is lost when something really misbehaves.

Got an old Raspberry Pi spare? Try RISC OS. It is, literally, something else



OS/2 wasn´t that fun, it was pretty stable we had an Building Control System running on it. But installing OS/2 from it's box with 31 floppies still haunts me.

It did come with mahjong game.

Fresh version of Windows user-friendly Zorin OS arrives to tempt the Linux-wary


Re: Coincidence...

Brew is just a package manager for MacOS, it works allright it keeps all the updates in one place.

Most linux distributions hace a GUI package manager, Manjaro uses Pamac it doesn"t ask too many questions and not everything is in a snap like Ubuntu.

Five ripped off IT giant with $7M+ in bogus work expenses, prosecutors claim


Re: Wait, what??

I think it only works if you don't use a bankaccount. That is why they don't like cash.

Nvidia can't sell its best chips to China, but India is more than happy to take them


Does India resell to China?

Virgin Atlantic flies 'world's first fossil-fuel free' transatlantic commercial flight


Most Hydrogen (something like 97%) comes from natural gas CH4 keep the H ditch the C in CO or CO2 form... Nothing clean about it.

Google has blocked in its in-car software rivals, claims German watchdog


Re: I don't get it

VW had a software issue with the ID3 and the cars couldn´t be sold for months piling up on some fields. The updates itself take forever. Some go all touchscreen for all the functions. When that one dies it is game over (until expensive replacement)

BT is ditching workers faster than your internet connection with 55,000 for chop by 2030


IT Crowd

The IT Crowd had already "Did you turn it off and on again" on tape. It did work for my phone couldn't call or receive on one simcard, the other worked fine. Restarting the phone solved it... Not really used to restarting that one.

Too big to live, too loved to die: Big Tech's billion dollar curse of the free


Re: Serves Google right

Apple is cheap when I cancelled the free 3 month AppleTV membership it terminated immediately. Other Entertainment providers stop it at the end of the free period.

Look like Bane, spend like Batman with Dyson's $949 headphones


The airblade sort of works for drying hands but it is only cold air and makes a lot of noise. (like all Dysons)

Water pipes hold flood of untapped electricity potential


Just no

The pressure in the pipes is supplied by pumps by maintaining a certain pressure. Using this pressure means the pump must work harder. It is not free energy.

This is completely insane.

Tavis Ormandy ports WordPerfect for UNIX to Linux



We had WP5.1 at work and a copy at home, but the template for the function keys was not really a problem. You could make one yourself. There were books available about it. When Words reached version 6 they switched.

Apple's new MacBook Air: Is the jump to M2 silicon worth another $200?


base m1

I got the base M1 but only when the price dropped to 879 euros last november. I like the hardware, just close the lid and the battery isn't drained after a week. 8GB seems enough (more was way to expensive) and qemu with an x86 operating system is way to slow. The SSD size of 256GB is sad when a 1TB M2 disk is below 100 euro. The webcam is pisspoor or really bad. Two ports only, one for charging one for an USB-A, RJ45, HDMI dongle which gets warmer than the Mac itself.

RISC OS: 35-year-old original Arm operating system is alive and well


AmigaOS is still around since 1985 makes it 37 years.

Insteon's vanishing act explained: Smart home biz insolvent, sells off assets


You don't need cloud for that stuff, the whole thing can run off a 40 euro raspberry pi. The few thingies I have still talk to a raspberry pi 1B, The music stuff runs on a Pi 3. The only downside is that the new ones are always on backorder.

Industrial stuff is usually very expensive companies like Siemens buy a lot of the competition to force their own antiquated s7 and very user unfriendly tools.

We have redundancy, we have batteries, what could possibly go wrong?


Re: Almost

Yes, you need a synchronizer between emergency power and the mains if you want a seamless changeover. Otherwise switch off the generator first (it will go dark) and than switch on the mains.

Microsoft Paint + car park touchscreen = You already know where this is going


Re: Who got out of bed on the wrong side today?

Mmm, train weren´t they on strike for two years in the south-west?

Is it decadent that I use four different computers each day, at different times?


3th gen

Still using a 3th gen kindle with knobs left and right for page forward and back. Didn´t like a newer touchscreen version.

Doesn´t have a backlight but the reading light above the bed has a dimmer.

Ex-org? Not at all! Three and a half years after X.Org Server 1.20, 1.21 is released


Before logging in ubuntu with gnome you can choose if it uses wayland or xorg. Kubuntu also.

I usually end up with Xorg because wayland messes with the wacom.

Devuan debuts version 4.0 – as usual without a hint of the hated systemd


Re: Ok, I'll switch!

Ususally it works and it plays sound from multiple sources together. When using an external DAC and not want everything downsampled to 44.1kHz then you'll have to look into that.

Lately when the monitor awakes it send the sound to HDMI instead of the prefered optical output.

There is a setting for that somewhere in some file, but I forgotten where.

If it's going to rain within the next 90 mins, this very British AI system can warn you


Re: By the internet gods!

I usually look on buienradar.nl or weerslag.nl the last hour animation gives an indication, the prediction not so much. For the uk i saw this map https://www.netweather.tv/live-weather/radar

Thunderbird 91 lands: Now native on Apple Silicon, swaps 'master' for 'primary' password, and more


Re: Dated interface

I really hate the change in interface between outlook 2019 (comparable to the previous versions) and outlook 365 ,the search function is in a weird place and adding an attachment is sometimes hidden as well.

The M in M1 is for moans: How do you turn a new MacBook Pro into a desktop workhorse?


Re: eGPU maybe

According to the interwebs the M1 GPU is reasonably fast. They did compare it to an eGPU

Developing for Windows 11: Like developing for Windows 10, but with rounded corners?


win 10

As for windowdressing, computer at work was hiding known file extenstions dug around a bit found the settings window and it was exactly the same as the one in Win 7 or maybe even XP.

Another Windows 10 patch that breaks printers ups ante to full-on Blue Screen of Death


Re: @cheb - Paperless ofice will become reality

they exist Toto make some paperless toilets here a review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjkrYepbSkE


Re: Drivers crashing the OS

Funny thing is at work we had a building control system and the tasks running on the controller are in BASIC. It does multiple tasks and taskswitching. One task could stop but the others kept running. Ofcourse this marvel of 80's technology got bought by Siemens to be replaced by stupid 1960 PLC logic.


Re: "in some apps"?

Same here had an external unit for the A500 with 2MB of FAST RAM and a 40 MB Harddisk. It was 1100 gulden. Same price as the A500 IIRC.

I haven't bought new pants for years, why do I have to keep buying new PCs?


Re: I hate to say it, as I don't like the way they work...

Yes I lended my Dad one because he used mostly chrome and gmail but he had never used a trackpad so had to bring an external mouse the next visit.



WD Blue (cheap consumer spunning rust drive) in an always on system... They will fail.

Windows' cloudy future: That Chrome OS advantage is Google's to lose


Re: Chromebook is particularly good at fulfilling its promise of looking after itself.

Depends on your use and expectations, as just a browser my 300(?) euro Toshiba still works.

It has a 1920x1080 non gloss screen. It's a bit slow. But maybe clean the browser cache once in while or a fresh reinstall.

Linux Mint sticks by Snap decision – meaning store is still disabled by default in 20.1



For me it's usually one of the ubuntu flavours. But I just update them as a new release comes out.

Once in a while there are some annoyances zoom for linux doesn't understand my wacom tablet and amazon prime had only a lowres picture quality.

What are you gonna do? Give me detention? Illinois schools ban pyjamas in online classes


swimming trunks

That's what I'm wearing the local 35 degree heatwave warmed indoors to 32 degrees celsius.

Beware the fresh Windows XP install: Failure awaits you all with nasty, big, pointy teeth


Re: chewed wires

While watching the voice or x-factor kind of show when they sing out of tune the ears of the cat go backwards.

We did have a rat once at work, the mice leave cables intact but the rat was testing the fiber optic patch cables under the computer floor. Chewed everywhere. Replaced it with a rodent proof one

a sturdier mantel with a couple of patch wires inside and made to length with a number of connectors.

Not even that expensive compared the couple of cables it replaced.

Florida man might just stick it to HP for injecting sneaky DRM update into his printers that rejected non-HP ink


not only 3rd party

HP's own cartridges refuse to print after a certain date is expired and still "full" of ink. Basterds.

In case you need more proof the world's gone mad: Behold, Apple's $699 Mac Pro wheels


Re: These are wheely gweat!

At least the IKEA rollers are cheap compared to a DIY store.

Steve Jobs, executives shot down top Apple engineers' plea to design their own server CPU – latest twist in legal battle over chip upstart Nuvia


Apple did a server in the past it wasn't that successful, but to discontinue it didn't help.

For the desktops they switched to Intel because the PowerPC didn't show much progress.

Cache me if you can: HDD PC sales collapse in Europe as shoppers say yes siree to SSD


Re: HDD only, here

Once a SSD and you will never want back to spinning rust. They are also a lot quieter.

Last laptop I just replaced the spinning rust one with a SSD and put the original in an external case as a backup drive.


the ssd option is still pricy in some servers

While SSD's can be had for 100 pound a terabyte some big name computer vendors still charge an awful lot more for an SSD

Smart speaker maker Sonos takes heat for deliberately bricking older kit with 'Trade Up' plan


The dumb speakers I had on the desk lasted for more than twenty years. They still work but got some new and even better bookshelfs. I really don't get all wireless fancy stuff. Having said that an old mac mini from 2011 does bluetooth audio to the amplifier. The previous nine years I used a cable.
