I installed OS/2 warp from floppy disks. A lot of floppy disks. A large box of floppy disks.
It was reasonably stable and came with a mayong game. We ran some building control program on it.
79 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Nov 2008
Sound jumps to the hdmi / displayport ouput in manjaro KDE after sleeping. Even when set to the optical out off the mainboard.
You can delete all reference to hdmi audio then it behaves better or use the settings to set it back to optical.
Finaly solved it to get a 42" OLED TV as monitor and use the optical output of that for the sound.
Playstation 4 also routes through the TV and fixed the prime video only using lowres in linux by using the TV app.
It is easier than Arch, at least I tried Arch in the past and found it to much work compared to ubuntu. Manjaro works mostly out of the box. Installed it on it's own disk on a work laptop and behaves much better than Windows 11. That manages to empty the battery in an hour and a half.
Setting another theme seemed to work. Had to add the previous pinned programs again. Tried wayland for a while, not completely bug free with a wacom. X is behaving reasonably.
Ardour doesn´t work nicely. Not the trouble free updates from the past. But so far sticking with it. I do have some other disks with working versions of linux so not everything is lost when something really misbehaves.
I got the base M1 but only when the price dropped to 879 euros last november. I like the hardware, just close the lid and the battery isn't drained after a week. 8GB seems enough (more was way to expensive) and qemu with an x86 operating system is way to slow. The SSD size of 256GB is sad when a 1TB M2 disk is below 100 euro. The webcam is pisspoor or really bad. Two ports only, one for charging one for an USB-A, RJ45, HDMI dongle which gets warmer than the Mac itself.
You don't need cloud for that stuff, the whole thing can run off a 40 euro raspberry pi. The few thingies I have still talk to a raspberry pi 1B, The music stuff runs on a Pi 3. The only downside is that the new ones are always on backorder.
Industrial stuff is usually very expensive companies like Siemens buy a lot of the competition to force their own antiquated s7 and very user unfriendly tools.
Ususally it works and it plays sound from multiple sources together. When using an external DAC and not want everything downsampled to 44.1kHz then you'll have to look into that.
Lately when the monitor awakes it send the sound to HDMI instead of the prefered optical output.
There is a setting for that somewhere in some file, but I forgotten where.
Funny thing is at work we had a building control system and the tasks running on the controller are in BASIC. It does multiple tasks and taskswitching. One task could stop but the others kept running. Ofcourse this marvel of 80's technology got bought by Siemens to be replaced by stupid 1960 PLC logic.
Depends on your use and expectations, as just a browser my 300(?) euro Toshiba still works.
It has a 1920x1080 non gloss screen. It's a bit slow. But maybe clean the browser cache once in while or a fresh reinstall.
While watching the voice or x-factor kind of show when they sing out of tune the ears of the cat go backwards.
We did have a rat once at work, the mice leave cables intact but the rat was testing the fiber optic patch cables under the computer floor. Chewed everywhere. Replaced it with a rodent proof one
a sturdier mantel with a couple of patch wires inside and made to length with a number of connectors.
Not even that expensive compared the couple of cables it replaced.
The dumb speakers I had on the desk lasted for more than twenty years. They still work but got some new and even better bookshelfs. I really don't get all wireless fancy stuff. Having said that an old mac mini from 2011 does bluetooth audio to the amplifier. The previous nine years I used a cable.