Mad cow diesease didnt kill me, Bird flu didnt kill me, SARS didnt kill me, Quite frankly im dissapointed in the severity of outbreaks these days. bring back the plague i say
16 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Nov 2008
No jaqui, it doesnt work like that, the european union supreme overlord council or whatever they`re calling themselves these days demanded ALL innocent people get removed from it.
mabey she should spend some of our taxes on reading lessons rather than putting her fingers in her eyes, closing her eyes and pretending its not happening, la la la la
Ah, cant be bothered to bring your kids up properly? Blame something else?
my parents taught me common effing sense, and how to tell right from wrong (on a basic level, no ethic debates please =P) meaning i can play GTA4, Postal 2, manhunt etc without going "HUR HUR I CAN STEAL CARS N SHIT YO" and getting killed