So many misunderstandings.
This article - like many developers - completely fails to understand the business outside the development team.
".....Project managers, previously beset with putting together complex status reports that no one seems to ever actually read, find much more meaning in their work....." You fail to understand on of the big reasons all those reports are required - because if something goes seriously (as in "we're getting sued/criminally-charged") wrong it is those reports that will help apportion blame. And I'm not talking about "how we fix the problem", it's usually long past that in real projects (one's that are not Apple/Google Store geegaws), we're talking about where a company's reputation gets trashed, who will pay the fine, or who will go to prison.
Secondly, the Ops "wall" is there for a very good reason - it is a last line of defence that protects the business from unwanted operational failures THAT COST THE COMPANY MONEY. Even after decades in the IT industry I still cannot understand why so many supposedly smart developers just simply cannot grasp the fact that the majority of businesses do not write code as a business. Most businesses are usually selling a product or a service, and a failure of code in production will often mean they lose money directly, and probably more money in the long-term through bad publicity and upset customers going elsewhere. The checks put in place by proper change management and Ops are vital as they stop the risk that the business will grind to a halt just because a developer thinks the greeting page to an app will look better after a (botched) re-write in the latest language-du-jour.
IMHO, Agile is great for tiny projects (the geegaw apps mentioned) but is not suited to anything bigger without a proper waterfall process wrapped around it.