* Posts by gpvos

6 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Oct 2008

Cal Tech, Berkeley and UCSB working on 'iPhoD'



From the title, I thought they were about to develop photon torpedoes.

Linux group, Microsoft form unholy alliance against US lawyers


Information comes with no warranty

I like the way Dan Bernstein phrases it on his djbdns page: "Like any other piece of software (and information generally), djbdns comes with NO WARRANTY."

Of course, this should only hold for open-source software, where you, and anyone else, can read the information. Closed-source software, being unreadable for humans, should come with full warranty and responsibility for the distributor.

Missile data, medical records found on discarded hard disks


@ A J Stiles

Yeah, that'll deter the Russian secret service.

"All we need". I sincerely hope you're being ironic.

DARPA seeks self-aware AI robot mega-tanks

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I, for one...

...welcome our new self-aware overlords.

At least they are capable of reasoning and introspection, so they might be better than our current ones.

Logitech Squeezebox Boom wireless music player

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@Anna Log

You can install the open source SqueezeCenter software on a NAS box.

Although I agree that having to install special software makes the whole setup a bit less flexible, it means the firmware in the boxes only needs to speak a single protocol, and can therefore be simpler.

I already have a Squeezebox Duet in the living room, and will certainly buy one of these for the kitchen.

Mobile blocking tech for trains



OK, so you can't use Internet from your laptop anymore in a quiet carriage. Great.