* Posts by EdwardP

160 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Oct 2008


Porn doctor jailed for 33 years


Such anger...

How would we have dealt with this chap had he personally raped several children, not merely looked at pictures of it?

This guy is a sick fuck, it's a given, but am I to assume that once we've caught the other guy, the one with the camera, he'll get, at the very least, life without parole?

As far as I know the death penalty can only be handed down when a murder has taken place, but given this case's severity (guaged by the sentence), it would seem the most appropriate response. After all, we can all agree that the person who took these photos has caused immeasurably more damage, shouldn't he suffer, at the very least, double the punishment?

Should we now expect to give the Death Penalty for rape? and reasonably, 10 years for statutory rape?

Could one of the normally passive commentors (who today are spitting bile and have their tar, noose and feathers at perfect readyness) could put personal feelings aside for thirty seconds and explain how to square this sentence against other, seemingly worse crimes.

Axl Rose may have undermined own case over Dr Pepper stunt



...Rose is a self centred delusional pseudo-artist who nowadays seems to think the best place to embody the rock and roll persona is in court.

Nobody will buy this record, nobody bought the last one, you get rid of Slash and you're fucked.

They were an amazing band, but have no illusions, Guns and Roses died in 1998 when the actual musicians left, leaving only a jumped up singer with no songs.

The fact that he still calls his rag tag band of imitators Guns and Roses is a testament to quite how egocentric a man Axl really is.

You want real music? Look into Velvet Revolver, Slash's new band, and then tell me who made GnR, Axl, or Slash.

Facebook spams social networkers with phishy email


Time to...

...start phishing for Facebook accounts.

Except...why would anybody want to steal a random facebook account?

Lords told to listen to science on cannabis


How refreshing.

A drop of sanity in an ocean of overspun political dogma.

Heaven forbid we should listen to the experts. Remember: never let the truth get in the way of a good peice of legislation.

Let hope the Lords have their collective backbone with them on the day they vote.

The cannabis debated ceased to be about health or happyness long ago, it's a wedge issue (an issue you can use to split a majority into easy to classify parts) like abortion/gay rights in the US.

This makes it an invaluable political tool, and the idea of letting common sense/well funded research play a part in the decicions is just ludicrous.

BNP leaked list claims first victims


Re: Don't lose sight of the issue.

These people may be card carrying members of the BNP. This should be immaterial.

If any of these people have been displaying behaviour motivated by racial prejudice (or whatever), then that is wrong, and they should be dealt with accordingly.

However it is immoral to penalise somebody for merely supporting a cause (albeit an unpopular one), when they've been doing their job to the required standard, and if they haven't then the blame rests with the employer for not being rid of them a long time ago.

In the Netherlands political beliefs are protected by the same laws that protect against as racial, or sexual descrimination. We have no such law in the UK.

Geeks whup Marine ass in Call Of Duty 5



A victorious John Chitman told AFP: "They weren't so hard at all." His teammate Glen Robinson added: "We totally waxed them. It was awesome. We smoked them."

If that isn't just the most pathetic thing I've heard ever. Whose idea was this promotional circle jerk anyway?

While being good at video games provides little benefit in the real world, being Marine means you're cooler than ice, tougher than god and stronger than steel.

Suck it up gamers, this is the first, last and only time you'll get one over on a marine, ever.

Academic avoids extradition over Holocaust denial



I may not agree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it.

Student charged after alerting principal to server hack



I never said stay on topic, I told people to "say something that with enrich the converstaion" or to button it.

I don't give a toss what you say as long it doesn't look like it was generated by a fucking perl script. You want to rant? Then vent baby, vent. All I ask is you get those neurons firing and come up with SOMETHING to say, not fill the form with a variation of the same dreck you put in every day, presumably to get some sort of peverse feeling of acomplishment.

Stupidity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Either these people derive some kind of depraved pleasure from making me go off like an incendiary bomb, or they are all but braindead, and these comments are the echos of their moribund intelects waning away as their few remaining synapses fire for the last time.


Damnit El Reg Rule. Thx Moderatrix ;)

"I've heard of reticulated and burmese, but not monty pythons....WTF?"

Return to your cave, there is nothing for you here.



@Andus McCoatover: WHY??????????

You are everything I've come to hate.

Coat/Hilton/Icon expanation are examples of memes horribly abused. They're only used now by those so devoid of imagination that they rely the "jokes" of others. Jokes that were barely funny at the time, let alone after 1-7 years of contant repitition. Jokes that in some cases, aren't fucking jokes.

You are the same people who, 20 years on, ape the same Monty Python scetches, using an unconvincing voice, all the while failing to see the irony of parrot (fuck you) like repetition of jokes where the charm and humour lie in their spontaneity and randomness. You know who you are.

Like Daily Mail readers, you base your opinions and actions on what other people are doing, not what you actually think. Think? You don't know HOW to think, like mindless automatons or ants in a nest you scurry about your business, never understanding or questioning.

Use your fucking brain and either say something that with enrich the converstaion, or shut the fuck up and resign yourself to obscurity. We don't fucking care. It isn't funny. It never was. I'm sick and fucking tired of it.

Mods: Censor this, edit it, whatever, just post it pls. I'm fed up to the back teeth and I know I'm not the only one.
