I like libraries and I like Kindle
As an editor and writer who saw his first published story set in hot metal, I marvel at Amazon's Kindle reader and its role in the future of the "printed" word.
I'm thrilled to see Oprah endorse Kindle!
No traditional book can offer the interactive platform I've created for the Kindle edition of my novel Brazil or open the door to actively sharing the magic that goes into the making of a monumental novel.
I'm able to link the e-text to an online guide with more than 200 images and illustrations, providing a companion to a fictional journey through five hundred years of Brazilian history. Plus my working notes and journal of a 20,000-kilometer trek across Brazil.
You can get an idea of the guide at my website: http://www.erroluys.com
Were Gutenberg here to see the Kindle, he would have one word to say: "Bravo!"