ROTM, indeed.
Clear evidence of the need for the First Law.
24 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Apr 2007
If you weren't satisfied with today's story, I think I see one that is more entertaining. It's right there on the floor, next to that roll of carpet. Go on, pick it up. --KZEEEEEERT!--
Can someone help me get this carpet into the lift? It's heavy.
Thanks, Simon, for another installment! I've been missing my BOFH.
...seem to be gone! At least for the moment. I found myself speed reading the top of the articles just so that I could scroll the annoying and distracting Flash ads off the screen as quickly as possible. I was so intent on avoiding them that I can't even tell you which ads they were; so much for effective advertising!
Overall, I like the redesign better than the previous layout (although that was a *great* improvement from the one before, where the article titles weren't in fixed height cells -- shudder). Some people will always complain about change; to them, I say, "Good luck with that attitude in the IT industry."
amfM, make mine an Old Fashioned.
Please, it's Pr1me, not Prime. Well, was, I guess. :)
Ours had the drive with the replaceable 150MB disk pack (washing machine top load variety). We kept a spare on the shelf because we had about a 30% chance of a head crash whenever the drive had to powered down. As a matter of fact, I remember one time when-- KZEEEEEERT!!
It's a good thing I have my own PFYs around to keep me in line.
Mostly, I keep my old hard drives. When I'm ready to recycle them, I take the platters out and use them as geek drink coasters. Ooh, shiny! A few passes from the bottom of a porcelain mug makes it economically unviable to recover the data.
I'm very very happy with the Eee PC (one week now), except for one thing -- the headphone volume. I took it on an airplane trip and could barely hear the movie I was watching, with all volume at max. My old Dell Latitude LS has no trouble pumping out sound on the same headphones. I haven't tried different headphones yet to see if it is some sort of compatibility problem with the pair I was using. A boosted pair of headphones may be the answer.
I showed it to many of my younger cousins, and they all liked the form factor quite a bit. Nobody complained about the keyboard except for me (47) and my mother (76). I expect that younger folks have no trouble adapting to the smaller size. I have largish hands, but I'm getting used to it.
I use and administer Windows daily, and I'm a long-time Linux hobbyist. I don't care what OS a system runs as long as it provides the needed functionality. Xandros and Asus have provided an environment that is instantly usable by novice Windows users (like my parents).
"Actually, though they're not always right, they have been a number of times on Doctor Who stories (or partly right)."
(or a little bit right)
(or similar to being right)
(or knew someone who was right once)
(or... oh hell, it's b*llocks)
At least they spell Doctor and Who correctly.
They should call him "Superman 4real Wheaton". I can imagine what all his introductions will be like.
"Hi, I'm Superman."
"For real?"
"Yes, that's my middle name. How did you know?"
Re: Think different
Properly, it should be written "think differently", unless you walk around thinking, "Different, different, different...."
The payout is over a four year period. That works out to $62,500 per year per teacher, which is not an unreasonable salary, especially for living in the S.F. Bay Area.
However, budgeting (or at least planning) for this should have started 14 years ago, as mentioned above.