* Posts by Ira Downing

2 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Oct 2008

Facebook knuckle-raps Intel, AMD

Ira Downing


I'd like to see if a T1000, a low end cool threads server from sun would perform with facebook backend software.

What is a Linux distro worth?

Ira Downing
Thumb Down

Are you sure?

I thought linux was a kernel? Thats it. Then a bunch of Coders from around the world built the software that runs on the kernel. Did Linus Torvald spend a billion dollars creating a kernel?

In my experience most small business startups will have founders moonlighting to run the startup until enough income rolls in to work on it full-time.

The entire notion of some angel investor stepping in with salaries and benefits in the millions to create a product from scratch is not realistic. Any real world attempt to create a new operating system would not waste time re-inventing the wheel. They would be aware of the processes that created OSX.

I'm sorry but I feel this article is a load of horse shit.