Re: Mondegreens
Ummm.... more misinformation. It's at about 1:30 into the track. hth ;)
43 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Oct 2008
I think you are all being pointlessly pessimistic. At an acceleration of only 1G (which even a decent car can briefly manage) for a year, you'll be doing the speed of light. In 10yrs you're up to 10x light speed and it's time to start thinking of truning round to slow down. When you arrive at your heavy destination you'll be stronger since you will be many years younger than when you started. S'easy, let's get on with it.
BBC Version: [US military scientists lost contact with an unmanned hypersonic experimental aircraft on its second test flight, officials said.
The Falcon Hypersonic Test Vehicle 2 (HTV-2) successfully separated from its rocket but lost contact shortly into its "glide phase".]
Come the revolution, all Aunties journo's are hereby fired.
If this humungous comments trail shows, nothing else, it shows that there is no practical consenus. If we can agree amongst ourselves that Reg readers are not the stupidest cross-section of society you'll find, then surely the merits of the Pro debate would be self-evident, and accepted as The Truth by all these right-thinking analysts.
Because it's the Pro debate that counts, the side of the argument which is the mannequin upon which the tawdry rags of Social Change are being hung. We are being told to change our behaviour, our outlook and our rubbish collections on the strength of a theory which has been raised to the level of religion so as to avoid unwanted examination. To deny is to be heretic, hand me that rock. So I may lob it at Snail Man up there.
Sadly speelign this pour detrackts badlie form any seriuz point yur trying to make. Honestly, if you can't be arsed to take in the fundamentals that school has been trying to push into you all your life, why should we believe that you have the intelligence to sort out fact, fiction, and conspiracy theory?
Properly good subbing there, top hole old chap.*/index seems to be a fair first approximation of the public sites, as for the rest only Google, the USA, China, Russia and er... anyone who's actually interested knows. I'd guess that HMG is the only one in the dark.
It's everywhere, and yes, it's totally impervious to sonic screwdrivers. It controls our thoughts, our actions, our language, even our clothes. Entire populations are bent to its anvil. A dramatic representation on TV is well-nigh impossible, tho resistance is futile and often illegal. Go fight some political correctness in a Welsh quarry Doktor!
More people should take the time to read at least some of the debate in Hansard. These people are not the supine retards of the previous govt, they sound like they don't intend their time in parliament to be spent entirely on arse-licking and drinks parties.
I hear the comments above about the surveillance society and agree with most of them. ALL surveillance, at whatever level, fundamentally presupposes guilt of all the .. er .. surveilled until they prove themselves innocent by inaction. It's an overwhelmingly depressing of the state of Britain today and the dark paranoia within.
At least this is OUR surveillance. Google is America's plaything and is doubtless used as a very handy tool by the Men In Black. America, of course, takes paranoia to previously unimagined depths and must surely be kept at bay by any means possible. We can live without street view after all. Especially as it's completely impossible to use sensibly!
Am I alone in having been online so long that the thrill of online thrusting bits has waned immensely? In days of yore I was way up there with my 56K modem, but it seems to me that a one-day sub on any major site would satisfy even the most 'ardent' teenager for months? Broadband has therefore freed me to research youtube's cat collection, which is apparently even more infinite (??) than the other kind of pussy!
Could someone tell me whether LCD's have finally reached the easeof-viewingness of CRT's yet? You know, without the weird blocks of iffy colours or the banding of graduated fades?
And if we really want to be green, we'll be dirty. How many TV's on standbywould a shower, let alone a bath power?
Unless I'm missing something big here, this bike is run by batteries. Batteries are HEAVY. Weight is the absolute enemy of any fast bike worth the name. Surely something more in the Harley/Goldwing mould would be a more suitable er.. vehicle?
Go coz if it lives up to the blurb it might still have a future.
Am I wrong or has the new Northern BBC not mentioned this debate at all? It is after all, proper news that will affect the entire country in the end, and throws the same light on .gov machinations that the opt-out donor scheme raises. All consulations external to its own domain are purely for PR purposes and have no bearing on policy - that is already decided.
So as the old graffiti goes - don't vote it only encourages them!
The distant schweeep and small 'happy service' presaged the arrival of Trillion on the bridge of the Heart of Gold. Marvin failed to intone quietly 'oh God' as he placed the book on the console at which he unaccountably sat. Trillian wrapped herself round his angular 'skull', an action which has caused a small thrill to run down the spine of humanoid lifeforms from Alpha Centauri to Zylaxan II. Marvin was not humanoid and had no spine. He exchanged a glance with the Max Headroom animation that Eddie was currently using as a 'sentient interface unit'.
'Hey!' she thrilled. 'The new book's arrived'. Another glance was exchanged.
'Is this the one which gives my character a semblence of purpose in this series?' Her voice betrayed the futility of the question.
'NO' her audience intoned flatly. 'That universe is yet to be discovered'.
It's 7.45am and the sea of drones in front of you is trickling along at walking pace, their speed controlled by the clutch, not the gas pedal. In your new electro-whiz your foot nervously tickles the accelerator, fully aware of the stump-pulling power of a large electric motor. Suddenly, from nowhere, comes a sneeze...
Paris - no batteries required