* Posts by Paul Naylor

104 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Apr 2007


Chris Pine steps into Kirk's shoes

Paul Naylor

It's Star Trek...

... who cares??

Maddy: TV torture for the ADD generation

Paul Naylor

A very interesting piece

I totally agree with the author of this piece, and with Sir Runcible Spoon. There is obviously a demand for this kind of television, be it news or reality TV and it seems to me that the lines between the two 'genres' are beginning to blur alarmingly.

Do we have technology to blame for this? People are consuming technology with the net result that they don't actually have to go out into 'the real world' and interact socially, with real people. Why should they when there a million blogs and interactive systems such as Second Life? The media add to this by making us scared to walk out of the house. So, instead, their interraction is with the people on the TV or in the news. And the human compulsion to reach out to people results in us assuming that we have a part to play in a total stranger's life, even if it's at a subconscious level..

One recent event where this was so disgustingly evident was the recent death of Jane Tomlinson. I have the utmost respect for the woman but to have her funeral played on large public TV screens, like some version of the Truman Show was alarming and tacky to the extreme. And yet those that sucumbed to it call me cynical or hard faced.

Roger Waters once summed up our media hungry society thus: "This species has amused itself to death..."

Enraged bee bursts Taiwanese woman's breast implant

Paul Naylor

Diamond bullet through the temple genius!

I'm not commenting on the story because I didn't actually get past the tagline "Swarm in a B-cup".

Perhaps the best play on words ever!

Sinclair ZX Spectrum: 25 today

Paul Naylor

I never had a Spectrum...

... but I had a VIC-20 and used to pop round to a mate's just about every night to play on a mate's Spectrum. Jet Set Willy was the favourite game, along with Night Lore, Alien8 and Sabre Wulf.

Some might be interested in this genius link that celebratesthose halcyon days: http://www2.b3ta.com/heyhey16k/
