* Posts by darkmooink

36 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Oct 2008

Angels can't fly: Official


santa cant exist

there was a study done by some bored students showing that santa would burn up in less than 1 second due to friction if he ever existed. but i have also known friends work out how many flys it would take to stop a train and i have also worked out that you would have to be travelling over 5 times the speed of light for 30 seconds to Mars to be true

Spy boss poked by Facebook


if its such a secret

why has he even been named? if the position needs such good secriety round it then why have they told the world who he is?

i think he is only a face for the press/public.

One millionth English 'word' is... Web 2.0


Results of about 76,300,000 for "WEB 2.0"

how many of them are classed as "deployments in the media, social networking sites, and other hotbeds of linguistic creation" need to be less than 0.3333% for it to only have just hit 250,000 and that is only the web based ones, what about all the newspapers and mags?

ha what a joke

US team create carbon nanotube ultra-memory


to be exact

its actually 10,457,355,285 years, 151 days, 1 hour and 4 minutes, give or take a few leap seconds

Level 3 wilts in London sunshine (again)


@bod & james

there is a lovely data centre in Newbury that is an old nuke bunker and the only real way heat can get in there is the front door (that is about a foot thick) and they have lovely staff there too. the company also has one in Kent, they are a lot nicer that our previous data centre in the docklands apart from the radiation suit that you have to put on to visit your servers.

BBC devs Doctor Who movie script


the dr is who?

wont Tennant be gone by the time the film comes out? ot even starts filming come to that?

Women coppers eager to drop trousers


@sarah bee

I think female police officers should wear skirts and here is my entire brain.

Ford crushes half-price hybrid hoax


@ Oscar

in the us it seems (from what i hear) that a lot of cars are automatic and automatics are less fuel efficient


free advertising

anyone think that this is a bit odd?

are ford just after a bit of free advertising?

mines the one with Find-a-part.com logo on the back (another company looking for free adverts)

Archaeologists unearth oldest known 3D pornography


iis it me or...

dose it look a bit like chicken?

Google's email goes titsup (again)


what problem?

i run google domain thinngy for the mail services and haven't seen the problem please explain more

Apple brands UK tabloid 'obscene'

Jobs Horns

adult cat

what is wrong with having an adult category in itunes then problem solved

Google nabs purse snatcher


g1's as well as iphones

don't forget that latitude is not available in the uk on a g1, so the thefts have a choice of 2 phones to nick

(again) where is the Larry and/or Sergey halo pic?

mine is the one with an omnia in the pocket with latitude enabled and the battery dyeing

Virgin Media switches to Gmail

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whats the problem here

what are peoples problems here? its going from one multi-national company that doesn't give 2 hoots about your problems to another, the only difference is that google knows what they are doing and have a large team trying to improve it.

where is the Larry and/or Sergey halo pic?

BT does Italian Job on London traffic lights


internet structure

i thought that the whole reason the internet was built how it is, is so that if one connection is cut (or city is bombed) then the others can carry on as normal (or with money saving measures, with impaired capacity) not no connection at all.

BBC goes live... over Wi-Fi

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works fine on the omnia, now all i need is a headphone cable that also allows me to charge it

Swedish web traffic tumbles as IPRED arrives



you are right but one dose include the other so if web traffic falls then net traffic will as well (unless another net traffic increases) so that those statements can be true. but unless the Swedes are really bad at finding the torrent i doubt that web traffic would fall that much.

Jacqui Smith pulls in another TV psych in violence probe


priorities wrong

"Papadopoulos has been drafted into a Home Office Consultation entitled "Together We Can End Violence Against Women And Girls"."

surly it should just be "Together We Can End Violence" ? or is violence against men and boys acceptable or at least more acceptable?

mine is the one with blood splatted all over it

IT contractor charged over US oil rig hack



has he been granted bail? if so how much? it should be at least $3m like terry childs.

BBC zombie caper slammed by security pros



this is just showing you what can be done just like another bbc show "the real hustle" which is in its 6th season. a person/computer being exploited for gain and then the marks being told that they were exploited

Man punts 'prototype' iPhones on eBay



is it me or dose this this look like the iphoney that was featured a while ago?

Developers more 'satisfied' with PHP than other codes

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how can you compare languages that have completely different uses its like asking what is better to drive, petrol car or a battery remote controlled car. if now they grouped them into how they are used then i might take some notice of the results. plus, in my experience, most people have experience of one language of each type and you take jobs in the languages you know. i mean why would someone learn both asp and php? therefore how could they compare them? this is total bs

Lads from Lagos crack cabinet minister's webmail account

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wtf, a hotmail account

why the hell is he using hotmail, i would have thought that he would have had j.straw@labor.org or blackburn@labour.org. hasn't the labour it department heard of exchange (or dare i say it, gmail). where is the professionalism in using hotmail, if i see an advert for a company that uses a non company based email address (if they have a website i think its even worse) i will not deal with them because it looks like they dont give a s***.

Sky network downed in London


dear reg reader

get your it department to plug the vodafone dongle into 1 pc and set up internet sharing using that pc as a gateway. might mean slower access but you can still do more than one thing at a time.

Rogue admin faces court delay


where the $200k went

the $200k is for the 10 people now doing Childs job to spend 3 weeks going "WTF?" and then making a 10 min phone call to Childs and him telling them how to fix it.

UK.gov backs ISPs on charging content providers, throttling P2P


licence fee

why are people saying "I've already paid my licence fee why should i have to pay again?"

it is the isp's that are saying pay more, it should be "ive already paid for my internet why should i have to pay again?"

US couple leg it with 'gift from God' bank error

IT Angle

decimal point

not the first time a us company didnt know what a decimal point was for see http://verizonmath.blogspot.com for proof

McKinnon lawyers push for UK trial


i see where the damage was

the damage was that they had to install new security because the managers found out that one person could get through and was therefore not good enough for the job and needed an upgrade.

Exam board to hear appeal over format cockup

IT Angle

they got what was coming to them

"e-portfolios with links to documents that remained inaccessible on the school's internal servers"

they deserve to fail! one of the first things i was taught at school was about relative and absolute file linking.

Entire class fails IT exam by submitting in Word format


lucky kids

i think they are lucky that they could submit in a digital format at all, my course (advance gce in applied ict) you had to print EVERYTHING out. if you made a web page, program, animation, video ect. then unless there was an obvious problem the examiners wouldn't know that we messed up. yes wrong file format = fail but no files = bigger fail. well at least they couldn't reject them because they were the wrong paper or ink

mine is the one with 500 sheets of paper in the pocket instead of a cd

Pirates pee on Amazon's MP3 parade


Mp3 is outdated/poor???

so what should we use that is as universally recognised?


piracy is good (for some things)

im a freetard but i buy something if i think its worth it. i have spent over £100 on 2 bands from 2 album downloads (1 i have bought and the other i am unable to buy due to not being sold anywhere but would if i could) because i liked them so much

MacBook range revamp snippets slip out

Jobs Horns

apple p me off

why do people get so excited about new apple products? i mean when was the last time people got excited over the new Nokia, dell or Zen?

ill tell you why, its because they have a monopoly over apple products. if you want to use osx then you MUST use a mac and only use apple approved software on it. if you want apple hardware (usually "cos it looks cool") you can only use it with other apple hardware (exclusion of ipod and iphone) and only with apple software.

so you can have a small selection of mac's for fixed prices from a limited ammount of retailers.


you can have a pc with a large selection of hardware, os's and software that greatly range in price, from thousands of different retailers and actually have a choice

Samsung Omnia 16GB smartphone

Gates Halo

@robert hill

"With all that as background, I CAN and WILL slag WM for a) requiring a stylus to do so many common UI tasks, and b) having NESTED MENUS on what should be a finger-driven interface."

ok a) i have done a fair bit with my fingers on this phone and i dont know what your complaining about, the few things that ive had problems with is due to myown settings or haveing a cheep case on it (and fat fingers)

b) where are the nested menus? i can only think of them in programs not developed by microsoft.

Gates Halo

re:getting to grips with it

ive had my 8gb omnia for 2 weeks now. i have found a solution to some of your problems

1) some applications like google maps and opera have a exit option in the menu that closes the program, it takes some time to do it without thinking though.

2) there is an option in power -> calling that stops the screen from turning off during a call, you will still have to press the little black button but you wont have to wait for the screen to turn back on


i have tomtom 7 on my omnia but had to install gpsgate to get it working , did you have to do this with yours?

Next Windows name unveiled: Windows 7

Gates Horns

oh think of the shop assistants in pc world

i can just imagine it now "you want vista on your pc cos Microsoft have re released an old version of windows. i mean windows 95 and 98 were out like years ago so they should be up to 100 or 105 at least now but they have given us windows 7 which must be like 50 years old"