"Very good, now perhaps you could use it to write a message that is worth reading? :)"
Doesn't this reply also qualify for a request for something worthwhile to read, too?
Does my reply to reply? When will this madness end?
6 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Oct 2008
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patch_Tuesday - In order to reduce the costs related to the deployment of patches, Microsoft introduced the concept of Patch Tuesday.
non-critical patches are release in bulk for patch Tuesday. Critical Patches are frequently released on a one-off basis and likely when MS gets around to approving one for this IIS vulnerability it will likely be one of the one-off patches.
@ Anonymous Coward : You over-estimate the general populace. How many people get infected with spyware/malware/viruses every day? How hard is it to think - "Do I really want to install this thing I didn't ask for that popped up in my face? yes/no" /click yes anyway.
If you try to use HPPTS the web page will error with an invalid security cert. because the page is not what gmail.com is serving.
@ Andrew Langhorn : He was doing a proof of concept - reproducing the web page with malicious code.