* Posts by Mezkal

5 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Apr 2007

Tony Blair closes RSA 2012, denounces WikiLeaks


Re: What a fucking hypocrite!

Politicians are meant to be our equals, not our betters. That's what representative democracy is all about. Obviously you're expressing some fetish and confusing that with opinion. Stay in nappies foras long as it pleases you, the rest of us will think and act as responsible adults.

NASA blows whistle on Antarctic Y2K (+5) meltdown


Which is exactly what the petrochem cos and governments want...

In order to distract from the obvious truths that the world is getting hotter and that we've caused it, petrochem cos and certain elements of certain governents elevate baseless 'experts' and their 'expert opinion' to levels that somehow equate with simple, provable mathematics and long term statistical analysis. No matter what FUD we're faced with, intelligent and thoughtful people must stand firm and debate these environmental issues as often and as thoughtfully as possible. The Petrochem conglomerates have more money and will make this debate go on as long as possible until there's no fossil fuels left. At that point, they will crucify their own and cry MEA CULPA. Our job is to prove them wrong with science fact before that happens.

IBM mainframe ties the knot with video game chip


Second Life deserves second look

It's so easy to bash things these days. Anonimity allows for the smallest of intellects to act like the largest of egos. The majority of people who attack SL are basically just snobs who never got over the commercial failure of There.com. I was a beta tester for both and I can happily say that SL kicks the proverbial out of most online 3D virtual worlds - even those where people pay good money for monthly subscriptions. SL has lasting appeal primarily because it's a 3D world where anyone can create .. well.. anything and they do so on an almost hourly basis. Where it lacks in realtime voicechat (though this is acheivable via the use of external apps like Ventrillo and suchlike - this is what's done in many other online worlds including World of Whorecraft and City of Zeroes - yes I've played both too and loved/hated em for different reasons) SL makes up in spades in creativity. Sure, if you look for poseurs, freaks and wankers you'll find them in SL but if you actively look for interesting things and people you'll easily find them too.

As for the comments that allude to SL people who lack of real life - I met my honey via SL and she's here with me now, actually she's in bed asleep - all semi naked and yummy, but she's real all the same....and we have a cat too.

SL like RL is what you make of it.

Sinclair ZX Spectrum: 25 today



I think that's what it was called when they extended the colour pallette via lowered intesity. Amiga and C64 could do that too from memory.


Speaking of Head Over Heels

Remake for Windows, Jon Ritman approved!


Personally I was a C64 kid, even though I'd played a speccy (who the hell spells it 'specky', noob) back in '83 when on a family holiday in Bath of England. I just found the C64 to be more to my liking - more colours, no colour clash stuff and better sonics. I deplored the CPCs and HATED the TRASH 80 with a passion (there's no way it came out before the Spectrum either - Tandy/Radio Shack never innovates - they copy and sell at a markup). As a C64'er I was always jealous of the Speccy's higher res games in monochrome, especially Vector greats like Cholo, Elite and Microprose Stunt Car Racer. Also I(i-i-i-i-i-i) Ball was better on Spectrum - probably my fave budget game of all time.

Wizball still stands as my alltime hero of gaming lore though and it was best on C64 :) *waits for combatant commentary*