Cue the toilet humour... whoops, too late!
Who's taking the piss then?
57 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Oct 2008
Try checking your settings in the Software Update pane in System Preferences. (I think Yosemite has a separate App Store pane in the same location). On my OS X 10.8 systems, Automatic Updates was ticked by default. Annoying that there's no link to Prefs in the App Store app itself.
Happy Yule.
Wasn't part of the "Seattlement" of the first anti-trust action that MS dictated to the Justice Department a self-imposed Chinese Wall separating the OS dev team from the apps teams? The one that a certain Justice Thomas Penfold Jackson was brought in to rubber stamp when the trial judge flatly refused to, I mean. Not being totally naive here, I'm curious if anyone understands how the subsequent course of MS' legal manoeuvring has played out in this regard.
I can get a perfectly decent DOS system from then with a proper keyboard, 4.7 kb memory and a monitor for less than half that! You know, what everybody uses to get real work done. And it comes in a box of some kind. Plus they threw in an Etch-a-Sketch. I'd rather put up my hard earned sheckels for two real computers than some Apple toy for brain-dead zombie sheep etc, etc.
It's a very small place but they need a Fucking Tourism Commission or some such thing. Then develop a Fucking business plan and big up the Fucking name – by that I mean rename it "Great Fucking". The highway signs – "Great Fucking Ahead" will do the rest for them. Yes, I know it translates to Gross Fucking but that may be it's own kind of attractant – who knows? Anyway, with a little initiative they can all become rich Fuckers!
A spa was suggested as another idea but somehow "Bad Fucking" doesn't have the quite the same cachet.
Agreed. Mr Assay is either willfully ignorant of recent history or is trying to rewrite it. Office '98 on the Mac was a straight out port of the DOS/Windows Office '97 and it bombed in the marketplace, being the utter crap you might expect.To MS's credit, they surveyed their vassals on the Mac platform, hired over 100 Mac programmers to show them how to code and released a pretty reasonable Mac-native product. They did it because they valued the business – a higher proportion of Mac users at the time used MS Office than did Windows users. When Mr Jobs returned to Apple in 1997 continued development of Office for Mac was one of the items involved in Steve and Bill's horse-trading along with making IE the default browser and MS coughing up for a few Apple shares to settle the case of their wholesale "adoption" of Quicktime code. Both benefited enormously.
You could say being hired by Steve Jobs in the 1980's to write Word and Excel for the then new Mac platform was Bill G's second lucky break (after his mum got Gerstner at IBM to listen his DOS pitch) and the beginning of their symbiotic if fractious relationship. As for Office on the iPad. I couldn't care less. But then I don't have one. Yet.
I do hope we can trust the Reg to keep a watchful eye on this situation. As for this "practising" nudist, what's to practise? I mean really...
Other than keeping his hedges and fences to a suitable height, surely the best this put upon gent can do is to turn the other cheek?