Re: No more Acronyms
Here an pronounceable acronym for you: TOOMSOMSI
trouble originates on meat side of meat/screen interface
362 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Apr 2007
113 (RIKEN/Japan): Nipium, Ninjium, Udonium, Tempurium, Unagium
115 (Dubna/Russia): Putinium if they know what's good for 'em
117 (Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA): Yallium, Jackdanielsium, Bluegrassium
118 (Dubna/Russia & L.Livermore/USA): All I have are shitty suggestions: Crapon, Poopon
We suspect it might be quite hard to fidget deliberately at exactly the same level as you do when you’re not feeling guilty.
I suspect it might be quite easy to learn to fidget deliberately at a constant level regardless of whether or not you're feeling guilty.
For those unable to exercise such a demanding level of self-control, perhaps a packet of live crab lice dumped down the Y-fronts would do the trick.
Read the paper. The authors describe the increased mobility of the glaciers under study as a local effect. In fact, nearby is another glacier where temperatures are below normal (another local effect).
Alarmists take this local effect and scream about it being part of a global pattern when there is absolutely no support for such an assertion. Can you imagine what the well-paid warmist propaganda mill would say if anyone focused on that other, cooler, region and crowed that it was a sign that global warming was untrue?
Move along. There really is very little to see here.
I greatly admire Elon Musk -- and wish he had better judgment. On the one hand, he decries as unwarranted govt intervention in the marketplace when NJ mandates dealership franchise sales. On the other hand, Tesla and SpaceX both make out very well indeed from govt intervention in the marketplace.
This was exciting only in the aftermath. Many years ago when I was a lowly midnight shift computer operator at a bank, the four of us on duty would fill some of the empty time by tossing round tape canister lids around the computer room like Frisbee discs. We did this, anyway, until I skipped a lid off the top of the 2540 card reader/punch after which it sailed into the big POWER OFF button on the front panel of the IBM 360/40 that was most of the way through the nightly 6-hour demand deposit account update batch run. We did recover by deadline, but just barely.
As penises and nipples both undergo dimensional and morphological changes when suitably stimulated, this raises the question of whether or not Apple's software can determine the same body part independent of said body part's engorgement or surface moisture level. If not, then choosing the excitement level for unlocking becomes very important for fanboi (and girl) wankers.
Judge Chin's arrogance is showing. If a piece of legislation is flawed it is the job of the legislative body that crafted it in the first place to fix it. Each and every judge, heck, each and every individual, can make up his own idea of the "spirit" of a law but there is no authority to appeal to for saying just what that spirit is save the legislators who wrote it and voted for it. Chin's job is to hear evidence for and against the proposition that some party has violated a law or has damaged another party, not to impose his own creative view of what the law should mean.
@John Smith 19: "Despite the McCarthy witch nuts America has never experience a real repressive regime."
Demonstrably untrue: 1861-1865 under Abraham Lincoln, and during the ensuing Reconstruction in the former CSA. To a lesser (but not much) degree during the Great War (WWI) under Woodrow Wilson.
@DrGoon - "As others have noted, DOS-based Windows (as early as WfW 3.1) broke the Netware stranglehold in very many small office environments."
Yes, indeed. Also note non-Windows DOS machines benefited from file and printer sharing by means of the Workgroup Add-on for MS-DOS. Very handy, that, for (at that time) legacy non-Windows applications.
And come on, fellow geeks, the term ABEND is still alive and well in z/OS mainframe shops, Note I say the TERM is alive and well as z/OS shops don't really tend to see many abnormal terminations, at least not like a few decades ago. (Hmm. I'm 64. I wonder what age percentile that puts me in amongst El Reg readers?)