unlikely base in Skipton, North Yorkshire
What's unlikely about that? It's also the home of the Flagcrackers of Craven Morris side and Copper Dragon beer and they're much more unlikeley
13 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Oct 2008
I agree - I don't want to hide my opinions. Nothing to hide nothing to fear. The whole affair stinks. We know this govt and the US govt is complicit in acts of torture and will do anything to cover it up. Probably including silencing its criics . . . oh . . . what am I saying!
Anyway - come out of the closet. Speak the truth and shame the devil!
BH just like the one hovering overhead right now . . .
Many years ago as a rookie techie at Broadcasting House, during a time when TIM was reportedly giving some trouble, I was given the task of monitoring it _all night_ on a pair of headphones. How I survived even the "dulcet tones" without going completely mad I'll never know. Maybe I did go completely mad. Pat Simmons never dropped a millisecond, but I learnt to recite TIM off line with astonishing accuracy.
Tinker Bell? What have we come to . . . .?
Paris 'cos she's got the time for anyone.
. . . once we get all those nasty filiament lighbulbs banned, and those lovely polluting emetic Toc H "energy saving" bulbs rammed down people's throats - or wherever - all will be well. Trust us. It'll be especially good for you if you're a bulb/light fittng/spectacle manufacturer.
Poison sign for landfill mercury residues in ESLs