The founder of wikileaks now is against the release of his own information.
Oh irony, you taste so sweet.
13 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Oct 2008
I just bought two new phones on Verizon last Saturday, with the 30$ unlimited data plan. I'll be dammed if I don't get my unlimited data for the entire life of the contract that I've signed with them. I am a very heavy user of my data plan, and 2 gigs isn't enough for me for a month. Yes, that may be enough for most users, but dammit I'm paying for what was marketed to me as an unlimited data plan, and I will have my unlimited data.
I'm not one of those people to harp on about privacy this and that, but this really scares me. Next thing you know you'll be able to get badges for sending different emails! "Tom sent an email to marry containing a message about an embarrassing sexual disease!
This could be really quite bad, but on the bright side, hopefully, I can get people's resumes off the hire list if this as at the top of it :)
I'm not sure what made my day better, the article in itself. or reading the comments...
as an american who loves to blow the hell out of things, i am completely on board with this idea, and then using the sharks/lasers afterwards to get the survivors.
I just wonder what would happen if one of the squirrels got a hold of one of the lasers...
Paris, only because she wants the mink coats after they get done the "humane" killing by ripping apart the poor animals :)
you watch, someone will say she's in PETA or something, well, i'm not going to read the comments after i comment, so say what you want :)