* Posts by Paul

4 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Oct 2008

Banned US shock-jock demands Clinton intervention


We can enact a law anywhere, anytime...

If I remember my legal training, Lord Denning IIRC, pointed out that laws can be enacted against anytime, place, thing. The example was , if the UK passed a law banning smoking in Paris then so be it, as soon as one of those transgressors entered in our jurisdiction we could lock'em up!

The only places we cannot legislate are those we have explicitly made a law to say 'we cannot legislate' ie South Africa, and Canada's constitutional reforms.

and with that PUB!

US states may seek Microsoft anti-trust extension


and finally....


Councils clamp down on Strategy Boutique Newspeak



I hate it, I've always hated it. "pro"-active.

It's not a word. It's nothing, zip, bupkiss totally redundant.

we do not proactivate something if it is deactivated, and when it is reactived it is not proactivated.

active *IS* pro-active, but with out the asshatted, fuck-wittery that comes with the latter term.

If your are active, then you are "ACTIVE" in your actions, you can't be "pro" too it's redundant, your already doing it.

There are many, many, many more, so i suggest not a Jargon Buster, but a Jargon Thermonuclear Strike.

Now excuse me, I'm right in the middle of actualising a robust solution, for invested stakeholders.

Microsoft sneaks out Silverlight 2

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Re: The Sixty Percent Solution

Sorry bit off topic, but Crystal reports is steaming, bag o'poo. If it was person it would be pedophile.

SSRS aint no dream but Crystal Reports lowers the bar to a such a back breaking low limbo height, it doesn't take much to create a more comfortable experience.

either way SSRS and Crystal, aint no LogiXml.