* Posts by mystra

9 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Oct 2008

Is using your own kit at work a good thing?


Just bad policy...

Personally I don't trust my users to not install junk on office equipment so why would I let them use their own virus riddled machines? That being said I've still got personal PDAs, iPads, and laptops connected to the network at times. This is what happens when management wants to appease everyone or is too cheap to purchase necessary equipment. (Even though we have a written security policy stating nothing but company equipment may be used on network or for company business.) We've had 2 issues in the past year already on personal equipment but nothing changes. One of these days something really bad is going to get through and I'm going to sit back and say "I told you so"

Kiss frontman gives file-sharers tongue-lashing



this rant from the man who's son blatantly plagiarized tite kubo's manga. perhaps he should pay attention to what goes on in his own family before lambasting others.

Helpdesk Heroes or unappreciated geeks?


It's not a foot rest...

Had a user once that constantly emailed that their mouse would stop working. Every time I went over, sat down, checked the wire, etc. everything looked fine. After 2 weeks with 5 emails I gave up and was about to change the thing out. Get to the user's desk and I happen to see she's using the cabling as a foot rest. Duh?!

100 freetards an hour join Pirate Party UK

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Something like this needs to be done in America. I applaud these guys for realizing they probably aren't going to get anywhere but at least they're wise enough to realize this. The issues will at least have a chance to be discussed now.

I'm a musician and the first thing I do with new music is get it out there any way possible. Eventually downloaders find me and I make some money. IMO that is the way things need to work and I think it's a viable solution if done correctly.

Satire website survives domain name challenge

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Well done I'd say. This is the first piece of good news thats come out of any of these sort of hearings that I've heard. Maybe there's still hope out there...

Indian outsourcers prepare for US trade war


In America

we give thousands of IT jobs out to India while our high school and college students can't find jobs in their chosen fields. While we lay off thousands of workers then have their jobs transplanted to other countries.

I work for a company that's done this and I personally find it degrading to thousands of people well qualified to do these jobs. I understand saving some money and cutting corners but to take jobs away from your own country to save is just plain wrong. America is steadily losing in the job market so why not bring some of those outsourced jobs back here?

Yeah wishful thinking...

Expedition to probe cavern lake 3km beneath Antarctic ice



ia ia cthulhu fhtagn!

Sony sued for collecting kids' data


'Scuse me

But am I the only one who thinks part of this should be on the parents of these kids? Sony should have software or something recognizing an age when someone enters their birth date (I would be surprised to find out if they didn't already). But yes that's limited because kids are going to lie but again.....that falls on the parents NOT Sony. Companies are keeping records of adults as well and I find it hard to think that they should be held responsible when/if kids are lying. If Sony knew they were holding records on minors then they're at fault, if it's a matter of kids lying on their ages to access these sites Sony's not at fault.

Catholic priests cane YouTube over blasphemous vids


All a bunch of cannibals

The wafer is an embodiment of Jesu Criste....so Catholics are eating a piece of a man raised from the dead i.e. cannibals and zombies. I would think as a whole one would be happy that the little tidbit was flushed....after all the Church doesn't condone cannibalism does it??

Sacrilege like beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Comparing that to plain disrespect is just stupidity.