It works well on the 3GS, but...
how well does it work on the basic 3G, without the AGPS and compass?
7 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Oct 2008
Considering the fuss they made about independence a couple of hundred years ago, I would have thought they would have jumped at the chance of ditching the "English" measurement system. As it happens they seem to be being pretty tenacious about it all - they're still using it over 40 years after the England itself ditched Imperial in favour of Metric.
Yes it's got a shiny big screen and a throbbing Atom CPU. They've sacrificed a gig of RAM capacity and the Ethernet port compared to the Mininote 2133 to cram them in though. That's going to make a lot of people (myself included) think twice about dropping their hard-earnt on it, even if it does turn out to be cheaper when it hits Blighty.
I get the impression that HP have released their Netbooks purely for the sake of not missing out on a market. There's a distinct air of "We have no idea who we're aiming these products at" about the changes.
The only reason I'm with Halifax is that they have a British-based callcentre for their phone banking. If they outsource it to India, I'm moving banks. The last thing I need when trying to sort out my finances is a language barrier. I had enough problems they trialled a voice recognition system...