* Posts by Dave Coleshill

7 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Oct 2008

TomTom UK and Ireland

Dave Coleshill

It works well on the 3GS, but...

how well does it work on the basic 3G, without the AGPS and compass?

Transformers MacBooks, robots in disguise

Dave Coleshill
Thumb Up


That ship looks very much like the combat drones from a very old game called Deuteros to me.

Impressive CGI though. =)

NASA takes stick over feet and inches

Dave Coleshill

It's quite ironic really.

Considering the fuss they made about independence a couple of hundred years ago, I would have thought they would have jumped at the chance of ditching the "English" measurement system. As it happens they seem to be being pretty tenacious about it all - they're still using it over 40 years after the England itself ditched Imperial in favour of Metric.

Sex offender email monitoring plan mothballed

Dave Coleshill
Paris Hilton


Yet again, the UK govt proves they are without a clue about the Interweb. And they wonder why no-one trusts them when they moot ideas like the uber database, and ID cards?

Paris, because even she could invent a new net identity in under 10 minutes.

Great Aussie firewall claims first victim

Dave Coleshill
Black Helicopters

An interesting test

A national firewall like the one Oz is trying to implement needs to be very carefully (and intelligently) managed. This looks to be proof that this isn't happening...

I wonder how long it'll be before someone gets http://www.australia.gov.au/ gets blacklisted?

HP introduces stylish VIA Intel-based netbook

Dave Coleshill

It's what's missing that counts.

Yes it's got a shiny big screen and a throbbing Atom CPU. They've sacrificed a gig of RAM capacity and the Ethernet port compared to the Mininote 2133 to cram them in though. That's going to make a lot of people (myself included) think twice about dropping their hard-earnt on it, even if it does turn out to be cheaper when it hits Blighty.

I get the impression that HP have released their Netbooks purely for the sake of not missing out on a market. There's a distinct air of "We have no idea who we're aiming these products at" about the changes.

HBOS could shift 2,000 IT jobs to India

Dave Coleshill

If their CS dept moves to India, I'm out.

The only reason I'm with Halifax is that they have a British-based callcentre for their phone banking. If they outsource it to India, I'm moving banks. The last thing I need when trying to sort out my finances is a language barrier. I had enough problems they trialled a voice recognition system...