* Posts by Kevin Dyas

3 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Oct 2008

iPhone 4 coming to T-Mobile UK

Kevin Dyas

It's coming to 3 UK too!

How cool, cannot wait!

HMRC bigs up success of online tax returns

Kevin Dyas

Not Problem Here Either!

Completed my return in early January, not had any problems!

It would seem HMRC did have an issue with the system not disabling the PAYE option after the 31st December deadline for that option of coding out.

SkypeOut goes mobile, Skype goes beta

Kevin Dyas

Well Done 3!

I found this feature on my handset today and love the idea! Previously if I wanted to phone my mum in Portugal I would wait till I got home and use my WiFi Skype phone or Skype To Go number from my mobile - now I can do it directly from my mobile straight into Skype! Well Done 3 !!!! I have had no problems logging into Skype and frequently use the chat bit of it.