Re: Only One?!?
It seems there is 12 of them in select lego stores -
33 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Feb 2009
From the BBC
> Aside from the Belfast operations, Airbus will take control of two Spirit factories in the US, one in France and one in Morocco.
> The Spirit operation at Prestwick in Scotland is not part of the deal and will also be sold separately.
@Robert Carnegie
To me at least, not every system needs much beyond a plan to buy replacement parts (not withstanding proviso's about availability ) - some systems your business can't live without forever, but can work around for weeks or even months.
>You can have the most rigorous backups in the world, but if you don’t have somewhere to restore them (i.e. a disaster recovery site) then you may as well not have them at all.
This isn't 100% true - in this case your time to recovery is the time it takes to source and access a replacement piece of hardware. If you've nothing in the cupboard, and no DR, that's down to what you can get out of your suppliers (or ebay).
I think this is important because to me all of this is a continuum of business impact versus cost, that starts from this point and runs all the way to HA with BC, etc... But for some data, a backup maybe enough - the business cost of not having access to it for a few days may not be high enough to justify the cost of DR.
My own experience over the last ten years owning both cars and phones is that yes, using a hand held phone will driving isn't a safe thing to do - did it once or twice and stopped. I have a hands-free kit for the last 6 or so years, and I think it really depends on the call - happy to chat to someone (mainly my wife) low involvement conversation - how was your day, how where the kids, do I need to pick up something from the shop, etc. And happy to take work calls where I'm a passive listener - but anything where I need to think and engage is lethal - tried it once, I'm told that in the middle of a passage of technical advice I just unconsciously started talking about road conditions and other cars - bad, but better than the alternative where I suspect I would have crashed - didn't try that again.
So I guess to me the problem here is that the behavior we want (drivers to focus on driving) and the action taken (banning hand-held mobiles) are loosely aligned, but the action may well not be having the effect we want.
Of course, one other possible reason - lots of drivers didn't use handheld mobiles when driving without the band being in place - I wonder if this group overlaps heavily with the group who would automatically obey the ban?
"But Mr Dent, the plans have been available in the local planning office for the last nine months."
"Oh yes, well as soon as I heard I went straight round to see them, yesterday afternoon. You hadn't exactly gone out of your way to call attention to them, had you? I mean, like actually telling anybody or anything."
"But the plans were on display ..."
"On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them."
"That's the display department."
"With a flashlight."
"Ah, well the lights had probably gone."
"So had the stairs."
"But look, you found the notice didn't you?"
"Yes," said Arthur, "yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying 'Beware of the Leopard'."
> According to the company, there will be no set date for release, since individual malware vendors will be tweaking the software for their own handsets when they are ready.
Despite most peoples general distain for them I don't think anyone thinks -
handset vendor == malware vendor
If Merv/Jim think this is going to be the biggest inaccuracy by the time the movie hits the big screen I suggest the bring a beer along to the cinema to cry into.....
Perhap the best solution is to get a black actor to play Guy, because then it would, of course, be ok for him to have a dog called N*gger...
To quote MS:
Ninety-five percent of the time the temperature outdoors happens to be the temperature that computer servers happen to love, so we only have to turn on the heat or the air conditioning 5 percent of the time
Low corporate taxes help, of course - anyway we need the money to pay back the EU, IMF, UK gov, etc......
It's ver 1.0 - Apple need to get it out into the hands of consumers and build the market. I don't think it's magical yet, but it has potential.
My own opinion is that the iPad can become the home "computer" of choice - it looks the part, this is critical to make it into people's living rooms. It's easy to use, pick up do what you need and put down again. BUT I think it's final future is as a partner to Apple TV - Apple TV has a sizeable HD and the iTunes connections to do the heavy lifting of holding your media library, downloading the latest shows as they become available. The iPad is a window onto that library, letting you browse, view and copy specific content onto it to consume outside the home.
Now if this comes to pass Apple will have displaced Sky, UPC, etc as well as a bunch of other incumbents and "own" your living room - they manage this any they'll be laughing! (all the way to the bank)
I went to the Intel SSD page, then onto a particular dive, under support there is a link which (finally) leads to the PDF above, which says:
"Intel warrants to the purchaser of the Product (defi ned herein as the Intel® X25-E, X25-M, and X18-M SATA Solid-State Drives) in its original sealed packaging (“Original Purchaser”) and to the purchaser of a computer system built by an Original Purchaser containing the Product (“Original System Customer”) as follows:"
I suspect they changed the way the trianglation worked - my mapping accuracy has improved no end since the update when I'm indoors. (outdoors was never an issue)
I wonder has the update exposed some issues with the way operators have configured their base stations? (So it was less accurate across the board before the update, now it has the potential to be more accurate, but badly configured base stations can throw it out to a greater degree?)
I ran into some of these problems last night with my upgrade. Two things seems to help:
1. Disconnecting my iPhone, openning iTunes and signing into my account.
2. Then plug in the iPhone, when it still failed (this happened a few times) clicking between the iTunes store and My iPhone inside iTunes forced it to retry and it eventually worked.
It seems that the iPhone must be re-activated after the upgrade and it's this step that seems to keep timing out.