* Posts by Che Kristo

8 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Sep 2008

Oz bloke in underpants wrestles 'lunatic ninja' roo

Che Kristo
IT Angle


Its hard to describe to ppl who haven't seen a buck kangaroo how intimidating they are...when standing they are over 6 foot and built like a brick shithouse. Seriously they look like gym junkies on steroids.

The man does deserve his hero title if he wrestled one out the front door

Silverlight to follow Obama into US presidency

Che Kristo
Gates Horns

What BS

Great! Hang on i'll just head on over to http://silverlight.net/ and install it:

One moment, please, while the current Silverlight installation status is determined...

"Microsoft Silverlight may not be supported on your computer's hardware or operating system."

Who was the asshat that made that decision

Investment firm looks for Sun's true value

Che Kristo

Hopefully going private

IMHO Sun is massively undervalued by the market. Yes Sun is more susceptible to the Financial Market Crisis than any other company outside that sector but even so it is still turning profits - for those with short memories turning a profit was a rare event for Sun once upon a time. Sun is reinventing itself and expanding into new markets a process that scares investors (See IBM) but in the end can pay off big time with those willing to hang their balls on the block.

Sun undershoots again

Che Kristo

Could Sun eat itself?

If Sun "is a cash cow with cash reserves of $5.3bn" and a market cap of $4.3bn could not the company buy itself, a financial ouroboros if you will...

Or is my simple mind failing to comprehend something here :-)

NetApp faces Sun lawsuit loss

Che Kristo

The boots on the other foot!

There is nothing better than seeing a patent aggressor cop it - hopefully Netapp lose out big time on this and learn a lesson.

Bull lands 200 teraflop German super deal

Che Kristo
Black Helicopters

Jeff Bonwick and Linus

May I kindly point you to: http://blogs.sun.com/bonwick/entry/casablanca

Jeff Bonwick (ZFS demigod) has Linus Torvalds over for a beer and a bit of a chat...maybe this explains the ZFS portion of this Linux system - then again it just may be poor journalism :-)

Judge traps RealDVD in legal limbo

Che Kristo


So instead of taking the least worst (for them) option they would prefer to remove Real from the market leaving consumers with such software titles as "Mac the ripper" which most definitely will not be encoding in their beloved DRM. I support them in their endeavor just as I would help Hitler voluntarily euthanise :-)

Secret Service camera bought on eBay

Che Kristo


What an honest citizen...I would have ducked on over to wikileaks.org and spilled the beans. Even more-so now that I see what happens when you do the 'right thing'