Sony customers
Hmm Sony customers are really getting screwed on online streaming stuff. No Netflix on pre-2012 devices now an unspecified delay before LoveFilm HD.
Meanwhile I do have a lovely Qrios Streaming or something all over my menus..
90 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Sep 2008
lol it was only a few months back when t-mobile helpfully 'upgraded' me from my 3GB data package to their new unlimited data package and in just a brief moment my speed dropped from a consistant 2Mbps to a wonderful 512k.. I insisted they switched my package back despite them telling me there was no way there was a cap on the unlimited connection as it was 'truely unlimited'
Well would you believe it I was back up to 2Mbps as soon as they switched it back.
Will wait and see how well this one turns out!
Used SwiftKey beta for quite a while but the amount of screen area it uses in landscape is just too much. Very fast though.
I don't understand Swype. Supporting a 'plethora' of phones? So they'd rather it carried on as it is then with the MANY people using it already on their unsupported phones without any issues and without handing over any money.
Both htc and motorola make their own keyboards, why would they buy swype?
As just some examples many apps need to read your phone call state so that they know to mute or hide when there is an incoming call.
Swiftkey needs to read your sms messages so it can learn you sentence structures (it even tells you this and ASKS for the permission)
Internet connection could be for all sorts of things, verifying the beta validity etc, it should probably make this one clearer when used.
Glad he's said this and been honest that they had no choice but to advertise inline with other companies and use the 'unlimited' term.
There are bodies that are supposed to regulate this sort of thing who just aren't doing their job.
There needs to be a ban on using the term unlimited so all of these companies can change overnight. They can't afford to not advertise an 'unlimited' package as customers will go elsewhere thinking they are getting a better deal despite being subject to Farce Usage Policies.
Orange claimed they have the most complete 3G network? Don't T-mobile, Three, Virgin and Orange all share the same 3G network?
Although speaking of Orange if you look at their Broadband Comparison on their own website they claim their deal is better than BTs cheapest package because BT only offer 10GB whilst Orange is 'Unlimited' despite Orange having an unofficial 3GB bandwidth cap...
>At lunchtime today, the Tories promised the UK would be "the first country in Europe to extend >superfast 100 mbps broadband across most of the population".
Was this before or after they promised flying pigs?
We are just not even close to achieving this, what a desperate load of nonsense.
Yep i've heard that one in Dixons before too. Friend was looking to buy a £2000 Plasma TV and the sales guy tried to sell him the extended cover for it which covered accidents etc.
"The plasma will start to wear out by 4-5 years so at three years have it fall off the wall and get a replacement"
"But the iTablet runs a full-scale, multi-tasking OS: Windows 7."
Pic shows Windows XP ;-)
I'm sure this was probably said for mobile phones and laptops in previous years but why is everyone so keen on a built in camera for the tablet? Just seems to me an extra feature that many will have little use for.
Bluetooth capability so you could send photos from a phone if required would probably suffice.
I just can't imagine walking around taking photos with a 12" tablet..
I would guess this won't have the nice touch interface the iPad will have though :-(
I like to think I use strong passwords but when my bank alone requires 4 passwords it's hard to start remembering even more passwords for various other sites...
Unless of course you get into the much safer practise of writing your passwords down ;-)
Abcd1234 never fails me.
Doubt Paris could remember them either.
So that's a large number of comments from people happy with their LLU service.
Good for you, I wish I could join you.
Everyone else on IPStream however has had speeds plummet from their up to 8Mbps (in my case 7.2Mbps) down to 384-512k some have even reported under 100k. This went on throughout September and October.
To help bring the speeds and ping back up O2 have effectively blocked any P2P 24/7. At least I can get 1-2Mbps on average now during the day and up to 5Mbps at night.
Their website and emails say it is blocked during peak congested times however the O2 Support Forums say otherwise as every user posting has been throttled to 5KB/s on any P2P 24/7!
"The families used Wii Fit for an average of 22 minutes each day during the first six weeks of it entering their homes, but for less than four minutes per day by the end of the three-month period."
Anyone who has ever done any sort of exercise will tell you 22 minutes of exercise is pretty much a waste of time. 4 minutes? you'd lose more weight sneezing.
Was a useless bit of research "We got together 8 very lazy and fat families and saw what happened when they didn't use a piece of equipment correctly over a period of 6 weeks"
"At last, here's an electric car that doesn't look like a church pew"
Better looking than a church pew perhaps but still looks like a mobility cart. The Tesla is on the right track it's a shame the tech just isn't ready for this sort of thing :-P
Ok so it's not as bad as that stupid G-Wizz...
But as others have said i'm not interested until the range picks up a bit. 150 miles sounds plenty in the city (assuming it uses next to no power in traffic?)
@ Paul Murphy
According to So&So Stats Inc the PC version only sold 20 copies so nobody cares ;-)
Why fuss over PC versions when the console version makes more money and sells far far more copies. PC version just gets pirated..
I do kind of feel sorry for the younger teens. They may have played the previous games which carried a lower rating so having a sequel come along with a higher rating does see a little unfair.
@Aortic Aneurysm
All that does is skip the contreversal Airport scene. It does not make the game the equivilent of a lower rating.
Nothing to do with the Police not being out there stopping people as often anymore?
I see many drivers on a daily basis flouting the rules as i'm sure others do. If anything I see more now than I did in the first year which followed the higher penalties. It's a rule that seems to have been forgotten by many drivers. LGV drivers are often on the phone after a delivery round here...
Hardly a bargain is it!
Compared to the On Demand stuff the US 360 owners get through NetFlix this is a HUGE rip off.
Also unless things have changed you can use TV Catchup on the PS3 browser AND iPlayer, both of which are free.
MS seems to have so many conflicting interests right now. The whole MS only HDD thing, MS want you to download this that and the other at prices which aren't a huge saving if at all and yet still charge far over the top for the various HDD options.
This Sky Player thing is just more useless nonsense. Whatever happened to the BT Vision integration they promised quite some time ago.
Even iPlayer would be a nice addition.
I bought my laptop with Vista on and found it to be quite good, better than XP. But after a few months it did slow down a bit with the many applications and files i'd forced onto it.
I've run the W7 RC for the past few months and tried to ignore the initial 'new OS syndrome' of everything being faster but after months of use it hasn't slowed down at all (unlike Ian Bonham above)
The new taskbar I thought would be a waste of time and I now find much more efficient. The compatibility mode ACTUALLY WORKS! several apps which refused to work under Vista now work again.
Install took around 30 minutes and it found and installed almost all of my hardware.
The change in file structure takes some getting used to but being a little untidy usually with my files it does help me keep things in order better.
Boot time from hibernation is superb :-D
I would hate to go back to XP now.
Only two comments and both iPod fanboys who've obviously never used a Zune before..
This is a stupid move on Microsofts part. How they think they will make any sort of break into the 'MP3' Player market and limit sales to USA I don't know.
If they want people to buy the thing instead of receiving negative press and nonsense fanboyism they need to make it available!
They also REALLY need to get into the accessories market, just about everything is iPod compatible these days.
Knowing how poorly some companies look after our card details it seems almost a waste of time worrying about the odd ATM withdrawal :-(
I've had my card cloned yet again recently and i'm sure it wasn't from an ATM as I completely cover the keypad and check for false fronts.
Just glad the banks are a lot quicker on blocking dodgy transactions even if it does mean sometimes blocking genuine transactions.
Today I received a couple of hundred quids worth of car audio equipment from a company online. It came in a used box which had been taped closed with packing tape.
The items inside were quite loose with no packign between them, one of which was a full wiring kit which had emptied its contents all over the box by the time it had arrived. The other two, an amp and stereo, were boxed and stacked on top of each other. Bringing the total height of the items to 20mm higher than that of the box.
Obviously the items were a bit squashed..
"Subscribers to the contract – which carries an 18 month term"
18 months contract on something ever changing like mobile broadband. I don't think so..
What happened to 12 month contracts being the norm, people seem to have accepted far too many of these 18 month contracts with telephone companies.
Why not get a PayPal Prepaid card? As far as I can tell they only charges you'll get are withdrawing money from an ATM. Otherwise it is pretty easy to manage.
On the downside PayPal might close your account without warning and you lose all of your money.
Combining a debit card with your phone credit seems like an odd idea..
I wonder if O2 will make up transaction amounts as it seems to with the data i've used on the internet and subsequently removing random sums of money from my credit!
At least that's how it feels :-(