What are they going to do with the £15 victim surcharge? Buy the cow a tapestry set to help the winter nights fly by ?
An I dont really care that theres no it angle, but Ill mention it before someone else does.
503 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Sep 2008
Perhaps elephant/room boy got excited, but there is genuine reasone to despise the ground that MS walks on.
For example they are the only company that I am aware of who sell a product that is 100 % completely and utterly exempt from the law with regards to warranties / fitness for purpose etc.
I bought a Dell Vista laptop with "designed for vista" on it.
Never, ever, will I give another penny to MS. It is truly terrible. The user experience is abysmal. They still cant copy large files for gods sake. It _removed_, yes, REMOVED functionality that is free with XP. Support for any useful form of syncing PDAs / Smartphones means shelling out for an Outlook license. The computer crashes all the time.
Im no linux fanboi but I use unix a lot at work. And it is one thousand times easier to configure than the amount of crap you need to do with the windows registry just to get is useable.
Despite all of this I still need windows because the monopoly they have created means that they are the only really supported platform. There is no choice.
Given that, when I part with my money I want the product to work. If it doesnt, and I have no comeback, then despising and hating them is a very natural reaction.
If windows 7 is reallly what people claim (a functional Vista) then it should be a free upgrade to anyone with a valid vista license.
MS can still make their money from XP upgrades, it seems there are many people who didnt jump to vista.
Not offering it as a free upgrade will drive people like me to piracy. I have never stolen anything in my life before, but I am certainly not paying for a vista upgrade.
When I first read the article, my initial reaction was to let the illiterate shite rot in his own vile spew and not even bother to explain that communication can be so much more than holding down 'shift' and beating the keyboard with your elbows.
Having read the comments however, it seems that some people really do feel that accessability and choice of a website's version is a real issue. I am almost persuaded to have a look just to see what it's all about. Im almost genuinely fascinated by the importance some people attach to facebook.
Are they all recovering addicts and this is their methadone? I have an addictive personality and dont want to become hooked.
"The case claimed Outlook's calendaring function infringed on the patent in the way it displays a month's calendar as a grid and then translates the date into an appointment date form."
There you have it. Right there above look. That is the reason why the US patent system should be put to sleep.
Its a fucking calendar!!!!!!!! Theye been doing it for centuries on paper, printing a small one and then a large one for the day next to it. I saw one from the 1840's this weekend. Any0one who thinks that is worth 6 million USD, let alone 350 million odd USD needs summarily shooting. When is enough enough?
Mind you don't get Lotus Engineering mixed up with Lotus cars. The former has its hands in almost every engine development, performing testing and type approval for most manufacturers. They also do a lot of drivetrain and suspension work on contract to most car companies. The latter designs and produces some top cars. Oh, and it's 'usually serious', not 'userly serious' if you're poking them with their favourite acronym. On an aside, I had an Elise for 18 months from new; 1 'trouble' and not serious. They really are a company us brits should be proud of. Even if the cars part is a bit Malaysian of late.
"(I am not a chemist or an electrician.)"
Really ? Thanks for the clarification. Your comment did nothing to give that away.
When I leave home I flip the main circuit breaker. You cant trust the switches on those televisors.
And watch out for the overheating batteries on your smoke alarms. Best to take them out at night if you ask me.
(I am a microelectronics designer and rocket scientist.)
This sounds like just the sort of fuckwitted arsefoolery you would expect from this governement. It sounds like these people already pay tax, we're just trying to extract more.
Errr..... wont it just happen less as a result? Net effect kick out foreigners who actually contribute whilst still allowing underpaid non tax paying fruitpickers who could quite happily be source from our own 'unwilling to work' benefits claimants.
I salute your intelligence, nulabour. Mindless morons.
I choose not to fly Ryanair any more. As do a great number of people I know. I would much rather pay more (much more) to absolutely anyone other than Michael O'Leary or whatever hes called. I would rather give my money to Pol Pot or the Ceaucescu kids foundation.
The only way I would ever get on one of those planes is if it was towing O'Leary down the runway by his balls.
Give your tickets away, ryanair, but it wont make any difference.
Please join Phorm.
"Sir Tim Berners-Lee will lead a panel of experts to advise the relevant Cabinet Office minister on how government can best use the internet to make non-personal public data as widely available as possible."
Pust it on a USB stick, then leave it on a train ?
Or give it ot the Telegraph in a dossier marked expenses?
At least she was rubbish and ineffective at her job. An ideal placeholder till the whole govenment get cleared out next year.
They may put someone competent in there who manages to actually push their orwellian agenda.
Although 'competent' semms a bit thin on the ground at the moment.
Theres a few cat lovers on here arent there?
Now I respect cat owners rights to keep a pet far, far, more than they respect my right to a catshit free garden, so I wouldnt personally hurt one. However I absolutely salute this artist for her work. The more of these non-indiginous, dangerous, disgusting, dirty threat to native species, hateful little fu%^ers are turned into useful handbags the better.
Just to get some balance into the discussion.
Thank you.
Can you come and work for the NHS please. We need someone to talk that sort of sense.
Over herer in Blighty the solution to being too effing fat is to label people disabled, give them a disabled parking space, outside their house, the rights to park 1m from whereever theyre going, and all the assiciated benefits payments.
Do you think that might them fatter?
I think they take their bleeding car keys away and cut their benefits. They will soon get fitter.
Thanks for making me chuckle.
Firstly with your proposal to store LN2 in a sealed vessel. No-one else does. (Hint wiki -> Dewar)
Secondly for your descriptoin of room temp N as explosive. Its in the air, donut. Nitrogenous compounds are used in the manufacture of many explosives, but trust me, nitrogen doesnt go bang. They pack your crisps (yank-chips) in it cos it wont react with anything.
And finally for your brainy man icon. That made me laugh out loud.
"Thames Water reckons its tunnel digger was working at ten metres. 34 feet is 10.4 metres. We do hope no-one has got their metric and Imperial measurements mixed up."
No you dont. Dont lie. You would absolutely love it if someone got their metric and Imperial measurements mixed up.
You would rip the pi$$ something chronic, and havea journalistic field day.
And quite right too.
"If the statement about watching TV on the phone is policed anything like the TV licence, then possession of a smart phone is as good as signing yourself up as a criminal!"
Unless, of course, you just buy a sodding TV licence and worry about the more important things in your life.
Bring on the 800 comments from the BBCtards.
Well said sir. Couldn't agree more. And I couldn't have worded it better.
If the BBC doubled the license fee it would still be far better value than any of the other options.
I thought that there might be a more blaanced discussion on this site, but theres obiously more freetards than I bargained for
There are a few xenophobic comments on here, but you have to admire the french. They know that their seniors, be they elected or otherwise, are accountable and need to be held to account.
Us Brits just bend over and take it with a stiff upper lip.
If its a case of stand up for yourself or take a shafting, which would you rather?
"If it has a switch to select one of three channels, it most probably uses an analog transmitter like cordless headphones"
What on earth are you talking about?
My 802.11b has 11 channels selectable by a switch (software). Does that mean its ......
Oh I can't be bothered.
My telly plugs in to the same socket as the buzz saw so it must be using a whacking great motor to work.
is that it is absolutely completely useless.
Im trying to find a use for it. I cant use it to see what someones house looks like before I go (I live at number 57 and its labelled as 34). I cant see what a shop looks like before I go there. (Southampton is largely pedestrianised and they dont take their cars there). So whats the point.? On the down side you can see straight through all of the windows on the other side of the street. On some houses you can even tell the model of the television. How on earth is that possible usefull to anyone other than burglars? I am truly amazed that google spent so much money on this.
The only thing it has achieved is changing my preception of google from 'ok company' to police / government puppet.
Its a neat idea, but couldnt they have kept everyone happy by picturing only shopping steets and town centres, rather than the opposite?