* Posts by It wasnt me

503 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Sep 2008


Twittering MP escapes with caution

It wasnt me

Oh really ?

"She said she thought because the information was not official she was allowed to publish it."

Maybe Id expect that as a defence in the daily star. And if she really thought that she should be sacked as incompetent.

But the real questions that need answering are:

1>. Why are candidates (and their reps) allowed to even see any votes before they have all been cast?

2>. Why are postal votes even opened before the ballot is complete?

3>. Why do postal votes even exist if we cant verify the eligibility of the voter?

Until those questions are answered there will simply be no legitimacy to any election as widespread fraud is possible. That fraud played into the hands of labour. Perhaps the LibCons will be keen to do something about it as part of their electoral reform? And hopefully people of Bristol east are content to have elected someone so mind-numbingly stupid as their representative. I asked it before, but is someone with the intellectual capacity of a pot plant really the best person you could have put forward ?


Google boss: 'Creeped out by Street View? Just move'

It wasnt me


From your post, you seem to have a grasp of the concept of "batshit-crazy", yet you are so determined to use Google that you run your searches "from a burner VM on my offshore server routed through TOR, with all the cookie killers on".

That seems batshit crazy to me.

How about either not using Google, or accepting the fact that yes, Google harvest your data, but all they do with it is target advertising?

I got to the end of this post and then considered not posting it, because I know the reg-reader tinfoil hat brigade will down-vote.

But hey, its a point of view.

Too much time on the internet is spent chasing shadows. Over in China really bad privacy stuff happens. Maybe some of our energy could be better spent fighting that than some advertising monopolist?

EU to lift flight ban on carry-on liquids

It wasnt me
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Eh ?

Do you lot fly ? You cant take liquid through security, but anything you buy in the "duty-free" rip-off merchants after security is flyable. At least it is in every airport Ive been to recently. The only thing that might change is the ability for the thieving assholes to name their price for a bottle of water.

And the security people are all shit anyway. I have continued to carry on a bottle of water and a tin of deodorant on all flights I go on. In maybe a hundred or so flights the only operator that has noticed was in a backwater airport in the Cook Islands. LAX, Boston, all the US ones never bat an eyelid. Same for our supposedly high security London airports.

Dixons risks future of humanity with Star Wars-themed ads

It wasnt me
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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarghhhhhh !!!!!!!

"Growing up is a matter of choice."

Correct. But you can still stay young without using 'already' as a fucking full stop. Maintain some dignity.

Already is an adverb. People on the reg message boards use it as punctuation.

Listening to a 60-something talking like a 12 year old retard is like watching your uncle dance at a wedding.

You should know better.

I feel better now. Downvoting me will make me relax further.

Hand over illegal porn at the border, please

It wasnt me

So what ?

Are there really people who out there who cant live without porn for a couple of weeks on holiday? Whenever visiting a foreign country we should respect their laws. Not agree with them but respect them. Just assume anything contentious isnt allowed. If you really cant live without filth for a week then get some when youre there. It'll be legal that way.

Same for alcohol, drugs, guns etc.

Lone Android dev 'almost brought down T-Mobile'

It wasnt me
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What a load of cock.

Dont promise users all-you-can-eat bandwidth if you can't provide it.

And the solution isn't to create a different and artificial legal framework, that is the domain of the MPAA/RIAA etc. The solution is better development. Provide devkits that encourage/enforce efficient use of network resources.

But don't promise (and sell) something you can't provide, then try to change the law so that you don't have to.

MoD braced for painful weight-loss surgery next week

It wasnt me

Couldn't agreee more.

The RAF are, as you pointed out, a completely redundant and expensive white elephant. Shutting them down would make perfect sense, and only 2 problems would need solving.

(1) What do we do with all the useless eurofighters?

(2) Who would run the red arrows?

Great white sharks menace Blighty

It wasnt me
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Too easy.....

....so i'll take the pedant's route: Too easy.

Ryanair wins ihateryanair.co.uk because of £322 ad revenue

It wasnt me

No, not really.

Its a collection of people who think they cant afford anyone but ryanair. If they did the maths, and included the cost of getting to a ryanair airport, then getting from a mis-advertised airport in the middle of nowhere to where they wanted to go, as well as ryanairs hidden charges, they wouold realise that most other airlines are, in fact cheaper. Ryanair are not just a shitty service run by a bunch of wa^&ers, they're also a false economy.

High-speed asteroid pile-up prompts X-File

It wasnt me
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"On the other hand, life-supporting planets are quite a few orders of magnitude rarer than pebbles."

No they're not. They are _probably_ rarer than pebbles. Bearded pork dodgers call that probably "God". Im happy to wait for science to refute it. Which it is doing a remarkably good job of. There are "probably" as many "potential" life supporting planets in the universe as there are grains of sand on earth.

RIM: 'We don't need 200 fart apps'

It wasnt me
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The other side of the coin.

Its all very honourable, refusing said apps. And im sure the business bunch will approve. However childish and puerile they may be though, if 40 grown adults can sit round a table belly laughing at the "brown mosquito" then it cant be all that bad. They are adding something to someones lives however small.

Yahoo! boffin scores pi's two quadrillionth bit

It wasnt me
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O.K. Ill bite.

Its not four. He's calculated a bit. So its either 0 or 1. Definitely not 4. Unless binary suddenly goes through a worm hole or something after a quadrillion bits and looks like 0111010101011001010101011004010100101.

Then you may be right.

Trident delay by the Coalition: Cunning plan, or bad idea?

It wasnt me
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This man is talking sense.

Im not sure I agree with calling them surrender monkeys, but why cant we just buy the M51 from france? Its hugely capable, and sharing the development costs of the subs and missiles would keep the cost down for both nations? It would be fantastic european cooperation. And save money too. Why does our system need to be bespoke when we could share the dev costs and do the building in the UK? Brit jobs protected, less money spent. Everyone is happy. (Except the Lib-dems). (Which in itself will make some people more happy, thus compensating).

Apple iPod Nano 6G

It wasnt me
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Why on earth

would you want to rotate the image on a square screen ?

Flaming work laptop toasts cottage

It wasnt me
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Or maybe.....

......since ofsted inspectors dont gat paid that much, she was married to someone who earnt a decent living ? Always a possibility.....

Superhuman Chinese monk does a bunk

It wasnt me


Yes, yes, amps not volts. Or get really picky, its the lack of blood to the brain. More volts are more likely to give more amps for a given supply impendance. It not a journo's job to give a science lesson with every article just to keep he pedants at bay.

Besides which, to the best of my knowledge, no-one has ever been killed by a vot. Im not sure a vot has ever tried to kill one, but in a pedants world ..................

Paul Allen launches patent broadside on world+dog

It wasnt me

Could it be ....

......that hes trying to do us all a favour? (Or favor for the septics). I don't believe that he can be serious with these patents. Surely he can't really believe that he can defend a patent on "Using my unused attention capacity". So maybe he is trying to ignite a revolt against the patent system by highlighting it's stupidity. Or am I too optimistic?

As a second thought, if he can patent "Using my unused attention capacity" can I patent "Suing his unsued capacity?"

Google Marketplace DRM broken

It wasnt me
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What a bunch of hypocrites.

If its Apple the commentards are ripping their eyes out and foaming at the mouth at the prospect of having Apple control their applications/appliances.

If someone offers a crack for android then two of the first free commentards are offering Google solutions.

Show some consistency you lot!

Youre normally a fairly irreligious bunch but not when it comes to phone OS's.

Fear as motivator: why Intel acquired McAfee

It wasnt me
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"This would perhaps be implemented using an ASIC "

You know all those updates you keep getting for virus scanners, every time someone writes a new virus? We'll, the cost could head marginally north if its an ASIC re-spin that gets delivered 4 times a week.

Just saying.

Assange denies 'sexual assault' allegations

It wasnt me


I dont have an opinion either way on Wikileaks, but in the name of Karma I sincerely hope that someone publishes entirely baseless allegations of a simlar nature against you all over the worlds media. You inconsiderate bell end.

iPod meltdown strands Tokyo commuters

It wasnt me

A small error in your post:

"We're sorry, it's the wrong kind of rain - but it's OK, we've laid on a replacement bus service for you".

Should have read:

"We're sorry, it's the wrong kind of rain - but it's OK, we've laid on a replacement bus service for you and we sent the busses to Woking. Yes, yes, I know youre in basingstoke, but if you make your own way to woking the bus will fulfill your journey to Southampton".

There, fixed it for you.

*This actually happened to me 2 years ago. I ended up getting a taxi. The train company offered me a refund of half my ticket price paid in .... Train vouchers. Never did use them. Wouldnt pay for the taxi as they offered a replacement bus service from a town 30 miles in the wrong direction away.

Apple fans drool over Liquidmetal widget

It wasnt me


.......Thoroughly interesting, all of that. A well formed article. Oh, just one thing- did you miss the bit about it being used to eject a sodding sim card ?

Or didnt you get that far before you started slathering at the blashpemy this article really was, fanboi?

I have specially coated my sim removal tool so that it is now invisible to radar. Take that Apple. Patent for stealth sim removal tool applied for.

First SMS Trojan for Android is in the wild

It wasnt me

What I dont understand....

..... is how this can be possible?

Presumably the scammers have to have a legitimate account with my network provider to enable them to bill. How do they get this? Why are the networks giving money to these people. Do I just have to ask for some money?

Shouldnt this be the easiest scam in the world to stop?

Or am I missing something?

Shipping container fuels Australia's bid to be supercomputing power

It wasnt me
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Its a good question.

"where - in the car park?"

These things are so fecking ugly. Our site is full of them. (Containers for storage, not data centres in containers)

If it's a permanent installation then why not put the servers in a dedicated room?

I really don understand these things. If you need a portable data centre (disaster relief? war network? etc) then great, but why make your sites ugly with these things?

How an ancient printer can spill your most intimate secrets

It wasnt me
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If you're only 2 centimeters away then why not just read it ?

Top boffinry.

Feds admit storing pervscanner pics

It wasnt me

Oh really ?

Enjoy butlins while you can then.

Terrafugia Transition flying car redesign - first analysis

It wasnt me
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.....if "meh" is all you have to say, you could try saying nothing at all?

Happy Sysadmin Day!

It wasnt me

backup monkeys, sysadmins....

Pah.... Same difference.....

Missed, I ducked too soon.

Facebook beta joins web Q&A craze

It wasnt me
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Its like Wikipedia, but without peer review or the ability to correct the idiots.

I wonder how long before it becomes an accepted and trusted source to the mainstream media.

Forget the Jesus Phone, here's the Rude Phone

It wasnt me

Even more impressive...

... is the fact the the judasphone advertised on the same page comes with a "gravity inducer".

Stop looking for the higgs boson, it looks like we already found the jobs boson.

Malaysia bans 'satanic' Man Utd kit

It wasnt me

Oh really ????

"Malaysia is religiously moderate".

Why both printing that in your article? The rest of the piece shows it to be demonstrably complete crap.

Come on reg. No-one wants you to become any form of anti <insert your religion here> mouthpiece, but you dont need to pander to the PC brigade either.

UK.gov sacks lead e-Borders contractor

It wasnt me

Well said that man.

And almost all of the illegals arrive via Heathrow or Dover. Heres an idea. Increase border police presence at ports and international airports. I dont feel all that clever suggesting this, but it seems to have completely passed the government by. Instead, as a previous poster noted, they are making life hell for leisure yachtsmen. Seriously, its soon going to be a nightmare going to france for the weekend on a yacht.

Home office: Go for the easy targets, the low haning fruit. Heres another thought, if you can afford a yacht, theres a very strong chance youre from the same cross section of society that hates porous borders. i.e. not likely to smuggle people in. Its not a 100% overlap but it wont be far of. So effing well leave us alone.

Disclaimer: I dont have a yacht, I cant afford a yacht. I sail other peoples. So leave me alone!

Russians quizzed over parasailing donkey

It wasnt me
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Get of your high horse.

Apple bars radiation nanny from App Store

It wasnt me
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Why bother .....

...... trying to re-educate ?

Cretins like this are born every minute, and are clearly born completely immune to rational argument. However, it seems the gene that prevents absorbtion of rational argument is the same one that leads to frivolously parting with money.

Lifes great challenge is finding these poor retards, and discovering a way to make the money end up in your pocket. They cant be re-educated. And theyre _happy_ to get rid of the money, he said it himself: "10$ is not a lot for peace of mind". Hats off to the makers of this app. Its a win win.

Phorm issues shares to raise cash

It wasnt me

I've had enough.

I'm not normally a language nazi, but this 'already' on the end of every sentence is really starting to itch. Please explain it ? It just make you sound retarded.

BT and TalkTalk threaten court to kill Mandybill

It wasnt me

This hurts like hell but .....

well done bt

Professor warns Aus firewall is undemocratic

It wasnt me

Its the same here

Our obscene publications act can be used as a broad brush to prohibit access to exactly the same content as the aussie internet filter. They are just saving money by enforcing the law with technology rather than with reams of investigations and paperwork.

Im not supporting them, I think its a ridiculous law. But so is ours and we shouldn't forget that when laughing at our antipodean cousins government.

Meryl Streep to tackle Margaret Thatcher

It wasnt me
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Would that be the same ...

..... leader at war syndrome that worked so brilliantly in favour of Messrs Blair and Brown ?

Phorm's losses top $100m

It wasnt me

Dont bet on it!

They could be around for years yet.

I give you SCO.

Southpaws up in arms over iPhone 4

It wasnt me

Thats because .....

..... I dont think it affects you so much if you have hairy palms.

The Reg guide to Linux, part 2: Preparing to dual-boot

It wasnt me


"you do *not* go dual boot unless you have a very compelling reason for it,"

I think the 'very compelling reason' the author may have had could be something along the lines of "lets get people to try linux, but still let them go back if they're more comfortable with it".

If the article said:

1. Delete the OS you paid good money for.

2. Delete all your data.

3. Install blah blah blah

then it wouldn't be the linux evangelical piece he was aiming for, would it ?

Oh, I see, youre a troll.

Sorry, Im moving along.

Mobile phone masts not such a menace

It wasnt me

Just sayin'

"Of course – statistical proof can never compare to anecdotal evidence".

Now, don't get me wrong here, Im with you all the way and dont even own a tinfoil hat. But is there _really_ such a thing as "statistical proof"? Or is it an oxymoron?

Naked Cowboy wrestles Naked Cowgirl

It wasnt me

Not for the fainthearted?

Thats an understatement. You reg hacks are normally better at warning us about off-reg links that that.

Can I propose a "Not Safe For Eyes" tag, in a similar vein to your NSFW please?

I can't unsee that picture, you know.

Osborne hands out tax cuts - for companies

It wasnt me


Yes...... The black market in child tax credits and housing benefits is really booming, isnt it?

100 Gigabit Ethernet standard ratified

It wasnt me

Moores law.

434,027.8 times faster - not bad.

Moores law (calclated at 18 months) would only have it 165,140 times faster. It shouldnt be getting that fast till 2012. Mind you, that might be the time that the first consumer kit is released to he mass market with it built in.

Its pretty accurate, moores law.

Terror data handover seriously flawed

It wasnt me

It never does reach our shores

It doesnt have to. The European commision keep it brussels, and we just bend over in the comfort of our own home.

Javascripters promise Jobs-free HTML5 for iPad

It wasnt me

Good luck.

If the platform abstracts coding difficulties away from hardware dependency and allows developers to build for multiple platforms from the same source, then recent experience tells us it will shortly be banned from the the iphone and its bastard descendants.

$11.7m judgment against Spamhaus slashed to $27,000

It wasnt me
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You should remember a 3rd thing

Google make their money from advertising any which way they can get a penny from it. They are not going to be interested in being any part of a scheme that clamps down on any form of internet advertising.

Ancient typewriters reborn as USB keyboards

It wasnt me

How on earth will it work....

.....without a windows button ?

OFT won't block BBC's über set top box

It wasnt me
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Have you ever been abroad ?

If you've ever seen any foreign TV, you'll probably agree that this isnt such a bad thing.
