* Posts by It wasnt me

503 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Sep 2008


Utah to honour Browning M1911 semi-automatic

It wasnt me
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"In the UK, a significant percentage of the people that own guns (as opposed to merely handling them as part of their duties) have killed someone, or fired them in anger with the intent to kill someone during a criminal act."

Is that true? A significant percentage? What percentage? Cite a reference - its a big assertion after all.

Or did you just pull that little nugget straight out of your arse and hope that no-one would question what is quite plainly complete crap?

That is all, I won't bother with the rest of your post, its drivel and doesn't warrant any attention.

US Wikileaks investigators can't link Assange to Manning

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@james 86

Im surprised you got downvoted for that. as it seems to be exactly the point. I dont think theres any question that Manning half-inched the data and passed it to Assange. Its just that no-one can prove that Assange was complicit in the theft, regardless of how much people may want him to be.

Italy sues Microsoft for box-bundling bungling

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"Dell's argument used to be about them supporting alternative OSs, since they can't sell a product without a warranty."

That is pure horse shit. Dell have never sold a single PC to an end user with a warranty that was worth the paper it was printed on.

You have to return the computer to them, at your cost, in Ireland, using their courier, for £70 quid. I was then told that it was a problem with the software (I got stitched by Vista) and it was Microsofts problem. Needless to say I was left with no choice but to skip a 3 month old computer that had become unuseable, or put another O.S on it.

Lessons learned: Never, ever buy anything from Dell. There are alternatives to M.S. and they are much, much better. We just need to remove the illegal monopolies that prevent the rest of the world from benefitting, which is what this article is about. Personally, I hope Dell fall on their own sword. And MS certainly will if anyone ever stands up to them.

UK motorists' electric car interest revs up

It wasnt me
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This is driving me mad......

The media are doing an injustice to the population here.

When will a media outlet which has a genuine voice point out the followng:

1>. There is zero environmental benefit to buying an electric car whilst we are sstill burning fossil fuels to generate the leccy. The only currently viable alternative to this nuclear, and the very people buying the cars are the ones that shout the loudest against nuclear.

2>. It may be cheap now, as the government only taxes leccy at 5%. Is there anyone in the country who genuinely thinks this will remain the case when (if?) leccy cars become prevalent? If there are then they are incredibly stupid / naive / both. It will be taxed to the same levels as currently.

An infrastructure of charge points is an utter irrelevance. What is relevant is that the case for leccy cars, in both environmental and financial terms is built on a house of cards, and it is a gross dereliction of the media's duty that they are not instigating this debate. In short, idiots are being parted with their money under false pretences, by the government. Its no better than the lads from lagos.

Tunisia plants country-wide keystroke logger on Facebook

It wasnt me
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Can someone please explain to me......

......why companies are reluctant to use HTTPS? I don't understand the mechanics/economics? Is there a cost to it?

Any explanation gratefully received.


Apple $10k winner hangs up on 'prank caller'

It wasnt me
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You can only spend it in the iTunes store. What a bunch of tight arses. They could have at least made it valid the apple store. How are you going to spend 10k$ on fart apps ?

McDonalds samples NFC swipe-tech in UK

It wasnt me
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What a rant. McDs are probably re-thinking their entire operation to see how they can accommodate you.

1>. Your dislike of their food is utterly irrelevant to the article.

2>. There will be a lot of other establishments to add to your boycott list if use of NFC precludes your custom.

3>. I re-read the article, and I'm quite sure that nowhere did they say they would stop taking cash.

I guess this troll is more of a BK flamer man?

Texter who fell in fountain threatens to sue

It wasnt me
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Grow up.

ODFO. Shes quite clearly completely fine as she gets up and walks away. Nothing mopre than hurt pride and that is entirely self inflicted.


It wasnt me
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"Not got a leg to stand on." Or rather, she has 2, but is too retarded to use them.

Apple seeks touchscreen display mouse patent

It wasnt me
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What a great idea. Will it come with a mini mouse so the fat-fingered apple-twaterati can navigate to controls on their new screen. And will that one have a screen? Im off to patent a micro-mouse for navigating the screen on a mini mouse that is used to navigate the screen... sod it, i'm bored.

Gov will spend £400k to destroy ID card data

It wasnt me
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Id do it for nothing.

There were 13K odd cards sold. All to people who no regard whatsoever for their personal information. So whats the big deal? They wont care. Stick it on a P2P network and walk away whistling.

Police DNA test plan to put off prostitutes' punters

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Go men. Go men. Its time to fight back. Lets all burn our bras....


Europe bites Hungary over media and internet censorship

It wasnt me
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I'll have one of whatever youv'e taken please. It looks like crazy shit !

Galileo euro-satnav 'driven by French military', says sacked CEO

It wasnt me
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What is wrong with the world?

Transfer ownership of the existing GPS to the UN (ITU). Buy it off the septics if they want.

Share the ongoing running and replacement costs.

Everyone gets accurate GPS, for the cost of only one system.

Isn't it a shame we live in a world where this could never happen?

Lane Fox promises sub-£100 PCs

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"Digitally included people are more likely to live happier and longer"

Whilst I agree entirely with the sentiments of your post, you dont do yourself any favours by spouting made up guff as fact.

You would have made a far stronger point by omitting emotional falsehoods.

Sarko to use G8 presidency to promote net regulation

It wasnt me
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Its just cause he's short.

Pat him on the head and he'll go away.

MP says she was misquoted over DNA test call

It wasnt me
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Oh really ?

"The one confident prediction we can make following this story is that she is unlikely to be chatting quite so unguardedly to the Express in the near future."

I wouldnt be so bold. One more lap of the bowl and this pond life will have forgotten that doesnt trust the express. She is irrepressibly stupid, you see.

Windows 7 Phone glitch spews phantom data

It wasnt me
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1>. You're paranoid. If they (whoever 'they' might be) were snooping Im not sure they would be as un-subtle as to download 50 odd meg every day.

2>. Its a bug. MS as good as admitted it.

3>. You can't spell the plural of 'virus'.

Are you a troll ?

Police reject Labour MP's call for Bristol-wide DNA test

It wasnt me
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This MP

When it comes to being an absolutely dispiccable cretinous piece of scum this MP has form:


Its the people or Bristol I feel genuinely sorry for, until I remember that they _chose_ this pond-life to be their representative.

EU in Chinese garlic-crushing operation

It wasnt me
IT Angle

IT ?

There, question asked.

Answer in the same post- its in effing bootnotes. So no need for everyone else to ask.

It wasnt me
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blah blah title

"This just makes it sound like the EU is a glorified protection racket."

Yep, thats one accusation that could be fairly levelled at the EU. There are many more.

Android's Gingerbread finagled onto iPhone

It wasnt me
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I agree

"I for one applaud this endevour". Me too. Now if only someone could get android running on my dead badger then I can get rid of my old Vudu linux :-)


Motorola uncloaks 10.1-inch Xoom fondleslab

It wasnt me
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Oh really.....?

"They say about 6.5hrs to 7hrs ish when playing back a HD movie through the HDMI port...so probably a bit longer on normal tasks."

Id hazeeard a guess at a lot less on normal tasks, as they will require the screen being turned on. Unlike streaming movies to an external display.

Call me cycnical, but its a bit rude quoting power figures for the device with the most power hungry component not in use.

Gov gone wild: Mad new pub glasses, bread freedom introduced

It wasnt me
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Errrr. ..... no its not a preservative (entirely)

Its part of the chemical processo of breadmaking. Its used to kill the yeast once rising is complete. By changing the amount you can control the rising process. By putting lots in you can kill it quickly and use more yeast. This gives you a quicker production process and consistent rise.

I bake my own bread, and it has about half a gram in the whole loaf.

Get a bread machine, youll never look back.

Beastly Android will batter Apple's iOS beauty

It wasnt me
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What a crap article.

This guy just wants an excuse to predict apples demise, but the only piece of evidence he offers shows apples sales flat and androids success coming at the expense of blackberries falling sales. RIM arent even mentioned.

Disclaimer: I am not an apple fan, I have an HTC touch HD running windows mobile 6, for my sins.

Speed-cam stats to be published, indicates gov

It wasnt me


"Somebody somewhere will of course mention regression to the mean (RTM) which is a favourite phrase used to explain away any inconvenient data that seems to show a speed camera is doing it's supposed job. The problem is that some people don't actually know what RTM means they have just heard it somewhere and trot it out to support their argument."

..... You just used RTM to support your point without explaining what it means. Are you any different from others? RTM is real, its effects must be allowed for, deal with it.

Ford cars get draconian parental controls

It wasnt me
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A good idea

If it can help get the insurance costs down for new drivers. Which it probably wont, as the insurers now see their exhorbitant premiums as protected income.

Cellphone snooping now easier and cheaper than ever

It wasnt me
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You sir ....

..... win today's pedant of the day award. By a country mile. Hats off.

US woman sues again over XP 'downgrade', seeks class action

It wasnt me
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good for you.

Im aware of this as a solution. I just dont see why I should pay MS twice to get a working OS. People paid for Vista. It was nowhere near even approaching 'fit for purpose'. Why then should MS not offer a working alternative?

Good luck to this woman, I wish I had the energy to fight to get what Ive paid for. For my part, I kicked MS and will never knowingly give them another penny. Life is actually better without them - you should all try to shake free from the monkey on your back.

UK domain registry breaks 9 million

It wasnt me
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Oh really....

"our research revealed that 80 per cent of consumers in the UK prefer to use a .uk website over a .com website"

That wouldn't have anything to do wityh cost would it ? I couldn't give a monkeys what my domain ends in. I just want it to be memorable and cheap.

Assange lawyers fume over leaked rape case docs

It wasnt me

Im confused

Whats all this got to do with apple ? Was it released on an iPad. Help please !!

Use eGovernment to lower costs, says EU Commission

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The european commission are evangelising about efficiency in government. Where should one start .......?

Nah, it'd be like shooting fish in a barrel.

'Porn lock' heralds death of WikiLeaks, internet, democracy, universe

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So, you're wearing no trousers, and, since you're going to get it, currently no coat. That brings to mind the sort of scene that these rules are trying to stop. It may be no bad thing after all :-)

SGI forges overclocked servers for Wall Street

It wasnt me
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sorry, but.....

What a load of shit you're talking. Theyre overclocking a bit an you call it unimaginative. You suggest overclocking it a bit more and call it a paradigm shift? Stop talking bollocks.

PayPal banned WikiLeaks after US gov intervention

It wasnt me

Yes there are ...

...... American express. Oh, you meant not american. And credible.

Coat please.

Most coders have sleep problems, need 'hygiene and care'

It wasnt me
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Isn't "Java code" an oxymoron ?

Brits say 'no, no, no' to 3D TV

It wasnt me
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Pray tell....

......by what mathematical method does that put their stats out ?

Do enlighten ......

Capita says gov cuts hit hard

It wasnt me
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What is it with capita?

Why do these parasites equate cuts to further spending with them? Cuts is cuts. Its not spending the money elsewhere. Personally i'd help the whole cuts process along by giving out sourcing a slice of the pie. Why not 10% cuts to capita? Or even 30%.

Fecking leeches.

Oz docs prescribed iPads by Premier

It wasnt me
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Godd luck aus......

"Nationally, the Labour government has pledged to spend the best part of Au$500m (£315m) on e-health tech."

That really won't buy you a lot i'm afraid. And what little it won't buy you won't work. You will just have a couple of very rich computer consultants, and some more managers.

Please think before committing aussies - trust us, we know.

Love from your fatherland.

Facebook serves '23% of all US display ads'

It wasnt me
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Or perhaps ........

....... if you read it, you might have seen that the "Total Internet" adds up to 100% (not in itself surprising) and the table shows the top 10 US players in the market.

As a slight aside, does this mean that merkins are more susceptible to buying what their shiny toy tells them to than the rest of the world?

Caravan-swiping suspect spotted on Street View

It wasnt me

Its disgusting

THAT GOOGLE are ALLOWED to blUr number plates. ITS A crimnuL offense to DESTROY EVIDenCE.

Google MUST BE BROUT to trial.

Cops cuff nappy-wearing man who demanded sweets with menaces

It wasnt me
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Not really.....

"Perhaps if you have a weird fettish it would be best to just NOT open the door on Halloween".

I see this from a totally different perspective. Where privacy is respected.

If you go knocking on someones private residence door begging under threat of being egged and flowered then you should damn well expect the unexpected. I would want the law on my side, not the beggars and pikeys. Trick or treat is great when its little kids with their parents, but most of the time its intimidating toothless chavs with lonsdale baseball caps under their burberry hoodies. I tip my hat to this chap for giving them a surprise.

Times celebrates disappearing readers

It wasnt me
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Oh really ......

Reading your post, i'm not really sure that you are the BBC's target audience. Have you tried any 'accessible' content? Maybe something on CBeebies? When criticising the BBC for the quality of their content, it might be more appropriate to do so in coherent English.

It wasnt me
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Define customer if you wil. Not to be confused with freeloader. Not saying I agree, just pointing out that there is a difference......

Shuttle Discovery set for final liftoff tomorrow at 7:52pm

It wasnt me
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How much....

.....cash needed for a citizen funded venture to keep this thing flying ? A la Vulcan......

Ill start with a pledge of a tenner.

Vulcan bomber lives to fly another day

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Complete crap.

Its perfectly safe to fly, and as others have stated was retired on purely economic grounds.

American opposition to concorde has been around as long as the plane itself, and has always been purely political and economic.

Three is voted the best UK network

It wasnt me
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Please help

"It took another 6-9 months before they stopped hassling me."

Im happy for you. Could you share the secret? I have never been a 3 customer, and they continuously hassle me. When I ask them to remove my number from their database they just hang up.

Prosecutors prep decision on BT-Phorm case

It wasnt me


"The CPS said (.doc) it anticipates it will have spent £5,250 investigating the case by the time it comes to a decision next month"

"Prosecutors have disclosed they plan to announce their decision at the end of November, following an investigation lasting more than two years"

Either the CPS are breaking minumun wage rules, or they have been largely picking their arses for the last 2 years.

Duracell MyGrid cable-free gadget charger

It wasnt me
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My word.....

What are they thinking?. 90 quid to replace the charger that came free with my phone? I dont suppose they'll sell many.


Got to use a minging case

Got to take it off to sync

Got to stick some hideous metal disc on the back

Energy efficiency

Empty wallet


Might save one wall socket if I charge 2 devices. That will cost another 20 quid though.

Will have spare charger for putting under a realy, really short table leg

Will finally have something to occupy that bit of spare space on the sideboard.


Seriously, Id be surprised if they sell any. Their customer list will be a veritable whos-who of utter morons.

If wall sockets really are an issue, there are plenty of better ways to address your problems without parting company with 110 quid. Give me £50 and ill give you a 79p solution.

Two-year wait for Windows 8, MS blurts

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@steve007UK: Go away then....

"windows 7 kicks ass".

" i still cant fault it personly".

And yet you will still without question upgrade to 8.

If its so brilliant then you wont need to update, will you? Its only an O.S. after all.

You sir, are a fanboi.

Should MS align their update cycle with the wallet replenishment cycles of their poorest fanbois?
