* Posts by It wasnt me

503 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Sep 2008


White iPhone 4 out by month's end

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"Apple may see the white iPhone 4 as a way to prolong the current model's lifespan. "

Surely not even apple would be so cynical as to think that people waiting to upgrade their iphone 4 would be contented with just a change of case colour?

Microsoft reveals WinPhone 7 'Mango' details

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The headline really is: "Microsoft has admitted that the current release of Phone 7 is just a beta."

Who would have thought ?

Assange™ says Guardian claims 'completely fabricated'

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@scorchio 21:20

First off, congratulations on writing an entire post without accusing someone of an ad hominem attack. Well done. It would have been a little hypocritical though wouldn't it, to follow your standard template reply with an attack all of your own?

Regarding your other points though, please rest assured that I am not going divulge any personal information to some sweaty ranting fool on an internet message board. A fool who is clearly just a little bit on the wobbly side of unstable.

Yes, yes, I know - ad hominem blather blather.

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"I suspect I'll be down voted because I dare to speak the truth."

No..... You'll be downvoted because you appear to hang around El Reg waiting for an article on Assange, then posting simultaneously as IMG and Scorchio. I'll also "dare to speak the truth". Its getting a bit boring. You seem to like rational argument; try it on some of the other boards. Everyone knows your opinions on Assange. Everyone knows that the last line of the post will be a snippet imploring people not to down vote. Its like bloody groundhog day.

Mummy, mummy, there's a nuclear monster!

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He's saying that less people have been killed than in a moderate RTA. The "human consequences" that you mention are, in a rational world quite unnecessary. They are only imposed so that the government can be seen to be pandering to the most fearmongering sections of the media, so that they may appease fact ignoring sensationalists like yourself.

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Did you read the ***** article?

He mentioned those.

To re-iterate: Not a single person has died or is likely to as the result of the worst conceivable disaster (category 7) at a nuclear power plant. Some people died cos of an earthquake. And a Tsunami. Yet the health effects from radiation are nil. Zilch. Absolutely nothing.

Its morons like you who have the agenda to push. Because of luddite, nimby cretins like yourself the rest of the world has to live with the far more serious consequences of powering our lives by burning fossil fuels.

Lewis is quite right. Nuclear power is already the only viable solution. If we apply the same safety requirements as other power generation industries then it would be incredibly cheap as well.

Just wake up.

GCHQ commits schoolboy security blunder

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"Why use big words when miniscule ones will do?"

Or indeed 'small' ones.

SpaceX unveils new Falcon Heavy rocket - WORLD'S BIGGEST

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Are you a hollywood script writer?

Cos i'm fairly sure youre not in the space industry. I'd hazard a guess your business is more "free thinking and optimism" than engineering.

Fukushima fearmongers are stealing our Jetsons future

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@AC: Not forgetting...

You sir, are an absolute fucking arse. It is becasue of dispiccable people like you, who cannot disassociate nuclear weapons from nuclear power (two completely different technologies) that we do not have cheap safe electricity. The crying shame is that it is willful ignorance with most people. They are capable of understanding the arguments but chose not do. What I don't understand is how you _can_ disassociate conventional carbon based weapons from coal and oil energy generation.

Why not open your eyes, put aside prejudices and examine the evidence? How hard can it be?

Pre-release Windows 8 code hits PC makers

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Windows 7 followed the dismal failure that was Vista after barely two years.

Thats because it was nothing more than the final release of Vista. It should have been a service pack, so that the punters who bought Vista finally got a working OS. Windows 8 is either a slightly polished 7, or, as another commenter put it a turd. So, its either a polished turd, or a turd.

Thankfully I finally have a working OS after the Vista debacle, and MS didn't get any money from me.

Byeeeeeee !

Praying for meltdown: The media and the nukes

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Hmmmmm.... I have an idea.

You comment on the dilution effect got me thinking. Who are the real experts in the dilution effect?

Perhaps we could put homeopaths to good use and get them to clean up the mess? I quite like the mental image of Gillian McKeith being sent into the reactors. Oh noes, theres no shits for me to examine!

Antarctic ice breakup makes ocean absorb more CO2

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Say I have a cup of sugary water. Then I add a load more water. The result is less sugary. But there is still the same abount of sugar there. You can measure all of that in this simple closed system. But how the hell do you measure that in the oceans?

Maybe the article didnt explain everything, but to me it would seem that there are many possible explanations to their findings, yet, on first sight they appear to have been interpreted according to an agenda.

Disclaimer - I have no position on anthropogenic climate change - I am still waiting for some real science on the matter.

HMS Ark Royal goes under the hammer

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Thank goodness.....

Are your rockall wounds finally healing ? Hatchet buried now :-)

RSA won't talk? Assume SecurID is broken

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You read the article.

There are 2 factors to the authentication. Assume 1 is now insecure. That leaves a single factor. Which isn't what you paid for.

Ooops, look what I did, I paraphrased it yet again.

Judge mulls 'wasted costs' as ACS:Law cases close

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Good on that judge.

I hope he does fine the bastards at ACS law. Then I hope he goes after the safety camera partnerships. Their letters are no different:

Dear Mr X,

You have been caught speeding, Send us £60 and we wont start legal proceedings. Taking the issue to court will cost you far more and we dont envisage you winning.

Love, Avon safety camera partnership.

Its exactly the same. Right down to the bit where you challenge their 'evidence' and they drop the case against you.

Fukushima situation as of Wednesday

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@AC 15:33

"EU Energy Commissioner Günther Oettinger: There could be catastrophic events within the coming hours"

Günther Oettinger is a career politician currently in an unelected position. Why on earth would would anyone want to listen to anything at all that he has to say? You complained about 'uninformed rubbish' and then quoted from some eurocrat who almost certainly knows absolutely nothing at all about what is going on in Japan.

This place gets more like the daily mail every day.


Site-saving workers evacuated from Japanese reactor disaster

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@ Maurice Shakeshaft

"Just don't go down the nuclear route (yet) when there are economically and technologically better or equivalent solutions that would probably solve energy needs more effectively."

Do tell. What are they? You could make yourself a very rich man if you really know of a single one.


Assange ambushes Australian Prime Minister on live TV

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Says i'm possibley the first post. A tenner says Ian M Gumby is here spouting bile in minutes. If he hasnt beaten me.

Fukushima update: No chance cooling fuel can breach vessels

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Yes, yes it has.

"In other news Japan's nuclear crisis has been upgraded to number six on the INES scale of nuclear accidents."

By France. In other news Afghanistan's Gold medal tally at the sydney olympics has just been upped to 43. By me.

Other utter irrelevancies available on request.


Data-mining technique outs authors of anonymous email

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No really......

...... you underestimate its accuracy. Apparently they tested it on the message boards of the Daily Mail, and it correctly identified that 87.4% of the postings had been written by the Twat-O-Tron.

Fukushima is a triumph for nuke power: Build more reactors now!

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56 deaths. Lets add in the 4000 additional cancer deaths. 4056 deaths. Still less then the number of people killed mining coal _every_ _single_ _year_ for you precious 'safe' electricity.

We dont even need to add in the vast numbers of people killed fighting each other over oil to see that nuclear is by far the safest, cheapest and greenest source of electricity. And to date its the _only_ source capable of running your precious electric cars without burning fossil fuels.

Even with your windscales and three-mile-islands and chernobyls, its still incredibly safe and clean compared to the alternatives.

As a footnote you could add CO2 based climate change into the justification for nuclear, but since the jury's out on that one we'll leave it.

Is Apple planning incompatible payments?

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Oh really?

"probably good news for Apple and its customers." Only if they dont mind paying 30% extra for their purchases. (Which most of them wont, one assumes).

Welsh baby-kisser's tweet sets him back £53k

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That number right there. .....

...... £50k. Thats why this country is fucked. He paid lawyers £50k to clear up the mess of telling 28 people something incorrect. Wouldnt the world be a better place if we gave the 28 people £500 each for misleading them, and let the 'lawyer' drown in his pond?

Another year, another iPhone time slip

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A good tone to the article, I sense despair. As the sub heading says, "Seriously Apple, how hard can it be ?"

Second explosion rocks Japanese nuke plant

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Headline: Explosion in power generation didn't kill anyone. Wow - big news. How many people each year are killed in explosions in coal mines? 2,631 in 2009 in China alone, and that was by far their best year for the decade. The gulf oil rig fire killed 11 men.


Don't let the facts get in the way of being a Mail reading moron though.

Lady Gaga puts the squeeze on breast milk ice cream

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I cant be arsed to point out alll the inaccuracies in this post, so find them youself. Clue, there are at least 4.

Oh, and the mammary cheese was pasteurised anyhow, so its all irrelevant.

Spooks' secret TEMPEST-busting tech reinvented by US student

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Is that definitely what BAE / spooks are using?

Wouldn't a pile of 50 watt sonar sources all over a submarine be a bad thing for stealth? Hes found a tech that achieves a similar goal - doesn't mean its the same tech.

Whitehall to puff punters: 'Hide your fags'

It wasnt me
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Couldnt agree more.

I support your agrgument 100%. I would also extend it to cat ownership. I fully support the right of people to own cats. However, I also fully support the right of my children to not stand in catshit in their own garden, and trample it into my house. The only way to reconcile these two "rights" is for cat owners to be responsible for their cats. i.e keep them locked in their own house. With the added benefit that bird life could flourish.

Effing cat owners - the only right that trumps the human rights act.

'Wrong amount of snow' caused Heathrow chaos

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Absolutely fascinating.

Yet utterly fucking irrelevant.

Why would the UK invest as much money as oslo in snow moving equipment? Its only that bad every 30 odd years. I expect the spanish could could teach your lot a thing or two about beach grooming, or the tunisians could teach you about date palm husbandry. But you dont see them bleating irrelevancies on internet message boards do you?

Adobe releases Wallaby to jump Jobsian Flash ban

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What a waste of time.

I've said it before, and ill say it again. Jobs hates flash not for any of the reasons that he states, but because the technology is a threat to the app store empire. If allowed it would enable applications to loaded from web pages and bypass the app store, completely severing his walled garden revenue stream.

Now it HTML 5 enables similar rich apps to be created, then Jobs wont allow that any where near his precious cash cows.

Its not about the technology, despite what his silly open letters say. Its pure protectionism.

Feeling heat from Macs, Microsoft sells PCs sans crapware

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The headline is "Microsoft sells PCs sans crapware." Yet further on in the article it mentions IE is still there. Which is it?

BAE Systems faces 'debarment' from exporting US war-tech

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A minor correction to your article.

"The State Department is in charge of implementing the USA's strict controls on the export of advanced military technology, and it is responsible for ensuring that firms involved in illegal practices should not be licenced to make such exports."

Should have read:

"The State department is in charge of making sure that all tech products fall under the ITAR restrictions. Regardless of their complexity. By making sure absolutely everything can be used to make weapons, the US can artificially control and manipulate iport / export regulations in ways that are otherwise illegal as defined by WTO rules."

There, fixed it for you.

Patent attack on Google open codec faces 'antitrust probe'

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I agree...

....with everything you said. But I still had to upvote the OP for amusingly renaming the common linux distro "Umbongo".

Made me chuckle.

Charlie Sheen explodes onto Twitter

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I havent seen 2.5 men.....

.......but I did hear some clips from an interview with the guy yesterday. And I fully support his claims that he is worth 2 million for half an hour. He was hilarious. He came across as the bastard offspring of Steve Jobs and Colonel Gadaffi. Absolutely delusional, but a whole new level of entertainment.

Disclaimer: I am not a bad human being. If I could muster any sympathy for self promoting z-list celebutards then I'm sure I would have felt sorry for him.

Jobs stand-in ranks iPhone over sex

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Interesting how far he rates it above "problem solving", "lack of prejudice" and "acceptance of facts", three of apple's 'not so strong' areas.

Antennagate Redux: Consumer Reports condemns Verizon iPhone 4

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O.k. Ill bite.

Its closer to 43%.

Company X used to sell a subscription for £1. Now apple force them to make it easier to buy that subscription using apple. But apple want to take 30%. If company X still want to make £1, then they must now charge £1.43. Which is 43% more than before. Why dont _you_ do the maths before you start foaming? Fanboi.

Apple vanishes Java from Mac OS X Lion

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Thats all well and good.

It sounds like a fair summary, but doesnt sound much like apple when you consider the way they are handling flash for the idevices.

Windows Phone update wallops Omnia 7

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Oh really.....

"Microsoft must try harder before it can bring the miraculous features of Copy/Paste and full multitasking to Windows Phone 7."

Personally I'd have thought that microsoft shouldnt really be working on copy / paste for their 'new' operating system. They still havent got it working on Vista. Yes microsoft, you still have customers who were saddled with that vista abomination through the microsoft tax on laptops.

When can we have an OS that works please?

Anyone who buys a Phone 7 phone should really know that simple OS functionality is way, way out of microsofts league.

I am staggered that anyone bought one. People only buy the desktop OS as its a compulsory tax, but with phones there is real choice out there, and yet still people buy toy tat from redmond.

Windows 8 squeezed to fit 2012 Dell fondleslab?

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Oh really....

If Micrsoft is in the 'advanced stage of engineering' Windows 8 so soon after 7 then expect another Vista.

Oh, and its a fucking operating system for gods sake. Why would I need another one so soon? Its just the piece of crap in the the background thats supposed to make everything else work. The day you dont even notice windows is there is the day it has succeeded. So why not try to get one working first before releasing another pile of stinking shit into the wild?

iPhone 5 rumors: bigger, smaller, cloudy, keyboard-equipped

It wasnt me

I dont get it

Why would apple make a mini iPhone. Sure there are many billions of inhabitants of this planet that dont want a feature rich smartphone. But they want two things, a small phone that works well as a phone (its prime feature after all) and they want it to be cheap. Theses are 2 areas where apple just doesnt operate.

Then you say no onboard memory will mean no on board apps. That just doesnt add up. Apples entire business model for the iPhone series is designed around creating footfall through the app store.

Sorry, this runour doesnt add up.

Boffins demand: Cull bogus A-Levels, hire brainier teachers

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Thats complete bullshit.

"Dropping fees for science and engineering courses will produce more dropouts than new scientists. The reason is simple, more students will take the cheap option without having the skills required to study hard subjects, fail and quit".

Thats crap. Quite the opposite is true. Dropping fees for science and engineering courses will increase the number of applicants for a fixed number of places. The universities will then be able to chose the brightest students to fill those places.

There, fixed it for you.

It wasnt me
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Thats all well and good....

......but why the hell should there be any funding for those subjects? You have just admitted that you do something you love but dont earn a lot of money. i.e. you dont pay a lot of tax.

I on the other hand have an Engineering Masters degree from a red-brick university. It was a very expensive education, no doubt, and I received it free of charge. Hoewever, the payback on the government's investment is phenomenal. Each year I pay a fortune in tax.

That is what a university education should be, an investment. It should not be means tested as with the new proposals. And the cost of the course should be inversely proportional to the likely tax-take from a graduate of that course.

In other words - engineering, medecine and the sciences should be free, with students chosen for ability. If you want to go and do vocational course and fluffy crap "excuse to party for 3 years" courses then by all means do so, just dont expect the rest of us to pay for it.

As an aside I cant stand my job, but I live a comfortable life. I really love windsurfing but I dont expect the govenment to fund it.

IPCC chief: ANPR is 'a victim of its own success'

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A victim of its own success ?

It sounds more like a victim of its own complete failure to provide a meaningful, working system.

Which will always happen when the number one requirement on the system spec is "Collect as much data as possible," rather than "Collect only meaningful data that may be of help to an investigation".

Amazon threatens Texas exit over tax bill

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Oh its much better than that.

"you'd just love buying petrol in the UK! You even get to pay VAT on your tax."

And petrol is the biggest driver of inflation over here. So the cretins in the goverment _raise_ the duty on petrol by the rate of inflation plus 1% each year. Positive feedback anoyone? Naturally this increases the VAT take too. (Which also just rose to 20%).

So, today's maths question:

You get taxed on your tax, and the tax goes up every yeay by more than the rate of inflation. How long till the government have all the money?

Adobe Flash: 20m phones flip Steve Jobs the bird

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Steve Jobs is a troll.

Stop feeding the troll. Stop giving press time to his million and one reasons he doesnt like flash. They are a smokescreen. The _only_ reason he doesn't like flash is that if enabled on his shiny devices, it provides an effective means of creating content with _identical_ behaviour to 99% of the tat in his app store, that can be embedded in web pages. He will lose control of the app store and its revenue stream.

That in itself is a fair enough argument and could be supported. He just looks childish coming up with all the other excuses.

Fifa to give goal-line tech a shot

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Yeah, cos my work cricket team is absolutely ruined now that we have to fork out tens of thousands for the hotspot technology and the fourth official. Thats it, the end of the game.

No-one seems to have spotted or pointed out the football is governed by Sepp Blatter, A man who is quite possible the biggest fucking idiot ever to walk the planet. Go find out about him, he's a moron.

If you dig about a bit you'll find that the teams with the most to lose by enforcing a fair, human-error free game are those with the most money.

Its nothing quaint like grass-roots fairness that stops football being fair. Its an authoritarian moron in the pay of the big leagues / clubs.

No real sports fan would disagree that both rugby and cricket have been enriched by the technology, without affecting the poorer teams. Which is why I have a season ticket to hampshire CC and regularly watch London Irish, yet no longer watch the saints.

Football is the Islam of sports until Sepp Blatter goes, about 600 years off the curve.

Elon Musk looking to get into 'black' spy sat market

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Im not sure ...

"The internet gurus and digital mavens who revere Musk as a modern-age exemplar for us all may find this latest move a trifle upsetting. "

I don't know. I admire him more for his tenacity and willingness to upset the apple cart - fearlessly moving into what may be perceived to be 'closed' markets. I haven't really given his person ideologies much consideration.

But then i'm just a code monkey and not an "internet gurus" or "digital maven", what ever those might be.

Boffins hope for dimensional portal event at LHC by 2013!

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....perhaps before we find these portals we should really come up with an international convention on fly-tipping.

In defence of Comic Sans

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Defend it all you like.....

......but seeing a software specification written in comic is enough to make you despise it everywhere. The only solution is a complete ban, and if your little examples get killed in the crossfire then so be it.

Antique Nimrod subhunters scrapped – THANK GOODNESS!

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@Anton Ivanov

Did you even read the fucking article?

"Modern airliners are built at the limits of the material science. Bastardising them to do something different is a very expensive and difficult affair."

How does that sit with being able to buy a Boeing 737 based equivalent for less than a third of the cost? With much lower ongoing support costs.
