* Posts by It wasnt me

503 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Sep 2008


Tourists follow GPS, drive into sea

It wasnt me
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Re: Punctuation

Well, fair enough. But you did get through most of the article before skipping to the comments, which is kind of unusual around here.

Lawyers of Mordor menace Hobbit boozer

It wasnt me

Re: I'm all for...

I started drinking there in 1992 at University. That must have been the first year it was known as the Hobbit, which I wasn't aware of. I spent at least 2 nights a week there through 4 years of Uni and I can honestly say I never once new there were themed cocktails. (It sells decent ale you see. Or at least it used to). Not once have I ever seen that place try to trade of anyones trademark. It trades off selling a decent night out at an affordable price - hence its popularity with students.

It doesn't matter what they change the name to, it will still be know as the Hobbit. There is a pub round the corner that re-branded to the Southwestern Arms at least 20 years ago yet the locals still call it Nellies Nob.

Give them some support. Summer bank holidays are fantastic, if you like cider and the Wurzels :-)

Adobe Photoshop Touch

It wasnt me

Love em or hate em ?

Whether you love apple or loathe them you have to admit that one thing they have done with their app store is get some very good software out onto the market at a very reasonable price.

7 quid for this ? Stunning really. Theres a lot of dross in the app store but there are some very reasonably priced excellent apps.

And although apple charge 30%, they dont set the price for the apps. So the market really can be competitive.

Note to trolls and anti-apple-tards. I posted about apps, not e-books.


Submarine cables get simpler, faster

It wasnt me

See icon.

Genius sir, I salute you.

Cook & Co. boost Apple TV to 1080p, update interface

It wasnt me

Re: I don't trust those figures

Call me cynical, but I think you'll have to muster a sample size of a little more than 3 if you want to keep the mathematicians happy when calling foul on the statistics.

Tevatron refines Higgs boson picture

It wasnt me

Re: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higgs_mechanism

Its a bit presumptuous awarding yourself the boffin Icon isnt it? Try to RTFA before accusing people of "massaging the statistics". The article quite clearly stated that the Tevatron was shut down in September. Since you clearly didnt read the article, you might also like to know that they are currently processing a mountain of data, which is very, very different from massaging statistics. They have enough data to last until June.

Presumably whoever upvoted you also just skipped foaming mouthed straight to the comments.

Chunnel mobile available – but only while heading towards UK

It wasnt me

Should we read:

"that commercial agreement remains something of a sticking point "


"U.K. Operators are not interested unless there is a way of monetizing it beyond the inclusive minutes tariffs"

I bet that is just it. The greedy bastards just want to charge airplane rates.

Apple assesses 14in Air for Asia

It wasnt me


Apple _might_ be _thinking_ about something.

Now thats what I call news.

41-megapixel MONSTER mobe shutters Nokia knockers

It wasnt me

Re: Re: Sadly, you're right

A thoroughly interesting point, and succinctly made. But you do seem to have missed the subtle difference between W7 and WP7, and thus possibly misdirected your anger.

It wasnt me

Re: Re: Aren't we past this?

"And a 1.3GHz single core will only just be able to turn this beast of a camera on inside ten minutes..."

WTF are you talking about ? Do you have any data on how processor speed correlates to boot time on a camera?

Oh, and what aperture lens would you put on for really good low light performance? Hint: smaller nubmers are better, but more expensive generally. F2.4 is pretty impressive for a mobile phone.

Apple files patent for 'polished meteorite' keyboard

It wasnt me

Re: Prior art.

Indeed. Its how the keys and pedals on a fucking organ work for gods sake. Prior art from he 1400's anyone ?

Apple, divert your legal funds to R&D, please. (And everone else).

Russian search biz grabs Twitter's fire hose, sprays everywhere

It wasnt me


Why on earth would anyone want their search results obfuscated / poisoned by the endless streams of utter inanity that make up the twitter stream? Next they'll be indexing the lib-dem manifesto. (Kudos Boris).

Laser boffins blast bits onto hard drive at 200Gb/sec

It wasnt me

Sounds good but ......

I would imagine one of the main technological challenges will be seek time. Moving the mass of a laser in 10ms is not as easy as you might think. Look at the size of the sledges in an optical drive.

Still even with this limitation it could find good uses in systems where huge writes are performed and theres not such a need for random access.

Oh, and do repeated write (==heat) cycles cause a degradation in the material?

iPhone 4 incapable of handling Siri, says chip chap

It wasnt me

No there isnt.

After about 5 seconds experimentation I can reveal that it appears to use the front facing camera, and the accelerometer, as I expected it would.

Boffins uncloak G-rated teledildonic breakthrough

It wasnt me


There is too much money in the world, and too many people with too little to meaningfully do.

Really, is the very, very best way that money can be spent? Malaria anyone? Aids?

F.F.S. I despair.

Jackpot: astronomers tag Goldilocks planet

It wasnt me


We can begin to guess how many stars there are in our galaxy. We can begin to guess how many galaxies there are in the universe. The numbers are just huge. Incomprehensibly huge. Science is now starting to find planets on many stars. As science progresses I suspect it will become rarer to find stars without planets.

Given all of that doesn't it seem like arrogance of the highest order to suggest that ours is the only one with life, and that it was put here by some omnipotent power who chose our piddly little insignificant planet out of all those available?

Apple iPhone 5 to debut at developer gig

It wasnt me

I dunno

Its a difficult one fro apple. They must be tempted to delay and profit from the 4s. But if they delay its (almost certainly ready) successor they risk losing ground to the competition. Difficult call to make.

Shit and bugger, I just got dragged into pointless apple speculation. Arse. Im off to do something productive now, like put all my CDs in alphabetical order.

EU asks why credit cards are so expensive

It wasnt me


"A card, or more likely a phone, might carry the Visa logo but have multiple accounts held on it and the retailer might have a distinct (and financially motivated) preference for a particular account, so the EC wants to know if they should be allowed to select it automatically."

Ive just checked my wallet, and there are 3 credit cards and 4 debit cards in there. I dont doubt that they all have different rates for the retailer, but do I put them on the counter now and say "Take your pick" ? Do I bollocks. And I wont in the future either.

Teen net addicts pee in bottles to stay glued to WoW

It wasnt me


" Professor of the Public Understanding of Science at Edge Hill University"

Seriously, wtf does that mean? Nothing, I should know. Im a Professor of Spotting Made Up Bullshit Titles at the University of Worthless and Meaningless Qualifications.

She's a proper muppet that one.

Boffins quarrel over ridding world of leap seconds

It wasnt me

All very interesting

But a second is a second is a second and needs to stay that way. Variable length seconds are a nonsense concept. What is the world record for the 100 metre sprint?

It wasnt me


Thats why people in equatorial countries are shorter y'know.

Go tell-em.

Skype is coming to Windows Phone - really

It wasnt me


You owe me a keyboard.

Have a beer on me though, still got the giggles.

Nuclear Mars tank prepares for 8-thruster dance

It wasnt me

I expect so

Isn't it all just on a mocked-up set in nevada?



Exotic Russian rock CAME FROM OUTER SPACE

It wasnt me
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Pumping this sort of thing into inter-stellar space sounds like the sort of thing the human race might do to demonstrate our understandings of geometry and physics to whatever else might be out there. Could be that it wasnt naturally made after all and theres someone/thing thinking along the same lines ?

Wi-Fi Protected Setup easily unlocked by security flaw

It wasnt me

Cheers for that.

I was strugggling to work out how they got 10^4 + 10^3 = 11K. Thankfully El Reg is the home of enlightened minds and people with enough time to share their wisdom :-)

Sony Tablet P split-screen Android fondleslab

It wasnt me
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But its a sony.

It all looks qquite good really, not a bad I dea and no doubt useful for some people / applications. But its a Sony. That feature list is a 'start-of-life' feature list. Expect parts of it to be remotely disabled with updates in due course as people find ways of making it do what they want it to do. Which of course is a euphemism for people doing stuff that Sony hadn't envisaged.

Sorry Sony, it'll take a while to win back trust.

Sony creates paper battery

It wasnt me
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Sony batteries eh.....

No-one's ever seen them catch fire before, and now they're going to make them out of dead trees. This will end intears, I tell you.

Shoppers love fondling iPads to fill out sex health survey

It wasnt me


A completely different response rate. Thats fine. But it will also give completely different responses from a completely different demographic when compared to similar surveys using different mediums.

I hope that any information coming from the survey is handled and processed accordingly.

Assange™ wins Supreme Court extradition appeal bid

It wasnt me

A small mistake....

I wouldn't the French seem to think that means Muslim women don't have the right to dress how their controlling husbands choose.

There, fixed it for you.

Higgs boson hunters have god particle in their sights

It wasnt me
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May I politely suggest that if you don't like a news source generalising, and trying to bring science just that little bit closer to the average human being by taking a few small approximations on the linguistic semantics of cutting edge particle physics, then the Register probably isn't the place for you?

REVEALED: People write things on Twitter, Media

It wasnt me

Thanks el reg.

The tone of this article, and the intellectual insight I receive in the comments section are exactly why I read the register. Hats off to you all and a very merry Christmas!

Pure class.

Cops bust den of text-spam spewers

It wasnt me

I wish they did work in marketing.

Bud sadly they were probably elderly and gullible, or lonely. Sad really. I very much doubt that they genuinely were useful to anyone other then the sender of them.

Mexico shuts down drug gang's antennas, radios

It wasnt me

Or of course.....

..... the US could decriminalise what they're peddling? Not fussed myself, but might save a few lives if they take away their revenue stream the easy way. Just sayin' ......

Man gets £12,500 after girlfriend probes his medical data

It wasnt me


Much easier to make the little people pay than the big companies, isn't it ?

NASA wants space washing machine for ISS, Mars bases

It wasnt me

As usual

Nasa are late to the party.

I already microwave my pants.

Backyard astronomer snaps Beta Pictoris dust disk

It wasnt me


Just wow. Thats really a very good picture for a tesco telescope and a cheap webcam.

How much did hubble cost?

Hats off to the chap (but shame about the font).

Dawdling EU countries smacked over telecoms reforms

It wasnt me


That the UK is not on the list. Ive yet to be asked by a website owner for my permission to follow me online. P'raps weve actually 'done a French' and pretended to implement it but actually done nothing?

Robot ostrich spy outpaces world’s fastest sprinters

It wasnt me
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As you point out in your own post its only 'quite possible' if the simulator ignores the fact that the plane has wings.

To re-assert the previous poster, in any reasonable simulator it is just not possible.

It wasnt me


Exactly the point in fact. Much better a robo-turkey gets its goose cooked by a trip triggered bomb than a human being / american soldier.

Samsung v iPhone 4S French entrenchment: 'TOTAL WAR'

It wasnt me


I can't see FRAND being interpreted in this way. Samsung want 2-4% of the devices price. Everyone* wants an iDevice so the price and hence Apples margins are very high. If they ask 4% of an iPhone and 4% of some crappy Nokia selling for very little then that strikes me as a little discriminatory against Apple. The more value Apple can add to an iPhone the more they have to give Samsung? That sounds greedy to me. Wouldn't it be fairer to ask all licensees for a fixed amount per device?

* OK, not everyone, me included. Don't like Apple Corp, devices are neat and appealing. Own several Samsung devices. Not trying to be a fanboi or start a war.

Pakistan bans rude text messages

It wasnt me


Its reassuring to know that the Pakistan authorities have their ship in such good order that they can now concentrate on this sort of stuff.

Last I read they had porous borders with countries sponsoring terrorists, a huge mountain range full of terrorists, were blowing up foreign cricket teams, and harbouring Wheelie-bin laden. Not to mention wondering dangerously toward displacing democracy with some 16th C religious system of government. I guess that must all be in the past now though. Congratulations on your progress Pakistan.

Israeli air raid vs Iran nukes boardgame out in time for Xmas

It wasnt me

Nice reference

Copied "Amused to death" onto my phone last night. Think ill have a listen now. Cheers !

Pass the wine, dear. Yes, that papier-mache thing

It wasnt me

Glass recycling......

Its not really great for the environment. All they do in most places is grind it up for loft insulation.

The ideal i'm sure would be to re-use bottles, but as it is the glass in a glass bottle is only used once for bottles. After that its glass fibres. Thats still not a avery green used of energy.

At some point all the lofts will be full as well.

Secret US 'Jedi' ghost-copters kept out of bin Laden raid

It wasnt me


9 odd paragraphs of utter drivel and you still gave your imaginary top-trumps nonsense-copter a conventional engine. Why not go the whole hog, and give it a warp drive fuelled by top secret wibble fields? How about an invisibility cloak? And i've heard that owls are an almost undetectable method of communication.

Common brain parasite 'can affect host's actions'

It wasnt me
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O.K. I'll bite.

No, I have never owned a cat. But perhaps you can help me adjust my opinion of them.

Go on, explain. All I need to know is: "Why is it my prerogative to spend money cat proofing my veggie patch? Why do I need to pay to keep someone elses cat shit away from my little girl's sand pit? Why are cats owners not subjected to the same responsibility laws as dog owners?"

Please do explain without using the excuse that "its in their nature". This is not a valid argument as (1) Cats are not native to the UK. (2) Its in human nature to kill wild annimals for food, but the law prevents me from doing that to your cat.

Article 1 of the UDHR needs rewriting to formalise the unwritten superiority of cat owners.

Steve Jobs' last words: 'OH WOW. OH WOW. OH WOW.'

It wasnt me


I hear what you're saying, and I agree wholeheartedly.

However, I can't quite understand why his family felt the need to publish the eulogy in the NYT.

Its not just the news outlets that are to blame.

Solar power boom 'unsustainable', says Gov

It wasnt me
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All very interesting but .....

....... it just isn't economically viable.

If there was any benefit to it at all the market would favour it. At the moment, everyone puts a load of money in a pot, and the richer people who can afford the initial investment make some money. Brilliant.

Heres another idea though. Theres a bloody recession on. How about we can the whole scheme, like sensible countries (Spain) are doing? That way we all get cheaper energy bills. The government can then ignore the green targets like the rest of the world are.

Same goes for windmills. I used to be a huge fan of wind energy, but when you start looking at the numbers it just simply isnt econimically sensible. We are creating an environment where energy in the UK is artificially expensive. At the moment its being paid for by people like me who dont have PV on their roofs. When businesses have to start paying it the UK will be hit hard.

Apple shifts Lossless Audio Codec to open source

It wasnt me

Lossless audio eh ?

£10 says there some aural homeopather out there that swears they can hear the difference.

Inside WD's flooded Thai factory

It wasnt me


"Hindsight says it was foolhardy building industrial plant on a floodplain with inadequate flood protection."

Foresight said exactly the same thing.

The beancounters said the land was cheap, so get on with it.

Apple gets patent for ‘unlock gesture’

It wasnt me
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O.K then

Ive been answering calls on my HTC phones by sliding a button (left- answer, right- hang-up) since before the Iphone was invented. To a non-lawyers eyes that make apples 'unlock' feature downright theft. To a lawyer though answering a call is not the same as unlocking. Even if you do the same thing. Apple, just fuck off.
