* Posts by It wasnt me

503 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Sep 2008


Asset raider busts in, demands seat at Quantum table

It wasnt me

Ridiculous ?

"Interestingly, Quantum's market capitalisation of $283.8m is less than its fiscal 2012 revenue of $652.4m. Look at it this way: you could buy a $652m annual cash flow for $284m, a ridiculous state of affairs."

That is only ridiculous if you have information on its operating costs. This information is absent from the article.

Israeli cops penetrated by army of fake generals with trojans

It wasnt me

Re: "The Trojan features Windows 8 compatibility..."

<---- For you sir.

Can climate change be changed back again? Maybe, say boffins

It wasnt me

Re: Hope there model is *very* complete

Why would you want to model the poles? Just go down to Lidl and see them for yourself.


Man rummaging for lost laptop in skip gets tipped into garbage truck

It wasnt me


In Australia even the inanimate objects want to kill you.

Young Frenchwoman desperate for fat pipe tumbles out of window

It wasnt me
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Re: Uh...

No its not. My flat in France is on the "Rez de chaussee". The next floor up is clearly marked '1' in the lift.

Google rolls out new, cheaper Chromebooks 'for everyone'

It wasnt me

Re: It's crazy......

And the whole thread is moot anyway, cos according to the full page advert in Todays 'i' newspaper, they're £229, not £249.

So your profit is down by £400 and the rest of the thread is hot air.

A lesser-known new feature in iOS 6: It's tracking you everywhere

It wasnt me
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Re: @A/C 10:13

Indeed, or how if it is "generated once", one can reasonably expect it to change.

Yale finds second diamond planet

It wasnt me

Come on el reg.

What's its mass in carrots? Proper units please.

Russian Christians boosted by Pussy Riot law spank 'sinful' Apple logo

It wasnt me


I thought they just nicked it off the Beatles.

Apple: Blue-shirts can fix iOS Maps in their spare time

It wasnt me
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Re: But how

Thats all well nad good. Buy I paid a premium for my iPhone 4s, and ill be fucked if if im going to spend my time, money and data allowance fixing a shoddy service. I paid a premium because all my apple kit just works well. I love it as is. But I wont be updating to iOS6, and i wont be buying an iphone 5. Ive defended apple in the past but this maps thing really takes the biscuit. Either they fix it, let google release an app that I can set to be the default, or theyve lost a customer. I suspect (and genuinely hope) that this may be start of the downfall of apple. As much as I like their kit, the company is a complete arse, and I suspect that more and more people are starting to not like their kit.

Vote now for the ultimate bacon sandwich

It wasnt me

Re: tangentially

Justin Bieber ? Who?

I think you've accidentally stumbled onto the wrong website my friend.

Freetard-idol rock star Trent Reznor gives up, signs to major label

It wasnt me

Re: speaking as a "freetard" (spit)...

Indeed. I am more than happy to pay for music. I consider stealing a copy to be wrong. However I used to buy a CD from a store for £11.99. Now to get the same music in a digital format I have to pay £11.99. The record doesn't have to pay for production (the CD, not audio), warehousing, distribution, store space, all the staff. And they prevent me from fromat shifting and selling on an unwanted copy. That, Mr Orlowski, doesn't make me a freetard, but does explain why a lot of people resent (absolutely fucking hate) the record companies. And why some of them take the matter into their own hands. If the companies could drag their failing business model out of the fucking middle ages and their heads out of their arses, and charge a fair price for music then a lot more people would be willing to pay. A lot of money used to go to the people between the artist and the listener, because those people added value as described above. Now the companies just want all that money and do fuck all with it apart from stick it up their nose.

Or perhaps I'm completely wrong. In which case could you do an article educating me please on what value the companies add?

Brooks, Coulson to be CHARGED over phone-hacking

It wasnt me

Re: In One Sentence [sic}

"David Blunket was grinning from ear to ear this morning, telling his friend Jude Law about his monster swapping session with Brad Pitt and Angelie Jolie, yet the poor sod genuinely has no idea that he's actually been barebacking Charles Clarke and Delia Smith."

There, have another one on me :-)

Chinese boffins build nuclear-powered deep-sea station

It wasnt me

Re: Uhm...

Good point. If they're happy with nuclear tech then why not knock this underwater bollocks on the head and build some reactors on land. They could use them to drive turbines 'n stuff. Get some leccy without the oil they were going to look for.

Or have I missed something?

'Apple is corrupting App Store downloads', warn angry devs

It wasnt me

Re: Ok, a radical option...

"If the application fails when it starts, it means not all the bits have been downloaded "

Evidence please or you just made that up. You have absolutely no idea what could cause Apples distibution chain to fail. Unless of course you work for them.

I think you got the wonrg icon <-

Google ditches the bits in the bottom of the box

It wasnt me

Re: Symbian’s shame

I have no idea what you're trying to say, but have an upvote anyway.

Facebook phone app attempts to seize ALL YOUR MAIL

It wasnt me

Re: advice?

Well done Sir. Upvoted because you must have ballls of steel posting a comment like that round here. And using your own name. Top trolling.....

BAE proposes GPS-less location

It wasnt me

Re: Hardly a new idea.

"Is it a replacement for GPS? No."

Might it be a good enough pitch to a frighteningly clueless politician to get BAE in on some limitless troughing from the public purse? Very possibly, yes.

Google wingmen rain Project Glass on San Francisco

It wasnt me

Re: Project Glass aside...

Wow. Holy mother of wow. That is the most sycophantic piece of brown-tongueing I have read for a while, thats for sure.

Is there much light up there? I dont suppose it matters. If you're wearing the glasses then you can just have a little bit of reality magically beamed straight into Brins arse.

Raspberry Pi to skipper microship across Atlantic

It wasnt me


If it heads west at 1 knot, and gets caught in a current heading north at 1 knot, then its route will be northwest.(*) A GPS allows it to navigate to course over ground for the shortest route. This would start off at something like 280 degrees and finish at something like 250 degrees to follow the great circle route.

If I was them though, i'd forget the great circle route and choose a tradewind route. The prop wont power it.

+/- adjustments for wind / routing etc.

It wasnt me

Re: Joke?

I'm surprised you got downvoted for that comment. It was my second thought after, "whoever designed that has never sailed across an ocean." Oh, and I reckoned force 3 would be too much. Especially with a fetch that covers the atlantic.

And I have sailed across an ocean. The chances of getting even as far as the scillies without exceeding F3 are diminishingly small.

Best of luck though, far bigger budgetted projects have already failied this endeavour. (Although that in itself is of course not an indicator of the prospects for this one).

Chick-lit naughty girl MP Mensch starts own web-jabber service

It wasnt me


I thought "What a load of crap" until I heard that that pie munching thuggish fat c&*t prescott didnt like it. Now im inclined to think she might be on to something.

Ex-Soviet space gunboats to be FOUND ON MOON

It wasnt me


Im sure you didn't, but that whole story reads like a 7 year old just made it up.

Unbelievable what some people will do to get their name in print.

Ofcom: High-speed hookups still a UK monopoly - except in London

It wasnt me


I assumed by the way they behaved that Ofcom _wanted_ a monopoly. They don't you say??

O.k. Heres an idea then. Hows about splitting BT in two? Put the copper cables in one company and let the rest of it compete on the same terms as everyone else. You'll soon see some competition.

Why the fuck do I have to pay a 13 pound monthly tax to BT for a phone line that I simply dont wan't, in order to receive BB from someone else? Split off the infrastructure, and you'll start seeing some creative pricing in the market. How about £5 a month for a line lease that allows BB but not phone? Pay more if you actually want landline calls. Ofcom are not an industry regulator. Theyre a lobby group for the telcos.

'Kindness of America' snapper shot himself in 'act of self-promotion'

It wasnt me


It's like shooting fish in a barrel round here :-)

iPhones, iPads to be FULL OF FACEBOOK and NOT GOOGLE

It wasnt me

Re: auto stuff

"I won't be buying any car that has an Apple specific button."

May I interest you in this Kia C'eed sir? No? Then it'll have to be the Nissan Note, or something from Tata.

You don't think they might make it available to other handsets do you?

It wasnt me

Re: Seriously?

Apple don't charge you for it. MS want a metric fuckload of cash every 5 minutes.

Brit judge orders Facebook to rip masks from anonymous cowards

It wasnt me


I think you're on the wrong site. FB want you back.

10m years ago there was less CO2 - but the Earth was warmer

It wasnt me

Re: Yea right

"What would you have Lewis do - only report on findings that match the general consensus, your way of thinking?"

Unfortunately, that is exactly what a lot of the brainwashed readers here would prefer.

I genuinely don't understand that vitriol that confronts Lewis' climate articles. He is often accused of pushing an agenda. Wtf? As far as I can work out the guy is an ex RN guy turned journo with an interest in climate and nuclear power. I actually value that he posts articles providing contradictory viewpoints to the mainstream press. It provides balance to the other side of the debate pushed by people with the real agendas - politicians.

Windows 8: Not even Microsoft thinks businesses will use it

It wasnt me


Don't get me wrong, I hate Microsoft far more than the average man and have done since I was saddled with Vista. But Microsoft aren't choosing to skip a business cycle. They just know full well that businesses choose to skip MS Upgrade cycles. Whatever MS did with 8 the businesses were going to skip it anyway, so it seems like the right release to put the consumer shit into.

On everything else though, I agree, it looks turd and will probably die a painful death. Thankfully I will never see it as the only place I use windows is at work.

I need to multitask, but Windows 8's Metro won't let me

It wasnt me

Re: You're making too much of this

@terra 04:39

"Most of the time I can't even get the.cursor to line up in Android. Its"

It appears from your post that on your wonderful windows machine you also can't get your fingers to line up with the keyboard.

Third-gen Ultrabooks must offer USB 3.0, anti-theft tech

It wasnt me


Being responsive while active is harder to do. The vendor's best laid plans can be screwed because the user's running a resource-hogging app.

Well thats Windows f***ked then.

Online bookie can't scoop £50k losses made by 5-year-old

It wasnt me

Indeed .....

He was hacked of 'cos the dog ate his homework.

Assange loses appeal against extradition to Sweden

It wasnt me


Scorchio, Gumby, you here yet?

Foxconn receives Apple smart TV order - report

It wasnt me

Re: re-coupling UI and screen?

TV hardware moves very slowly. Look how long HD took. Look how long the digital switchover took. No-one is going to broadcast anything more than HD for a good while. Apple are not going to get the hardware into a yearly upgrade cycle. But if they get the hardware right then I can see them getting the UI into a yearly upgrade. Its just software after all. Samsung and others have promised this for years and completely failed to deliver. Apple may succeed, and I bet a fair few fanboys will pay £100 every year for a few more rounded square icons (TM). Expect the release model to come with not a lot except promises.

Facebook needs Opera - to rescue it from dependence on Apple

It wasnt me

Re: Why should I care?

Why should you care. Well, you probably shouldn't. Im just guessing here, but from what I read in your post you're probably not their target market. In fact you're probably not anyones target market.

Yet you do care enough to post.......

Cameron's F-35 U-turn: BAE Systems still calls the shots at No 10

It wasnt me

Re: Omnishambles a new word for a new standard in incompetence.

O.K. Ill take your bet.

You must work in civil service procurement.

Wanna buy a bridge too ?

Office 365 hard enough to penetrate US government

It wasnt me

Re: what else in their sleeve

Indeed, although most of their tat appears to be pulled straight from their wizard's sleeve.

Ape Apps help Orangutans talk to people

It wasnt me

Wow !

5 comments already and no-one yet suggesting that they actually would crush them because they prefer android.

Damn, i've gone and said it.


It wasnt me

Re: I must congratulate my fellow comentards

Thanks, have one of these <= , really got me chuckling.

Chinese passports to get chipped

It wasnt me


"The new passports will also use “colorless fluorescent printing, shaped rainbow printing, multi-level, multi-color wiring, gravure luster ink, laser perforation and high-resolution holographic protection film"

Thats a shed load of technology. Remind me again, why would anyone want to fake a Chinese passport? Surely you'd be better off faking one that didn't restrict your movement to a controlling, authoritarian state.

Man sues pr0n starlet after Twitter rejection

It wasnt me


Holy shit. Wow. That is all. Just wow.

GCSE, A-level science exams ARE dumbed down - watchdog

It wasnt me

@ The author

Anna leach ? Youre new around here are you?

"making it harder for clever clogs to show off their abilities".

I think you'll find around here the correct phraseology would be :

"making it harder for nascent boffins to show off their abilities"

Ten... eight-bit classic games

It wasnt me

Its a good list.

Glad elite is on there. It got me into fixing me school BBC micros and i'm still coding and designing hardware now.

A little bit disappointed no to see Jet set willy though. I really loved that game. It inspired me to do my very first coding on me Spectrum 48k. I've never looked back.

Stray SMS leads to aborted landing

It wasnt me

Re: Oops

And this one time....... at band camp......

Go get em tiger!

Hitachi spins up 'leccy fan motor sans rare earths

It wasnt me

And the beauty of capitalism is ......

........ the prices for the products will remain the same to the consumer as if they had rare earths in. Patent lawyers will see to it.

All that will happen is the profit will be moved from China to some courtroom.

Still, at least the environment gains I suppose, so not all bad.

Nokia drops Lumia 900 price to $0 in response to bug outrage

It wasnt me
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Re: The way its being reported in the States appears in fact to be fairly low key.

"Nokia/MS could be using this bug as an opportunity for giving their phones for free".

Errrr.... Let me educate you, MS fanboi. If you want to give a phone away for free with the goal being "a massive market penetration", then you just give it away. For free. There is no way that apologetically giving away a buggy, faulty phone will be for any other reason than damage limitation. It is unlikely, even in America, that people will be swayed to knowingly buy a faulty phone simply because the vendor is grovelling.

You're welcome.

Success-hungry Valley needs code, not cash

It wasnt me
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Look, everyone is after money. If you're a PLC its your legal obligation. If you're a one man band its an obligation to feed your family. Everyone is going to take it.

I'd turn the whole opinion piece on its head:

"People who are are awash with money, such as VCs, are crap at choosing where to invest it."

There, didn't even need the rest of the article.

Amazon names date for Kindle Touch touchdown

It wasnt me

Re: Fuck the Kindle Touch

+1 Upvoted for the sheer and utter irrelevance of your post. Really got me chuckling. Ive got this picture of you trawling the internet looking for somewwhere to spleen-vent, and then stumbling on this article and thinking " sod it, this'll do". Thanks, you've made my day.

Who's Jeff ?

Testicle-boiling new iPad ignites fanboi fury

It wasnt me

Re: Wake me up when it's news...

Ever heard of accelerated life test ? No, probably not. They run it way outside its design parameters for a much shorter time, then extrapolate using well proven models. This won't have been done by Foxconn but by the ASIC vendor. The silicon itself won't suffer any any ill effects untill well above 125 deg C junction temperature.

All in all, I suggest its a storm in a (cold) teacup. As many others have also pointed out.
