higher end handsets?
Sorry, that site looks shit on my HTC Touch Pro. It would look o.k on a pikey handset, but for anything with decent res just use the main site, its much nicer.
503 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Sep 2008
BT are haemorrhaging customers at 250,000 in 3 months. I dont suppose you can blame that on a recession. I've not met anyone yet who's saving pennies by cutting the broadband. So presumably customers are voting against their asshole tactics (phorm, that wireless shit) with their feet. Long may it continue.
BT - still at the top of my list of companies that I would just love to see go under. Virgin (as NTL) used to occupy the number 2 slot (number2 / NTL, how appropriate..), but now they look like they may break BT I wish them all the best.
BT / phom, FOAD.
Oh well thats ok then, Sting is here to save the day. Thank fuck for that, for a moment I thought we were going to have to rely on Bono QC or Saint Geldof to save the day. What is it with rock stars and political meddling?
On the other hand, he might still be fscked, as Marillion are weighing in. Hardly live aid is it?
NZ law is very different to here. In that common sense is allowed. We have to define every last possible avanue in micro detail in our legislation, as if we dont the lawyers will find a way out.
In NZ there is no compensation culture, and it has led to a much more practical legal system.
Common sense has a place there. To all kiwis: I would defend your legal system as long as you can. We followed the merkins, and its shit, expensive, ludicrous, orwellian and the only people who are better off are the lawyers and the political elite.
Not just the USPS. Its happened in the UK, France and other euro entities.
The govenments have been selling off the profitable parts of mail delivery (parcels and large stuff) and the rest it cant sell. The arseholes have missed the entire point of a universal postal service, which the victorians did so well. The point is that the profitable parts sunsidize the not so profitable parts so that everyone gets the same service at the same price. Its not socialism, its just sensible. Competition is great in many markets, but it will NEVER EVER be more efficient to send 2 vans to every door instead of 1. Same goes for water and the bloody trains. Either re-nationalise, abolish or accept that subsidies are needed.
P.S. I am not a socialist.
Its the same bunch of people who normally slate wikipedia now on here using it as a single source to validate the UK space industry. Can wiki morph into the oracle when required?
@DT Why waste taxpayers money creating jobs in a high tech industry when we can waste it paying people to have children and not work?You bloody lefty.
P.S. Just use linux, dont buy jesus phone etc. etc.
Well done America. That is a fine example of a healthy democracy, when a leader acknowledges that gummint is there to serve the people.
If only.....
The problem in the UK is that none of the parties sees themselves as out servants. And none of them are accountable. No election is going to change that. Its really a case of democracy is dead. We get a vote, but all the parties stand for the same thing.
Sad really, but Im happy for the merkins for once.
Its a good idea for god's sake.
Why so many gimps moaing that "kids will put batteries in the real toaster dontcha know. So irresponsible."?
How about the following: Dont keep it in the kitchen by the real toaster. If your kid is so thick, then put the real toaster out of reach, or just let darwinian evolution take its course.
...... adn thought there were a whole load of unanswered questions. Not to worry, I thought, ill wait till the reg covers the story properly.
Where is it then? Youve just listed the whole thing from beeb. Come on reg, do your jobs. What were they supposed to save it in? Why do they need more lessons to catch up? Why werent they just batch re-saved?
Is there even a story here?
You used to be better than this. Whats the point in the reg if its just reprinting uninformed trripe off the beeb, especially on a story that actually has an IT angle.
Presumably practicalities is the answer to your question. Most of the design work for Exomars is being done in Stevenage, and theres a lot of space expertise in Portsmouth and Uni of Surrey. Other than that, theres not a lot left in the U.K. So if you're going to build it in Cheshire, you might as well build it in say Paris or Frankfurt. Theres not a lot of room for sentimentality here, you need the emplyees, and I for one wont be moving to Manchester for any money.
Im up for Harwell though, if anyones reading !
I think for me "Excited about the price comparison space" is probably the clincher. If someone can get excited enough about that to invest money, they're an idiot.
Kelkoo (and other s(h)ites like it) are nothing more than a visual annoyance returned as part of google searches. Which Is why anything from it is filtered. If you removed Kelkoo and the rest of those sites from google searches the world would be a better place. Or at least only show theire results when they can determine Im shopping. Most of the time im looking for reviews or tech info and theyre like a yapping dog saying "buy from me !!!!". Good riddance, hope you go bust.
Now obviously facebook is a load of tosh and the the internet (world?) would be a better place without it, but these a-holes look like they're suing becacuse facebook are using a database. Why do merkins like giving so much moolah to lawyers? Can I sue these morons cos they've copied my "evolving out of the pond" or "breathing oxygen" patent ?
Did the steam start venting form your ears before you reached the end of the article? Ill explain.
It said that USB drives were a necessity, what with networks and email being unavailable in theatre. To get rid of them would be an encumbrance.
Why not get rid of bullets as well, they keep killing people ?
"Considering the difficulty of maintenance, it might have been a good idea to design this Solar Alpha Rotary Joint to not need a periodic lube job."
They did. Their design failed. And since banter is no loger allowed here due to the bra-burners getting tetchy, ill get back on script: I expect it was designed by a man. More women in engineering please.
It was really funny. I know i'll be in trouble for this, but what the hell. The seconds immediately prior to the daft bint offloading the toolbox looked exactly like a lost lippy rifle through the handbag type panic.
No respect for toolboxes, and no use with a grease gun. Would have been better at making tea.
Thats the mark of someone who spent too long at university and consequently has no view of the real world.
Boulder CO is at an altitude of 1 mile give or take. The recipe needs altering as it does for all recipes that rely on air / gas spaces expanding.
No wonder people are pulling funding for UK science if these are the numpties we pay for.
It'll be in the daily mail tomorrow, and the next day the BBC will be suspended, clarkson will be flogged by middle england, and BT will come to a standstill under the weight of billions of furious nobodies seething with rage complaining to everyone. Yet none of them will have watched the program, as celebrity fatso lipo-reduction diaries (Series 3) was probably on the other side.
And the rest of us who thought it was funny will lose out.
Why........... ?
Is it the daily mail thats making you angry about light pollution? Did russel brand sleep with it?
Why be so negative?
I live in the middle of Southampton with a street light outside my house. Last years perseids were great, this shower has already been awesome. You can regularly see the ISS with the naked eye. Go outside on ANY clear night and youll see 10s of satellites, and more than likely the odd shoorting star.
No, theyre not going to build any telescopes here and I cant see quite as well as hubble, but its really great the night sky.
Heres an idea, go outside on the 5th (leave the daily mail inside) clear all angry thoughts, wipe the tears of persecution from your eyes and gaze at the night sky. If the streetlight makes you angry then perhaps its not for you.
But maybe leave the rest of us to enjoy it ? These articles help us to know when to look, and really arent a cause for moaning.
"And can anyone explain why this sort of space junk isn't propelled in the direction of The Sun"
You're new to this gravity and orbit thing arent you?
A sodding great rocket burns hundreds of tonnes of fuel and it just gets into low earth orbit.
Yet some dude on the the end of a robot arm is supposed to throw it into the sun?
Can someone explain why we dont launch satellites by throwing them really hard into the sky? If we did it at night then you can see space so it should work.
Our descent into lunacy is complete. Ive never played one of these online games, so I feel like i'm watching strange events unfold in a goldfish bowl every time I see one of these stories. Are they really that captivating and important? Im starting to feel like I must be missing something, but the realy world is still great for me. I originally thought lonely people played these games to get away from the traumas of the real world, but now it seems there is murder, divorce and all that in the virtual world as well.
Oh sod it. Get a life you nutjobs, or stop wasting oxygen that the rest of us could be breathing.
Losers. Massive losers.
Not sure if its worth bothering arguing any more. Ofcom, bastard son of BSC, ITC, RCA, Oftel.
Postwatch and energy watch have now become 'Consumer focus'. Soon all of the old consumer reps will have merged into one massive profit supervising control machine, merged with the governments new consumer monitoring program.
A bit like the Stasi, but probably called something fluffier like 'Cloudlite'. Forget capitalism, Parliamentary Democracy has stopped working in this shite hole we call "Great" Britain. (+NI).
Presumably this isnt the intel i486, launched in 1989?
I very mush doublt if that would have made it onto hubble (launched in a very different waqy just a year later in 1990).
Thats not the sort of development cycle or part heritage that NASA (or any other space agency) would normally fly with.
Yes, yes, youre very clever, and correct about about the etymological derivation of the radio calling laguage.
However, its written PAN PAN and MAYDAY these days. Its an international standard.
Like 'silence' is written 'Seelonce'
The reason being that someone who doesnt knopw how to work a radio can read it from a set of instuctions and unambigously pronounce it correctly.
So get of your high horse and .........
shit, just noticed your flame icon...
Its the one with troll food in the pockets.
Now all you have to do is acknowledge us customers who were saddled with Vista before this option became available. You have acknowledged that Vista is a piece of shit that is not fit for any purpose at all.
Now can I finally have my computer that I paid for please? All you need to do is let me put XP on it. You have my money, and you have the opportunity to keep a customer for free.
No? Thought not.
Microsoft must be brought down over Vista. There is no other company in the world that takes your money forcibly and is not legally required to provide you with a working product. Thats what governments do.
Absolute fscking cnuts the lot of them.
.... so it must be true.
Now if I was a member of Al-taleban-quaida-bin-laden-bush-baby i'd currently be wetting myself. I mean what are we doing? What has the world come to? As I type this i'm genuinely questioning whether I dreamt the article... No I didn't....
Forget different approaches to randomness, for the cost of this shit you could probably put a sky marshall on every flight forthe next 20 years.
America. The race is on. Who will win first, the terrorists, or the idiots? My money's on the idiots.
What an entire nation of pond life. There's more intelligence in algae, the really is.
Oh, and Ed Blackshaw, you're a troll.
Instinct says we shouldnt bail out this mess. Self interest says we should. Its us who will suffer.
What I dont understand is why we cant bail out the markets, subject to some conditions.
1>. The people at the top of these companies need to be held accountable. They must walk away from the mess as penniless as their customers.
2>. The people at the top of these companies must never, ever work in a position of responsibility again. Im not sure Id even like them handling cash in McDonalds.
3>. Im not sure i'mm qualified to comment on short selling, but nake short selling seems mad. How can anyone be allowed to bet someone elses money selling something they dont have and cant borrow. Its worse than heroin junkies at the pawn shop.
4>. ALL bank deposits must be guaranteed. I dont care how you arrange it. IT IS NOT THE BANKS MONEY. By depositing in an account, YOU agree to LEND the bank YOUR MONEY at an agreed rate. THEY MUST guarantee to give it back.
5>. Fat cat bonusses. What a pile of crap. Hold them in covenant for an entire economic cycle. If they really perform they will still get their bonusses. If not, then get stuffed.
6>. Finally, the markets probably have enough regulation. As with the rest of the country though, its useless without enforcement.