* Posts by TLA

19 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Apr 2007

Samsung unveils first Android handset

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Given that the device pictured has no keyboard, can we assume it will have the magical 1.5 "cupcake" version?

Official: PS3 to get DivX through firmware upate

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There is a god...

...DivX be thy name.

Tesco punts Xbox 360 bundle for £33.24



Halfway through the order, they tore down the store!


"This Tesco.Com store is currently unavailable due to essential maintenance."

Worryingly there is a sneaky "<%@ Language=VBScript %>" tag at the top of the page. Oh well, I guess we can't all use real programming languages!

Sony unveils third-gen 'portable' PS2


Dead Horse?

Julian, have you seen the sales figures for the PS2 against the 360?

In Nov 2006 the 360 sold 511,000 units. in the same month the PS2 sold 663,000! And the was with Gears of War boosting the sales! (of the 360)

Graphics aren't everything, the original XBOX was for all "tense and purpose [sic]" a "dead console" was because it was terrible.

Here is my reference , where is yours?


Reaper aerial killbot harvests its first fleshies



It's not so amusing when machines kill humans...intentionally.

Worrying stuff

Serial typosquatter settles FTC charges



Is it really worth jail time? It appears this man values money over his own freedom, one would hope the fine is more effective.

Pentagon in orbital solar power plan for world peace


Nuclear power != Nuclear bomb

Nuclear power is ready, when will governments tell the unlearned masses to shut up and listen to thoes who know what they are talking about.

No blood for oil + no climate impact.

1 tonne of Nuclear waste <<< billions of tonnes of carbon*

It's not perfect, but why go to the trouble of sending up hundreds of rockets (where's the fuel coming from?) when we can do this *now*

* "<<<" = "is much less dangerous, in all respects, than"

Japanese diggers unearth dino skull

IT Angle

Where's the IT angle?

I don't mind reading interesting off-tech-topic articles, but this is bizarre, and dull!

Please ignore the start-up stealing the OS from Microsoft


Why, Asus, Why...

Why did you put Crossfire on that board? Where will my 8800s go now?

The solution is clear, I must fabricate some kind of SLI-Crossfire adapter!

Halo 3 packaging in disk-scratch rumpus


Is it just me or...

...is HALO just very bland?

I dont understand what the fuss is about, guns, endless corridors and enemies to shoot.

Just my $0.02

SCO faces financial crunch after Unix defeat


All I can say is....

Good riddance.

Developers to Mr Jobs: tear down this wall!



We're all forgetting what market apple is in:


They make their money selling the iPhone, they couldn't care less about what you do with it after.

Remember how stubborn Apple is, despite every iBook/Powerbook/Macbook/MacBook Pro user CRYING OUT for an option to stop the laptops suspending automatically when you close the lid, there is none.

But do apple care? Of course not, you've bought their product, as far as they are concerned, job done.

-Comment posted from a MacBook running a 3rd party app to stop it suspending when I don't want it to!

EnGenius SI-680H Wi-Fi VoIP phone


Been there, done that...

...got the phone.

The F1000G has been around for at least 3 years, AND it has a plain ringtone!

A step backwards, if you ask me.


Virgin Media boss in shock exit



Amazingly, Virgin don't have digital cable where I live...


Speedy evolution saves blue moon butterflies


A Worried god...

...Is scarcely a god at all.

I hope for your sake, ChrisB, that you are joking.

Surely your god created the bacteria that were killing the larvae? And why just save just this species, why not the Dodo? And don't give me the default "God works in mysterious ways" answer, that is an admission of ignorance.

I'm not questioning your religious beliefs, I'm questioning your reasoning.

Windows recovery loophole lets hackers in


Good use for Vista DVD

Just one good use? there are thousands!

For use as a coaster,

Making indoor fireworks in a microwave,

Cutting into shurikens and attacking (L)users...

The list is endless!


Not an informed comment? Fair enough, but this wasn't an informed article!

Killer Wi-Fi panics London's chattering classes


What people don't understand...

they will always fear.

Google glitch loses user data


I was worried, but....

my Google home page seems to be back now, although in a subtly different style, indicating perhaps that they have reverted back to an older version of their engine?

High level Night Elf druid saves PC gaming


"copious coin-purse"

Been playing Oblivion much?