Nokia's big problem seemed to be that they both made the hardware and the software - or rather, that they had invested hugely in the software and to turn their back on it would have been unthinkable. When Apple introduced iOS it became obvious new software was going to be needed. For the other manufacturers that was relatively easy. All they did was make the hardware. What OS was running on it was irellevant. So, for most, they produced the same model with 2 or 3 OSs and let the market decide which they wanted - turned out it was Android but Smasung, HTC etc didn't give a damn as long as the phones sold.
Nokia, on the other hand, just couldn't switch from Symbian. It was only when things had become utterly retched that the unthinkable actually became thinkable. Things NEEDED to get that bad.
The thing is, Nokia aren't in that position now. Okay, they have committed their future to WinPhone7 and there are contracts in place but I'm sure, in reality, they could switch to Android in a year or two. Or, more likely, they could switch to whatever the hot new OS turns out to be in a few years time when the market suddenly changes again. In fact, there is only one phone manufacturer that couldn't do that now. Only one manufacturer is in the position Nokia were in 5-6 years ago in having the whole house invested in the hardware, the OS, the software development, marketplace etc....
Are Apple the new Nokia?