* Posts by Ali

6 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Sep 2008

Prism Firefox extension hits beta

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Just another wanna be browser

So they'll add more web friendly features (tabs? Firefox extensions? favourites? Bookmarks?) and we'll just end up with another browser disguised as a 'desktop app'.

Totally, utterly pointless. My browser is open all the time anyway, so why do I want Prism?

Satellite to offer 10Mbit broadband to entire UK

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At Last!

Satellite Broadband has been available for years, but hasn't been aimed at the ordinary man in the street. Internet connectivity outside major cities and towns is a joke in the UK. This is long overdue. It's just a pity that it's a foreign company has seen the light. I'm sure though that Big Brother will tell them to keep logs . . . Static IPv6 addresses for all their customers?

Microsoft dumped after India PM's emails go AWOL


Nowt wrong with OE

Why is everyone bashing Outlook Express? I've used it for the past seven years, is perfect for my needs - a simple and sturdy email client - and I've never had a problem with it. Never had a email virus either, but the email server is mostly to thank for that as it uses blacklists, whitelists, and greylisting, as well as virus scanning all emails before they are released for download to OE. I presently have just under 1Gb of emails stored in my OE .dbx folders (which are backed up daily), and OE shows no sign of slowing down.

It's not what you use that's important, it's how you use it and the security measures you take to safeguard your data.

As others have said, If the Indian PMO has lost emails, then they need to find out why, and not just blame OE. I very much doubt that the problem lies with OE.

Govt advisor calls violent-videogame tax

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This sickness is enemic in society

I've never understood how people can get such perverted pleasure from these sick vile games and films. A tax on such filth is a step in the right direction, but I'd like to see them get banned. Knife and gun crime in the UK is becoming the norm. Is this acceptable? No. Then why is acceptable to allow kids to shoot and kill in a 'game'?

One year on, what became of Ofcom's spectrum sale?

Paris Hilton

Never heard of Google?

"Fastnet Spectrum Holdings appear to have vanished entirely". It took me 20 seconds to find that they haven't vanished at all, but are actually part of fastnetbroadband.

Paris, because she probably can't use a search engine either.

OMFG, what have you done?


This new icon . . .

. . . sums up the whole redesign project. Amateurish at best.

I've waited a few days before commenting. If I'd jumped straight in on Monday, then my post would have been deleted due to some colourful language use.

Anyway, congratulations on having the balls to unveil a site redesign without first beta testing it or even doing an accessibility audit.

"we accept that the approach we've taken creates problems for us there, but we'll be working on dealing with them"

Any problems, especially those as basic as fixed Vs fluid width should have been dealt with before going live. Actually, it should have been dealt with as part of the initial design phase where you looked at what devices your audience use to access the site, and you decided that the GUI should be multi-platform and multi-resolution friendly. . .

I've no objections to you undertaking a site redesign project, but in future, please appoint a project manager who has some proven track record in this area.

And whatever you do, don't let your young children redesign the icons again.