Oh my
"Bar posts provocative anti-google facebook status in attempt to get free publicity from lazy media." is the headline you appear to have forgotten to write.
14 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Sep 2008
http://www.digital-web.com/articles/scope_in_javascript/ - scope in Javascript
http://phrogz.net/JS/classes/OOPinJS2.html - inheritance in Javascript.
Both pages are 6+ years old. Javascript has been able to do this since before the days of IE6.
Just because it doesn't have a thing called a "class" doesn't mean it's lacking these two...it was developed as an OO scripting language right from the start.
"The study also detected code on sites maintained by Microsoft, YouTube, Yahoo and About.com that perform what the scientists called “behavioral sniffing.” They employ JavaScript that covertly tracks mouse movements on a page to detect what a user does after visiting it."
This is a website owner tracking what a user does on that website. It is not scary, it is not dangerous and it is not covert. FUD much?
You say:
"But small farmers in other nations, a group which accounts for very large numbers of people, would be very happy: rising food prices would lift them out of their hardscrabble existences and make them comparatively well-off."
Which is clearly missing the point that if food becomes scarce, prices will go up. Because farmers will have less food to sell. So how are they going to make *more* money by selling *less* food? I'd say they're likely to stay just as poor.
If the Reg spent half the time publishing stories about the actual science of global warming that it spends publishing dodgy stories rubbishing scientists, it'd make me happy.
Or better still, just don't bother, as it has little to do with the tech world and smacks of someone somewhere in your editorial staff having an axe to grind...
I'm pretty sure the lovely people on MySpace noticed the OpenSocial stuffs. And Hi5, Orkut, Friendster, et al...
OpenID is in use all over the place, or perhaps you need to investigate fun things like Twitter?
And as for Google Gears - just wait for the new browsers and the new applications that will be supported on them ;)
I'm the one who took the video - it's really not sluggish when you watch it live. And the + and - zooming isn't as counter intuitive as you might think - the layer only appears when you touch the screen and it's semi transparent.
Basically it's the iphone but built on top of linux and using open source technology and NO appstore. I was very impressed with stuff like the browser supporting position:fixed and fixed backgrounds
When you move between screens the desktop wallpaper moves too, at half the speed of the icons, giving it a nice 3d feel...
Anyone interested in playing with it can go here:
and download the emulator, which is in effect the entire OS in a VM...