..And the pilot will be?
We expect a Lego character to appear at some point
13 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Sep 2008
Something's wrong with the logic here - how can there be a shortage of raw material if we are all using less paper? Surely all the bog roll manufacturers need to do is to get their hands on the material that would have gone into office paper and newsprint anyway. Cut out the middle process and we should all end up with SUPERIOR wipes!
P.S. If you put a Buddists ashes into the recycling bin - is he guaranteed reincarnation?
I agree that the trend is becoming obvious.
A big benefit will also be that having one vendor removes the tiresome inter-supplier arguments when something goes wrong. 'It's not our box, must be the other guy's kit..etc etc.'
Also prompts some new thinking about where the apps and data sit - on the client or on the server? (i.e. 'local' cloud).
Thin client anyone?
Back to big iron and VDU's - full circle then!
I have always taken Top Gear with a slight pinch of salt - the ever so staged confrontations, the staggeringly close results of the cross country ;races; etc, but I guess I had always presumed that the car reviews were honest.
They were keen to promote hydrogen fuel (a later item in the show) and therefore to give a leccy car a clean sweep would have undermined their hydrogen stance.
Very large pinches of salt from now on I think