Bugger the interface
Fix the bloody memory usage!
63 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Apr 2007
Some protocols would work, but http was sporadic. Some sites worked, some didn't. Streaming live video was useless. Not chuffed at all. Seems to be slightly better today, but I don't want to tempt fate.
Paris because I reckon she works in their customer communications department.
The man is either being deliberately disingenuous, or has his head in the proverbial sand.
Data storage and misuse is no different from governments being given broad powers to control the general population - the guy who implements them may (MAY) be on the level; He's not the one you have to worry about. It's the twenty or so guys who come into office after him that you worry about.
State intervention in any aspect of a citizen's life (even in the form of simple observation and tracking) must be viewed as a necessary evil, and accordingly kept to a minimum. Improved security does not justify any increased risks of infringement of personal liberty and freedom.
...but he should be let in. Proponents of ideas we dislike should not be silence, they should be challenged. For in our refusal to debate them and fight their hared with reason we engage in a form of self censorship that is far more dangerous than any idea he could bring to our shores.
Also, hi Jacqui - heard of the internet? You're pushing against the ocean.
"But then since Microsoft only provides the software, why not offer phone makers the choice of including the more expensive technology?"
Because they want to make sure that manufacturers default to Windows for their mainstream phones - rather than only for their higher priced ones which may happen if they included such touch technology support.
It may sound somewhat spurious, but I would bet real money that's what they're up to. That plus the fact they've learned that they may finally have learned bloat is bad.
"This bunch of unelected self-appointed dimwits"
I love RyanAir. Ever since their reaction to airport security restrictions, they've had my utmost respect.
So based on this new Calvinistic approach, will they now pull all the adverts for The Garage nightclub that feature photos from thier "school disco" night? Or any such club night for that matter?
Besides... the number of teenage pregnancies in the UK is more likely to show school girls as being promiscuous than this advert is. Dirty buggers!
It's about the marketing. The iPod came out of nowhere. Be honest now, how many folk in the industry actually saw it's popularity coming? The iPod sold because it looked cool, made MP3 players "easy" to use (I know, I know, but The People thought so...), and was gradually endorsed by cool bands and celebs.
The iPhone was built up for months by marketing executives in both the phone industry and Apple before it even existed, not to mention the press coverage of it. How long did we have people punting supposed "this is what it will look like... probably" photochops? Months. Maybe even a year.
Apple missed the buzz. In the US they let the hype reach it's peak and start to fade away before actually releasing the product. By the time they released the damned thing over here people were barely talking about it outside tech circles. Sure folk like ITV did little bolt-on reports on it during the evening news, but no one cared.
Of course, they could've still salvaged a reasonable level of sales revenue had they targeted people like us... but they couldn't because they knew the actual phone was about as technologically advanced as a Siemens A60, save the fancy graphics.
Put simply - they tried too hard.
Er, sorry for the double post...
Chris this kind of crap is why we have a problem with employability in this country: I went to a former PolyTech (Glasgow Caledonian University) and I worked just as hard as anyone at Glasgow or Strathclyde, and am just as capable. Go back to the 80s, they miss you mate...