* Posts by Prag Fest

131 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Sep 2008


Powerful, wallet-sized Raspberry Pi computer sells out in SECONDS

Prag Fest


"Huge respect for what??"

Huge respect for working incredibly hard and dedicating themselves to a noble and worthy cause, trying to spark an interest and educate younger generations in developing technology. Actually getting off their backsides and doing something to try and continue this countries proud tradition of engineering and looking to secure that reputation in future years to come.

As opposed to you, a nobody, a nothing, who's only contribution is to make snarky, ignorant comments off the back of other peoples best efforts.

Prag Fest
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Caught BBC news running a feature on Raspberry Pi at lunchtime, big respect to the people behind it for pushing mainstream attention onto the project.

Apple antagonist Proview unveils its own iPad

Prag Fest

Re: "The iMac showed people that computers could be attractive."

...because no one else thought they could be! Eh?


Examples please?

iPhone grabs 6% of world phone shipments

Prag Fest

Apple's profits or Nokia's profits. Which would you rather have..?

Starship Voyager dumped into skip

Prag Fest
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"transported to the bankruptcy courts"

Killing line Lester :)

Samsung Ultrabook specced up by retailer

Prag Fest

Phone is ringing...

Google parallels, VS runs fine on my Air.

Jonathan Ive is knighted in New Year Honours list

Prag Fest


Correct mate, you are amongst the few whom speak sense,

Lots of muppets going off on one about what defines an engineer. I'm an engineer, a real one, all the qualifications etc etc, so I'm in a position to say. Yes Ive is at heart a designer, but his involvement in the materials and manufacturing process goes way beyond the norm, requiring an intimate involvement in engineering issues.

I would make a punt that most of the commentards lining up to take a pop at Ive have no idea what he actually does or how he is involved in the work. There is a little more to it that knocking up a pretty CAD picture and handing over to some blokes to make for you...

And for the record, it has generally been my experience that 'engineers' who obsess over qualifications are usually shit. The good ones are too busy getting stuck in and producing things.

Prag Fest

@ac etc

His designs are used and loved by hundreds of millions of people every day. I know the apple haters on this site flatly refuse to ever remove their heads from the sand, but fact is his work has had a significant impact on a lot of lives. I thought this was an engineering / technology website? You should be proud that a UK engineer has done so well.

iPhone 4S is for failures who work in coffee shops - Samsung

Prag Fest

@Craigness + Stike Vomit

You two have become quite the double act around here of late.

I can't help but picture Bert and Ernie clutching Android handsets.

'Apple's iPhone 4S ate our SIM cards'

Prag Fest

I don't get it

"The world isn't split between people who worship Apple and evil Android fans you know"

Erm, have you spent much time on this site lately? If only we could have educated, critical appraisals of issues with Apple products. Instead we just get an onslaught of ill-informed name calling. And as for the comments sections...

Apple boots MacBook Air wannabes out of slim case fabs

Prag Fest


So, I'm curious, in the time you have spent using or owning a Macbook Air, which bits of it's unique features do you think Apple 'didn't innovate'?

Which manufacturers mass produced aluminium unibody laptop did Apple copy the design and production methods from?

So much harder when you have to back up wild opinions with fact, isn't it?

Android Market free-for-all blamed for malware avalanche

Prag Fest


So true, if they discovered Android regularly sends all your private data to Nigeria, clowns like Shitpeas would still try to argue it's some sort of iOS killing feature.

Happy 40th birthday, Intel 4004!

Prag Fest
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Nice one

Rik, been really enjoying your recent articles, another good one, cheers.

iOS upgrade swells iPhone battery-suckage grief

Prag Fest

Say what?

What on earth are you rambling on about? The issue here is a bug in iOS, which they have acknowledged and attempted to resolve quickly. What does that have to do with warranty and consumer rights??

And for the record, I did once have a faulty iMac. Apple customer services were in a different league to any other tech company I have dealt with (Dell, HP etc). They couldn't have been more helpful and apologetic, sent me a replacement next day UPS without any sort of argument and gave me £200 as a good will gesture.

Facts eh? Who needs 'em.

Apple admits iPhone battery suckage, promises fix

Prag Fest

Out of interest

Where exactly are all these 'Apple fanbois in denial that a problem even exists'?

I can't say I've read anyone saying such things, all I see are people with a bit of common sense trying to put things in perspective. Anyone?

Stallman: Did I say Jobs was evil? I meant really evil

Prag Fest


The bloke, like a few indivduals here, should really try to get out a bit more. Get some exercise, try to eat better, maybe even meet a girl.

Then perhaps, with time, he may grow to realise life has more to offer than just discussing conspiracies on the internet...

5 SECONDS to bypass an iPad 2 password

Prag Fest

Not a fail

Mate, have you ever been involved in any sort of serious software development? It's incredibly complex, you will never get everything 100%, it just doesn't work that way.

Despite what many 'characters' on this site will tell you, the quality of Apple software is about as good as it gets. Even they miss things from time to time, just the way it is.

And before some dick jumps in and flames, I'm basing that opinion on many, many years spent coding for OSX, .NET, WIN32, UNIX, Linux, QNX, JAVA and all sorts of shit I can't even remember, so please don't bother.

Samsung Android 4.0 smartphone priced for Blighty

Prag Fest


This thing is dead in the water at that price. I like Android, it fills a great niche, there are a lot of people who don't really have any money yet still, understandably, want something that looks like and works a bit like an iPhone. A cheap Android handset caters to this nicely, but at this price? Who in their right mind would buy one when they could get the real thing for less?

iPhone 4S: Our *hit list

Prag Fest


If you go into 'settings->iCloud->storage&backup->manage storage' then pick your iPhone, it shows a pretty comprehensive break down of who and what is putting stuff in iCloud.

Ten reasons why you shouldn't buy an iPhone 5

Prag Fest
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A solution


How about you shut down all UK based companies with any involvement in phone development.

Would that make purchasing an American designed product more appealing?

Apple orders millions of iPhone 5s for September release

Prag Fest
Big Brother

Reasons to wait

4. I dont want every single detail of my life being sold by Google to any old punter that chucks them a few quid.

Apple iPhone 5 to sport CRT-style screen

Prag Fest
Jobs Horns


Chap, you forgot the iLemon joke.

'Upgraded' Apple iMacs lock out hard drive replacement

Prag Fest
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Give it a rest

Its an iMac, you put it on your desk, plug it in, turn it on and you have a computer. The typical target consumer of this product has no interest in changing internal components.

If thats not for you, custom build your own box and tinker until your hearts content. There are hundreds of other products you can choose from.

I despair of these dreadful articles and foolish comments, utterly, utterly missing the point.

Sony implicates Anonymous in PlayStation Network hack

Prag Fest
Jobs Halo


Have you ever kissed a girl son?

The best sci-fi film never made: Also-rans take a bow

Prag Fest

Stevie D

Who suggested Thomas covenant is sci-fi anyway? Not to mention being complete toilet.

However, if his GAP series isn't in there (best sci fi ever) my opinion of Reg readers will plummet to new lows.

Apple iPad 2

Prag Fest
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Agree it would be nice to be able to stream straight to the iPad, would be great if Apple supported DLNA, my one major gripe with the thing.

Not sure on the mp4 side though, been through loads of media clients over the years trying to get the best streaming setup and the range and incompatibility of codecs drives me up the wall. In the short term its an inconvenience, but I like the idea of finally drawing the line and going for one universal codec.

Have you tried handbreak? Great open source app, quickly transcodes anything I throw at it with negligible quality loss into mp4. I just do it as a matter of course on everything now, then I know it's going to play on any client I have.

Also, not the ultimate solution, but if you have a decent upload speed, you can stick stuff on iDisk, bypass the iTunes hassle and stream straight from there.

Prag Fest
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And I'll get flamed for trying to answer the question. It's use cant really be explained, you just have to live with one for a while to really get it.

Just look at all the comments, people who don't have them hate them, people who do love them, it's all there between the lines.

Nvidia rushes to ARMs

Prag Fest
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@ torben

Well put sir.

UK iPad 2 to cost under £400

Prag Fest
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I see the point now

That's fair enough, I was out of line. I forget £400 is a months wages for some people, which understandably wouldn't make the iPad very attractive to you.

Prag Fest


Palm has met face.

Microsoft Kinect hacked to control the PS3

Prag Fest

Dont even think about it

Get that shit away from my PS3.

Apple sells 500,000 iPads, runs out of stock

Prag Fest


Erm, how do benchmark results pan out or not?

Based on the CPU / GPU combo used It's a significantly more powerful bit of kit, thats just a basic fact, proven by science.

Prag Fest
Jobs Horns


I know!! Utter piss takers those Apple jokers. Imagine announcing a new product and saying you can actually buy it in a couple of weeks!! Insane!!!

The other manufacturers know how to do it, promise the world then ship it 2 years late, if at all!! Genius!!!!

You complete fu**ing...

Feeling heat from Macs, Microsoft sells PCs sans crapware

Prag Fest
Jobs Halo

Optimised Windows

Shit dipped in chocolate doesn't taste any sweeter.

Steve Jobs takes 'medical leave of absence' from Apple

Prag Fest
Jobs Halo


Some classy comments here, nothing funnier than a man struggling to fight cancer eh?

Nice one.

Apple unwraps app store for proper computers

Prag Fest



Bollocks, It's exactly what people want. You honestly think the average punter buys an android device because It's an 'open platform'? Do me a favour, they buy them because it looks like an iPhone but is cheap.

iOS upgrade cocks up iPad USB connections

Prag Fest
Jobs Halo

It's really come to this?

You lot crack me up.

Apple accused of iPhone ban on 'all single-station radio apps'

Prag Fest
Jobs Halo

I like my walled garden thanks

I get to relax and enjoy the lush vegetation, without being troubled by the noisy council riff raff across the street.

Tablet vendors 'quake in fear' over iPad 2

Prag Fest
Jobs Halo

Advent vega

Sold out in 2 hours, all returned for refund in 3.

No wonder CompSci grads are unemployed

Prag Fest

Etc etc

Had a couple of CS grads start for me a while back, bright lads, but couldn't even give me a basic overview of how a CPU worked. I mean, seriously...

HTML5 web video flashes past Flash

Prag Fest
Jobs Halo


Give it up, it's over, Apple has won. Jobs was right about HTML5, just like he's right about everything else. Save your energy for brushing up on your OS X and iTunes, it's a matter of time before you will be using it...

Grand Theft Auto to launch on the Mac

Prag Fest


If you want a proper easy wind up, just break it to an android monkey his phone is simply a half arsed knock off of the iPhone.

Apple goes social with musical Ping

Prag Fest


Even by your lofty standards, you have sunk to new lows of stupidity with that post.

Exploding Apple connectors? Please, please tell me you are just on the wind up.

First Dreamliner delivery slips into 2011

Prag Fest


You're an idiot mate, simple as. It's a basic fact that Individuals with such negative and critical attitudes as yourself never have and never will achieve anything of worth themselves.

The 787 is an amazing work of engineering, trying to put something like this together isn't easy, things don't always work out. Try and get involved in something like this yourself, it will be good for you, when you fail miserably you may learn a little humility.

LG touts 'surprisingly productive' iPad killer

Prag Fest


Yeah, brilliant point, you really know your stuff.

Look at MS with Windows Mobile, some would say it's 3 years hopelessly late and while they have been pissing about their competition have all but put them out the market, but really they were just taking the time to make it fully featured...

Apple iMac 21.5in 2010

Prag Fest
Jobs Halo


Called good taste, just trust me on this one.

119 iPad apps for admins, coders, and geeks

Prag Fest
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She really likes it? Has it ever crossed your mind maybe she's just telling you what you want to hear so as not to make you suspicious?

I hate to put thoughts in your head, but maybe while you're away on business or late at work, she's at home having fun times with an iPad behind your back?

Prag Fest
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@Tom 38

What he said.

Give it up with the 'my laptop / phone etc etc'. Different devices for different things. Until the inevitable Android tablets arrive, the iPad is unique and has no competition at the things it does best.

Indonesian parliament gets smut eyeful

Prag Fest


You must be doing something wrong, mines always off within two.
