The Chinese have got it all wrong
It now seems that the Chinese have made a mistake in their Panda breeding program. As we all know, Pandas are not the most prolific of breeders, but had the Chinese used Google Trends they would have discovered that by sending some of their Pandas to La Paz in Bolivia or Tijuana in Mexico they may have better results.
This is not as shocking as the amount of Trifle smoking that goes on in Kiev, Ukraine.
The biggest pricks are to be found in Dublin, with Milton Keynes comming second, and the worlds greatest concentration of twats reside in New Plymouth, New Zealand.
Chavs it seems now have a new home in Norwich, UK.
I can't help wondering just how much use Tony Blair and co are making of Google Trends as most of the stuff that comes out of number 10 these days is as daft as the above, and don't tell Gordon about Trifle smoking, he will try to tax it!!!