let's face it, we're screwed.
It is already too late. Despite the naysayers and exxon funded "scientists" global warming is occurring and will continue to do so at variable rates.
The best evidence I have yet to see, both as part of research and in person, is the effects on corals globally. They act as a planetary scale thermometer. Extremely temperature intolerant they have evolved to a narrow and steady temperature bandwidth which we are pushing them beyond. The frequency of mass bleachings as a direct result of high temperatures is increasing and they can no longer cope. I fully expect most coral reefs to be gone in my lifetime.
Why should we care? Because ecosystems are intrinsically interlinked, and we have the merest fraction of an inkling how it all connects. Corals provide nurseries for fish, the basic source of protein most of the planet. The large fish have already gone. We have started eating smaller fish, and other species. Where do we go when they are gone?
Don't get me wrong I'm no rabid ecoloon. But I see no way out. Simply too many people. Enjoy it while you can.