I'm in SG at the moment and it seems quite good, It's swings and roundabouts compared to LN. Went to HK the other week and it was very enclosed compared to SG.
Posts by G C M Roberts
68 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Sep 2008
Singapore most 'liveable' Asian city for ex-pat IT pros
Unexpected nanotube heat transfer suggests new way to cool processors
SimCity to return after 10-year holiday
SingTel restructures to bypass Apple, Google
Russians drill into buried 20 million-year-old Antarctic lake
Raspberry Pi ship date slips
French court lays le smackdown on Google Maps
Super-powered 'frankenmalware' strains detected in the wild
Virgin Media broadband goes titsup for 3 hours
Lucky duck!
I've had about 5 or 6 outages in the last yr with VM. Fortunately they always refund customers, unprompted, for loss of service. Oh wait...
My fave ISP is Be, never had any issues in 5 yrs with them just my chuffing BT line or feckless BT engineers at the exchange pulling my card out instead of someone else's.
Neutrinos still FASTER THAN LIGHT in second test
It's worth watching the last 25 mins of that BBC programme Marcus du Satoy did about this in the last month or so.
This second expt has ruled out one of the possible causes. But who knows about whether the earth's density is accurately known enough along this path for that not to cause some GR fluctuations or something else that clearly isn't obvious.
Anyway, the the du Satoy programme said, if this is right then a prior experiment which recorded neutrinos and light arriving at the same time from a supernova must have some massive error or effect as I think it would have meant the neutrinos should have arrived 25yrs before the light.
Fixing Android mobes costs telcos millions
Innovatio targets Wi-Fi users with patent suits

The below was on Slashdot and I think it should have made the article...
The lawyer representing the company, Matthew McAndrews, seems to
imply that the company believes the patents cover everyone who has a home
Wi-Fi setup, but they [1]don't plan to go after such folks right now, for
'strategic' reasons."
Stars say relativity still works
Carphone Warehouse whipped for cheap Jesus mobe ads
iRobot Roomba 780 automated vacuum cleaner
Court bans man called Peter from calling himself Peter
UBS tells IT contractors: Take a 10% pay cut ... or 100%
National web-2.0 dogturd photo scheme goes live
Chic USB drive leads double life as personal vibrator
HCL discloses 'email deletion' requests from News International

Given all the brouhaha
I would think that major newspapers be forced to adopt an email archiving policy akin to that which banks are forced to.
In anticipation of this I will be buying shares in Autonomy :)
Also is Private Eye going to be the only place to point out the big alarm bell of Vaz being on this panel. Perhaps Jeffrey Archer can go on the next perjury review committee?
Mine's the coat with the bulging brown envelopes in it.
Apple Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Part Two
Major overhaul makes OS X Lion king of security
Japanese erections named 'Bollox', 'Wonder Device'
Bill seeks to decriminalise pianos in pubs and schools
Stipe croons 'Man on the Moon' to Atlantis crew
El Reg cuts ribbon on new Special Projects Bureau
Draw and fold working circuitry with the silver-ink pen
Google in preemptive strike on Microsoft Office 365
BOFH: CSI Haxploitation Cube Farm Apocalypse
Council fined for randomly emailing personal data
Name that donkey: Barbarella battles Bathsheba
German cops unleash corpse-hunting vultures
What is UltraViolet™ and why should you care?
Popular gamers 'should play for free' – Valve boss
WTF is... IPv6?
Google misses Russian trick with Opera snubs
Shhh! HP's cloud is called, er, Scalene
Duke Nukem taken to the shrink
LastPass resets passwords following possible hack
London Olympics ticket grab ends with website wobbles
Behind Apple's record sales are signs of desperation

Big Bird must be shitting it
"They also allege copying of the colors and rectangular shape of the Apple products."
I can envisage the text books of the future:
"There are 15 colours in the 24bit palette which we can name and use freely to draw with and 3 basic geometric shapes. Those of you who wish to draw a window or rectangle please speak with your IP licencing assistant"