* Posts by Gareth Saunders

9 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Sep 2008

Google Chrome gets friendly with Native Client

Gareth Saunders

Surely, adding NaCl to Chrome ...

... is just inviting rust.

Microsoft claims IE8 is 'a leap forward in web standards'

Gareth Saunders


Come this summer, even that may be out of date - Mobile Safari for iPhone 3.0 just scored 97/100.

Maybe "three attempts" Microsoft will get it right on release nine; that, or will just force thier own 'standard' through. Silverlight, anyone?

Palm's new OS finds the sweetest spot

Gareth Saunders

Is it me...

... or was the iPhone/Pod Touch criticised for not having a 'full' API exposed, when Apple tried to push its own web app concept for v1.x.

Not that I am saying that this is a bad idea, but there does seem to be a dichotomy in the reception of these lightweight application platforms. A little consistency is always nice (and don't worry, Mr. Orlowski, it's not just you doing this).

Virgin Media to dump neutrality and target BitTorrent users

Gareth Saunders

Wonder how many posts here are from News Int'l shills?

Have used Virgin Media for a few years now, and except for the occasional Customer Support hiccup*, its been a pretty good service.

I don't particularly like DPS for ideological reasons**, but more than likely they've been pushed into this when people whinged about thier previous efforts in traffic shaping. Yeah, I've had the whole multi-gig transfer slowdown now and again, but its a rare event that I do it and only fair for all the online gamers, VOIP users and other latency-dependent users, yet alone other, more reasonable downloaders.

This is definately a bad turn for privacy and freedom on the internet, but its all the whinging freetards out there that have likely forced us all into this. Otherwise, they would have just kept the (arguably) reasonable system they have now. Now my occasional bittorrent use is to suffer for thier ignorant, nay selfish attitude.

I would say something critical about Sky, but again this is purely an ideological aversion; Murdoc's media service does look technically very nice, it's just, well, this are the same crazies/facists*** behind Fox News ('nuff said).

After all that, rant over, thank for your time.

* They seriously need to get they're house in order, the process when moving house was one I don not wish to repeat!

** Quite a personal privacy advocate, and freedom of speech fan. Actually, shouldn't I be supporting this Net Neutrality thang...

*** I know, I know...

Apple's Snow Leopard set to exploit GPU power

Gareth Saunders

Microsoft not in the group...

Of course not! They'll probably just force out thier own 'Direct Parallel', or perhaps 'InDirectX', and try and reign in this OpenCL.

Wonder if the *nix types have started implementing this yet?

DVLA: A licence to bill

Gareth Saunders

Only following orders...

"rebuttals from the DVLA and Department for Transport to the effect that they are only following the law"

I think we heard a similar defence at Nuremburg...

Sony's curved OLED

Gareth Saunders

Super Trinitron...

Hasn't it only been a decade or since Sony, etc. phased out curved screens (on CRTs, back in the day). Seems we have come full circle.

Touchscreen BlackBerry details leaked

Gareth Saunders

@Whalesong alert

Actually, Thomas has a point. If you knew anything about what you're attacking, you would know that this field, known as Human Computer Interaction, is all about how to abstract the working of a device to a point where only the intuition of the user is required, rather than having to learn the mechanics of it operation. This is pretty much where the iPhone has truly shined.

It has been a considerable focal point for most consumer electronic and software firms since the dawn of mass electronics, multi-touch input and guestures itself being the in-vouge with giants such as Microsoft, Apple and TI, (mouse) gestures also pioneered the known browser vendor Opera amongst others. These are, of course, intended to be analagous to the action being performed, and thus far more intuitive.

And at least Thomas provides critical thought and an actual argument, rather that spouting fuzzwords such as 'Whalesong', 'Kool Aid', 'Bejaysus phone'* and just sounding like a general (anti-) fanboi prat.

Though, James' comment had me in stitches. Boffin icon, as we should all at least **try** to engage brain before mouth, and (IMO) unconsidered irrationality should be frowned upon.

* JesusPhone tto you and me.

IBM, PGP fill Bletchley Park's rattling tin

Gareth Saunders

A truly national disgrace!

The fact that this site is pivotal for two distinct major reasons, that is its role in WW2 AND the development of the electronic computer, and we have let it go to rack and ruin... shame on us.

Fair play to the American firms doing this, at least they see the significance (maybe an apology for all the Hollywood rewrites of the past: that means you, U-571).

We (or at least the Establishment) even persecuted Alan Turing, the father of Collusus, a true british Hero; his sexual persuation not ideal, he was driven to suicide. Quite a bad end for someone who did so much for the nation, and humanity itself

We should be making up for this, by restoring Bletchley and putting Turing and Trafalgers' Fourth Plinth!