I love my Apple products...
...but that Samsung sure looks the business.
I don't get the hate from either side, It's good that manufacturers are competing like this, it's better for everybody,
23 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Sep 2008
...Apple will revise the hardware. Even if they do it without telling anyone, the 'secret' wouldn't stand up to 5 minutes scrutiny. and the class action lawsuit (in the States) would be moments behind it!
*Unless* :-) they intend to fix everything previously sold...and I believe this is already address with "...And Bumpers for All"
There is little doubt (in most people's mind) that this is clearly a case where Apple chose form over function.......many say that's Apple always does but it's usually BS Apple hate.
Me? I love my iPhone4....and it's $4.99 direct from China condom ;-)
...and saying it's faster..now I know you've lost sanity. Opera is OK..heck I think I even paid for it back in the day...but it's really not in the top 3 I'd choose on a Mac.
Count me among the group that has had no problems with Safari 5.0 that weren't related to problems at certain websites....macintouch (et al) were getting hammered during and after WWDC and had problems serving pages at all.
....of course I didn't have any hacks (sorry plugins) installed in 4.05 either.
..the iPad is the ultimate coffee table device and nothing more. It has the beginnings of more with the iWork suite and of course all the wonderful Apps in the store.
Until file access/management arrives at a system (apple designed) level.....it will be kludgy. I fully expect Apple to address some of these shortcomings, maybe not in the way some people hope for...but there's no way Apple's intended experience for productivity matches the current scenario.
Ads seem to be mainly added to applications as an alternate revenue stream for the developer...they're certainly not randomly inserted by Apple.
I know quite a few 'free' apps come with the ad burden on board..it sucks that they are there but hey, it cost me nothing...
SWA has an open seating policy so there would have had to be only one seat left on the plane, otherwise it's a simple case of asking someone to move for a passenger that actually paid for two seats.
Oh and Chasing Amy is a great film :D
Ya know what..it's not the terms of the contract I'm pissy about..it's more that AT&T expects to make a huge margin on the hardware and the calling/data plan.
I'm reasonably convinced that Apple makes more money on an iPhone sale than AT&T does but I don't buy that the iPhone costs that much more than the iPod Touch.....hence they're gouging back their subsidy as well as their margin on the original hardware with the new pricing.
The unsubsidized pricing of $599/$699 is ludicrous.
I see plug in cars as a viable alternative for a second or third car....I forget what the average stats are but here in Cali, it seems the minimum is one car for every member of the household plus one for every recreation or other use vehicle 'needed' :
Mums Car
Dads Car
Kids Car
Dads Truck
...one of those parental runabout cars could easily be a plug-in vehicle where it's not a major emergency if the car is charging (since there are multiple choices of vehicle available..)
'Free' energy is more expensive than the whole infrastructure of digging stuff out the ground, transporting it all around the world and managing the enviromental impact....?
Or is it rather that the companies have a need to make too much money and couldn't possibly take the hit on investing in future infrastructure but simply pass that on to the consumer thereby potentially reaping even higher profits?
I'll get me coat.