* Posts by Samuel Deakin

9 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Sep 2008

Google's Euro antitrust offer: Fine! We'll link to our search rivals

Samuel Deakin

EU should back off

It anyoys me so much, each time I go to my web brower I have a choice to type whatever serach engine I want, In my opinion Google can priotise there own adverts over anybody elses they built it and they are not forcing anybody to use their search engine, you have a choice each and every time.

If the EU don't like it try using Yahoo.

We Mircosoft if I want to buy a PC from HP I have no choice to what OS I have it comes with Windows or windows.

Gets me mad

Windows 8 for Kindle-like gear hinted by Microsoft bigwig

Samuel Deakin

Re: Great

So you will have noticed that Windows 7 has started running slower and slower to a mere stop over the last 6 months... my iphone just keeps going....

I have 3 Windows 7 PC's One on a laptop my wife just complains all the time about its speed, I have a media centre in the loft that streams down to my xbox, - I am up there every night rebooting it.. and a dell min netbook which was super fast when I first put Windows 7 on... now it un-usable.

Tesco blunder prices 64GB 4G iPad at 50 quid

Samuel Deakin

Re: Law on their side?

I think you can sue based on "loss of bargin"

Ford secrets thief caught red handed with stolen blueprints

Samuel Deakin

encrypted the disk

He should have encrypted the disk. They would have never got the info.

MS lists Windows Phone 7 gaming launch line-up

Samuel Deakin

Still wouldn't buy one

Still wouldn't buy one

Apple turns the flamethrower on Android

Samuel Deakin

Why don't Google buy HTC

Why don't Google buy HTC....If I've read it right Apple might back down..

Microsoft takes on Wet Willie's to punt Windows 7 in Paris

Samuel Deakin

couple of days to install

Quote "Make sure you install windows 7 a couple of days before the party", is that how it takes to install windoze HE :( I think I'll stick to linux...

Apple yanks C64 emulator from App Store

Samuel Deakin

Still there for jail broken phones

You can still get it if your phone is jail broken, from Installous

Dell launches Inspiron 9 mini laptop

Samuel Deakin

iphone cost, dell costs

Iphone 3g cos £400 this cost £300, I know where I'll stick my money