* Posts by Rebecca

1 publicly visible post • joined 2 Sep 2008

PC Gamers get Bill of Rights


2 and 3 are not mutually exclusive

For some games, it might seem that way, but the best examples I can come up with off the top of my head are the Diablo games by Blizzard.

The original Diablo was a complete game in of itself. Then they brought out the expansion, Hellfire, which updated the game with a new character and two new areas, which was really cool.

Diablo II is an even better example. The game was a complete game. Then the expansion came out that added the fifth act to kill Ba'al (rather than making that Diablo III) and added two more characters.

On top of that, they've shifted the game through patches to match the complaints about the game. This is something that really should be done. Some of the monsters were made easier, some things that couldn't be bought when the game came out can be now, and yes, some bugs were fixed.

Regarding bugs, it's insane to expect game companies to get all the bugs out before releasing a game. There is no way they can find every single bug. That's why it takes players to test it. Then they find bugs far faster and more efficiently. This is not only how it's done with games and software, but with hardware as well. I refuse to buy anything new technologically until it's around a year old, but I can't blame the companies. They simply can't manage a bug sweep on as grand a scale as giving it out to the public.