* Posts by Philip Webb

6 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Apr 2007

UK presses car ferry to ship powdered plutonium

Philip Webb

High Sea winds not a problem?

Just a thought but assuming that the vessel is capable of coping with these kinds of conditions it would actually make it harder for terrorists to try and attack in poor weather anyway.

Mine's the Sou'wester with the the submarine keys in it....

90mph police chief cops 42-day ban

Philip Webb

@Anonymous Coward

> in 16 years of driving I've had the following points:


> 1. For doing 44 in a 40 - 3 points


> 2. For doing 43 in a 40 - 3 points


> 3. For doing 48 in a 40 - 5 points.

then you should of challenged the first 2 offences, the ACPO (Association of Chief Police Officers) guidelines state a tolerance of (10% + 2mph) over the speed limit before you should be penalised. So the case of a 40mph zone you should not be award a penalty unless you are travelling at over 46mph (according to their equipment not your speedo).

Can't find the the original document that's in but a police reference to it is here...


Newest Ubuntu dubbed 'Hardy Heron'

Philip Webb

Ubuntu isn't ready yet, but it soon will be

firstly RE: "I'll bet they haven't addressed their real problem..."

This was address in 7.04 introducing the option to upgrade wholesale to a new version upon its release, although the system was a bit buggy I beleive it's been ironed out in 7.10

Secondly, no Ubuntu is not truly ready for mass use yet. I love Ubuntu, i'm running Feisty Fawn on my laptop and dual booting it with XP on desktop. But it simply isnt ready for home users, and the uneducated masses of office workers yet. 7.10 is addressing some of these issues by improving user interfaces for display settings (screen resolution etc.) and by the release of Hardy Heron I expect the major interface problems will be resolved.

But Ubuntu, and Linux distrobutions in general are not truly ready to compete with MS outside the server market yet.

I actually did my Computer Science Honours Degree on comparisons between the complexity of windows and linux, performing tests with users of different levels of experience. I found that even for users familiar with Linux, some tasks could take longer or be more difficult to perform due to problems or complexities with the interface.

6 - 12 months from now I see the situation being entirely different, Ubuntu will most probably have resolved all its major issues by then and be on a par with MS in terms of only having bugs that don't present a major hurdle.

So, what's the velocity of a sheep in a vacuum?

Philip Webb

Wales (Wa) Units

Presumably if the lower multiples such as nano, micro and milli Wales are acceptable so are the larger multiples such as DeciWales (DWa) KiloWales(KWa), and maybe even MegaWales(MWa).

This causes me to ask, what is the average length, end of nose to end of tail fin, in KiloWales, of a Killer Whale?

And the centre of your desktop is...

Philip Webb

Stop the pseudoneutral and fanboyish arguing?

People are making some valid points here but they're getting lost admidst the rest of the comment that they're in because the writers are getting over zealous in their opinions.

Also several points are being made without and justification or reason, and some are just plain wrong.

For one, OpenOffice can and does open .doc and .xls files quite happily in its respective applications. The only issue with .doc files is that occasionally if some of the more unusual graphical options have been used when creating the document with MS office, the layout won't be 100% perfect, but if that happens it can be fixed in all of 5 seconds by moving the graphic slightly etc.

It also takes only about 5 seconds to change the preferences in OpenOffice so that its default file types for word processing for both opening and saving documents is in fact the 'Microsoft Word 97-2003 .doc' standard. Documents saved in .doc format using OpenOffice will open perfectly well in MS Office, and its my suspicion (and it is that, i have no evidence for this) that the reason some MS .doc files don't layout properly in OpenOffice is because MS don't actually conform to their own standards for .doc files fully. (just a side note that OpenOffice has built in, for free, the ability to export your documents as PDF files, which MS Office does not. Advantage to OpenOffice in format support there.)

To clarify the point about OpenOffice running more slowly. This is not the case, but it CAN be. Both MS Office 97 - 2007 and OpenOffice have a quick loader facility, where-by the core of the software package is loaded when Windows starts up so that when you open a document the application takes less time to load. The difference is, depending on the revision of OpenOffice, it is not always enabled by default, but again this can be done easily. The reasoning behind having it off by default is to save system resources and allow faster system start up.

As far as user interfaces go.Personally i do prefer MS Office, it would be hard to argue that MS Office does not have a more polished user interface that looks prettier and can more comfortable to use for some things. However OpenOffice has a perfectly functional user interface that does everything that is required without distractions which can be preferable in some instances, I'm writing my University Dissertation in OpenOffice because I find easier to concentrate without the distraction of help tips and huge array of buttons and features in MS Office.

Google's AdWords set to face jury for the first time

Philip Webb

Quoted Searching?

I think the biggest hole in this case will be the difference between searching for

American Blind & Wallpaper Factory


"American Blind & Wallpaper Factory"

as an example. Since the intention of Google AdWords is to provide relevant adverts, only for the second search would AWDF's advert be the only one that I would expect to see as the search, in quotes, is for the exact name of the company where as the first one implies that I am searching for factories in America that make blinds and wallpaper. There is a significant difference between the two which I suspect will make up a fair component of the defence put up by Google's lawyers.