* Posts by Paul Nagelkerke

7 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Aug 2008

One fifth of humans say aliens walk among us

Paul Nagelkerke
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I, for one, blame our Alien Overlords...

Thank you, Alien Overlords, for giving us technologies that we stupid humans could never figure out!

We could not get a grip on that fire thingy, but you gave us matches, lighters, and lithium laptop batteries!

We also could not figure out how to that flying thing, but you gave us solid gold Inca airplanes. They fly as well as a T-Rex covered with feathers!

Our enlightened Alien Overlords have given us such advanced, totally green and safe technologies: clean burning internal combustion engine, clean and safe Russian nuclear power, and totally fail-safe space flight technology.

Thank you Alien Overlords! We would never have figured any of this out by ourselves, damn stupid Homo-Sapien DNA!

eBay trumps Tiffany in trade mark ruling

Paul Nagelkerke

Copyright Abuse Rampant

There is a lot of copyright abuse on eBay.

A US company that sells "Tower Hobbies" radio control servos will block you if you try to list "Tower" brand servos from Hong Kong. They claim to own the name "Tower" just like "Rolex" as a copyrighted term. It did not matter that tower was a common word and Rolex is a specific name created for the brand as I pointed out. I sold the servos using their part number, and the name was clearly listed on the picture.

Microsoft tried to copyright the "windows" word and lost, so they can only copyright the two or more word combination "MS Windows".

$10 Rolex? Buyer Beware on eBay!

Women face 'glass cliff' after breaking glass ceiling

Paul Nagelkerke

Glass Cliff? Proudly Canadian Invention!

The Glass Cliff was invented in Canada!

Way back in 1993, our then Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney saw that he was going to get wiped out for his policy decisions (Good and Services Tax, unbalanced Free Trade Agreement favoring the US, etc), stepped down and let Defence Minister Kim Campbell become P.M. for 2-1/2 months.

The party was voted off the map, going from a 151 seat majority to only 2 seats. Ms. Campbell was soundly defeated. Mulroney was such a jerk he didn't even vacate the Prime Minister's residence, Campbell was the only P.M. to never live in the P.M.'s official residence.

Go Canada!

Hacktivists ransack Hitler defender's email

Paul Nagelkerke

"Bring Him Evidence He Can't Refute..."??!!

"Bring him evidence he can't refute..." David Irving has systematically defied such evidence for years.

Yes, he should be allowed to yell from the rooftops, just not during the night when others are trying to sleep.

Hitler not know about the Holocaust? "...the extermination of Jewry in Europe." 1939. According to German dictionaries, the word used, "ausrotten" can only mean the death of a living thing, nothing else.


But to David Irving "exterminate" only means deportation, at least from 1936-45.

Irving is a dangerous nut, unfortunately he attracts more dangerous, uneducated nuts.

Leave his website alone, but don't let his message go unchallenged.


Microsoft renames netbooks 'low cost small notebook PCs'

Paul Nagelkerke

You can take my netbook from my cold dead hands...

Thanks, Beast-Child of Bill, but my new Asus Eee Linux Netbook* will remain a Netbook*, and will only be running Linux. The funny thing is, my little Linux Eee boots quickly, connects wireless quicker, and is ready to surf sooner than my much faster Thinkpad R40 running a very trim version of Windows XP SP3 (with 2x processing speed, 3x RAM, etc).

*Call it a female Aardvark for all I care:

- Fast, light, small = Linux Netbook.

- Slow, bloated, over-hyped = Rush Limbaugh, or Windows ME, Vista on a PC.

(now you just have to call all those unsold copies of Vista 'sales lost to piracy', and pass the cost onto your customers...)

Marketing body condemns 'draconian' Olympic law

Paul Nagelkerke

"Vancouver" "2010" "Olympic Pizza"

Try the Vancouver Olympic Committee (VANOC).

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (eh!) is hosting the 2010 Olympic Winter Games, and our local business thugs (VANOC) tried to get the 25 year old Olympia Restaurant to change its name!

They have since backed down, but go after anyone else using "2010" or "Olympic" in a corporate name.

Rumour has it that they approached Olympia Washington (USA) to change their name, along with renaming the Olympic Peninsula, and were told to go perform illicit and anatomically impossible things to themselves.

Needless to say, I'm leaving town during during the event, and maybe not coming back...

Sikorsky announces first flight of 'X2' triplex supercopter

Paul Nagelkerke

Constant Rotor RPM - Great Video!

Great example of a constant RPM main rotor:


YouTube: "Helicopter blades- no moving"

Aren't high shutter-speed video cameras fun?