Wall mounted TV sans cables.
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17 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Aug 2008
Hasn't it been determined that it's legal to back up your media.
What's the point of backing up your media if you're unable to use it? Mod chips facilitate this and should be allowed. It's your hardware - you should be able to do with it what you please - including taking to it with a sledge hammer.
Why is this racist?
Chances are that in the target market (Poland) IT professionals are predominate white males or females - given that the percentage of darker skinned people living in Poland is extremely low ( http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090421123804AAgqIEs ) this is highly likely the case.
Good advertising should connect with the target market and typically this involves using local actors. MS's approach may be cheap or efficient depending on you view - but it is not necessarily racist.
So Palm have essentially admitted to breaking the USB standard which I assume they agreed to when licensing USB tech. What havoc does this play with other software? Am I correct in assuming that when you plug a Pre into an XP box it also shows an iPod as connected?
The only reason I use iTunes is because I have Apple products - otherwise I wouldn't bother, it's slow and bloated. In a way it's surprising that Palm are trying so hard to get into that arena - why not work with Amazon or someone similar to develop a competitor?
The possibility of a private entity having the power to affect ones life so dramatically without due process is absurd. The internet is such an integral part of people's lives that removing access to it greatly reduces that persons ability to function within and interact with today's society. It is an electronic version of home imprisonment - something that should be left to the courts to decide.
I have faith in the French people to lead a viva la resistance on this issue...
Agreed - a simple solution is to require a same domain referrer when preforming tasks.
AFAIA this cannot be forged by an un-tampered browser and should be a defacto condition in any sensitive app or task.
Great work bringing it into the open - but surely this should be developer common sense?