With the difference being that Canute was a crafty fellow who was trying to show the advisors who thought the sun shone out of his arse that he's just a human being and doesn't have a god's power.
Current government, perhaps somewhat the opposite.
3500 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Apr 2007
I'm sure this would be difficult to sneak into a room. It must be all the size of a moderately voluminous matchbox.
So instead you get Netflix and Youtube slowing your stock trade down instead of some random cat video shared on a smaller video site or self-host?
Of course if you're carrying out the kind of HFT that depends on super fast connections to the transaction servers, you'd deserve everything you get for trying to do it on 50:1 contended domestic broadband.
But Bob, they're not spying on you! They're putting people first! Only Google spies!
Microsoft would never do such a thing!
Ignore the man behind the curtain!
>I can't think of a single instance of this ever.
Didn't read that Oatmeal strip then? I know it's hardly a scientific journal, but then neither is the Reg. You'll find at least one example right there, and I'm sure you'll find more if you actually look.
Also, replying three days after everyone else has stopped bothering to look at the thread? Cute.
Uhm, Kevin MacLeod's work is all CC-attrib-required. I suppose I should have elaborated there, but you're free to use the whole library (and indeed many people do), so long as you give attribution (you may want to check the README.TXT that comes with Kerbal Space Program for instance).
Scott Manley's work is very much all-rights-reserved ask-permission-first stuff, which makes his problem even more silly. Someone violated his copyright and then had the cheek to claim it as their own and that he was infringing their copyright. Uhh... whut?
And you might want to check before recommending the GPL for everything. The GPL/LGPL is best suited toward software, not videos or music. CC licenses are best suited toward videos and music, but not particularly software (which doesn't stop some people).
It gets a bit sad when Kevin MacLeod has to spend his time trying to stop people having their Youtube videos taken down for having his royalty free music in them, because some idiots are making copyrighted content and claiming his music as their own.
Scott Manley had a similar problem when he made a very informative video about asteroids in the solar system, which was then used (without permission) in another video, which got loaded into the Content ID system... and resulted in his own original content being flagged until he could sort the issue out.
Go here, skip to 9m40s, and put some cushioning on your hands so you don't knock your own teeth out with the epic facepalm.
"Now look at things..."
Same as a few months ago, nginx seems to the the up-and-coming server. Apache still has a huge lead on web sites that aren't spam and domain parking pages. IIS lost its brief total-sites-including-crud lead due to one of those crud-hosts going under.
Just saying.
Cameras. Radio.
"Funny, the drone saw you."
Plus I could see drones like this being an awesome B2B or office to office thing. Rooftop to rooftop, an inter-office delivery service that costs nothing but a low cost maintenance contract and the couple of pence to charge 'em each time.
I suggested this during year 1 of the degree course, the "computing and society" module. The prof really didn't like the idea. Funny how here we are not 4 years later, seriously discussing drone delivery services, Google Balloons, all the stuff that was being discussed during that module and shot down (har, har) as "not feasible".
I consider myself vindicated.
And there's me thinking that God's computer was, and is, a custom-built IBM mainframe.
"Has anyone *not* skipped the ads when watching a video on YouTube?"
Well, there are the unskippable ones. Now if there's one way to burn your brand image into my memory as something to avoid, it's making me sit through a full advert whether I'm interested or not. If your product is that brilliant, 5 seconds is more than enough to sell it to me or at least tell me where I can find out more.
Of course it'd be great if a few of the more prominent youtubers decided "text ads only until the unskippable ones fuck off", but the chances of that happening are about the same as the likelihood of Satan ice-skating to work.
Yes, I compromise DRM every time I buy a disk, shove it in the machine and a certain... foxy bit of software unlocks it for me. No pointless copyright warnings, no "COMING SOON", no "you wouldn't steal a car", and definitely no "this disk is not playable in this region". Half an hour of crunching and it's on the HDD, the optical media to be shoved in a cupboard and forgotten about until it's needed again.
It's wonderful. Oh, totally legal too, unless you're in one of those funny countries that considers "DRM circumvention" to be illegal. Strangely enough, I have yet to turn into a shady market-stall distributor of unauthorised copies. Funny how that works.
Can I get rid of that crap at the bottom of the screen, unpin all that shite from the taskbar, and does it shove me into happy-clappy-bouncy-animated-icons-your-PC-is-now-a-phone land when I press the start button?
Also can I use it and keep it up to date without a Microsoft account?
If I find the answers favourable, I might get it after various people have made a WGA un-fucker for it. If not, oh well, I'll stay with 7 until end of life, and then the Linux partition becomes the permanent primary.
The UK should obviously be able to seize all the USA's domain names as compensation for the USA direct support of the IRA.
From what I'm aware though, that wasn't so much US.gov as much as it was a few fucking idiot Americans. "Oh them poor Irish under the thumb of the evil Imperial Bastards" or something.
Never mind that a good portion of people in Northern Ireland actually like things the way they are, thus meaning that even if UK.gov washed its hands of the whole thing and said "there you go, it's yours", there would still be a bunch of pissed off people.
Irish Assembly is about the best solution that could have happened out of that clusterfuck.
"In other words, because an internet registry does not exist as its own separate entity, like a car or a house, it cannot be assumed to be an asset that can be seized."
So a bit like various siezed domain names then?
Oh I can understand the diplomatic reasons for not just yanking an entire TLD, but at least be consistent in your reasoning!
Genuinely curious to know. How many people actually replace the battery or carry a spare?
My "spare" takes the form of four different external USB packs. However, I've also replaced totally dead batteries that refuse to charge. It's nice to not require a screwdriver, paperclip, guitar plectrum, soldering iron or blood sacrifice to the god of sharp pointy bits in order to do so. That and it's absurdly satisfying to yank a battery out and make off mean fucking off.
Also nice to be able to make a 16GB device become a 32 or 64GB device without paying the £stupid-per-gigabyte premium. And without buying a whole new device, of course.
Bluetooth is a bit of an odd choice.
But then DSM2 is patented up to the hilt, and your phone can't exactly speak DSM2. Shame, 'coz dual-channel redundancy is a very very nice idea for stuff that might plummet out of the sky and onto/into someone's face.
Country flyer myself. I'd go "clubbing", but the nearest friendly one is quite a few miles away, and the nearest one is.. erm.. well I think "clique" would be a good term.
You could do a lot worse than clicking here.
As of the time of posting, it looks like the link has gone kaput. It was downlink-only earlier, at some slow speed. Wonder if they can bounce the signal off other spacecraft in the DSN?
slower GPS lock
My old Arc S was one of the first phones released with a dual GPS/GLONASS chipset. That's right. Before Apple. Before Microsoft. It typically acquires a positioning lock of 3-5m accuracy about a minute after turning it on from a cold start. That's if the phone tower or wifi positioning that happens within a couple of seconds isn't good enough for you.
So if the "slower GPS lock" is hopeless bullshit, what about the rest?
Open standard filesystems don't belong on a closed proprietary system.
Just a quickie:
Why not? I mean assuming no GPL-alike "thou must makest the whole product FOSS" stuff (and given that a GPL driver, which an Ext* filesystem would most certainly be enabled through, doesn't have these viral properties to the rest of the OS), why does an open-standard (GPL, LGPL, BSD, MIT, WTFPL, etc, etc, etc...) filesystem "not belong" on a proprietary OS?
My copy of ext2fs seems to be working just fine.
Apparently Google+ will get rid of all those trolls on Youtube. Apparently.
Except now instead of being merely "bad", I would say that the Youtube comments section has slid past "terrible", whistled by "El Reg comments", gone hurtling through "Speak Your Branes" and landed slap bang in the middle of batshit troll 4chan city, and most of it from comments that say "from Google+".
So I guess that worked out real well.
And it seems I still can't moderate the comments on my own damn channel without signing up to Google Minus. Ho hum, not like I've uploaded a single damn thing since the integration. Content is king. Don't like what G+ did to Youtube? Starve the fuckers. Plenty of other video sites out there.
You shouldn't learn to program by starting with C or C#.
C# is not C. Nor is it even remotely C++. Microsoft calling it "C"-anything was probably more of a marketing decision than anything based in reality. They could have called it "Microsoft Java" and been far more accurate.
Anyway, last time I saw a class split into two, with one half learning C first and the other half learning VB first, the C-firsters took the switch to VB halfway through the course incredibly well. Duck-to-water well in fact. The people who did their first couple of months with VB and then switched to C basically shat bricks.
See now, fortunately I know how to get up to my elbows in dangerous equipment. On top of previous experience, being on the wrong side of the economic downturn means I've had the lovely opportunity to spend a month doing bonded labour a mandatory work placement for a nearby plastic recycling firm. I already have plenty of that kind of experience anyway, amongst the retail stuff. Even got the little certificate with "Excellent" written across all performance metrics to prove it.
However I have to wonder how some 18 stone, neckbearded, doughnut-munching "admin" would cope with a job where the 25Kg single-man limit is more of a guideline, where 50 hours a week of brutal graveyard shifts dragging crap out of trailers is the norm, where your shins become more bumps, bruises and scrapes than skin, would cope?
I have seen people come into these sorts of jobs and leave the same day. They simply cannot cope with the workload. And people here are are suggesting "just change careers"?
I suggest these people go work in a postal sorting depot, in a recycling firm, in a distribution warehouse, in any number of other crap jobs for a month or two. Let alone 6, 12,18 months or more.
I'm wondering how many of those people would be crying out to be forcibly buggered than deal with it any more? I'm wondering how many of them would just be crying themselves to sleep every night. Or every morning, as the case most likely would be.
I'm pretty sure it would be a non-zero number.
As for me, I'm trying to get out of that crap. I've done my time, thankyou very much. Can I have a job that pays some real money and doesn't have me risking life and limb every single damned shift, please?