Pressflip licks horse balls
Just saying.... What kind of news aggregation service is it when the same three freaking articles are in that area of interest and there is no way to say 'I ALREADY READ THIS SHIT LAST WEEK!' ??
With how Ted went off on everybody and their mother in 'Web 2.0' on Uncov I really thought 'Damn, this guy must really know some shit! Can't wait to see what he's cooking up with this Persai business..'
Then...'Oh, is this it?' Karmic 10x FAIL, Ted.
Anyway, the article... Yeah, having everything locally stored and managed on your own servers is way better than the 'Cloud' because then nothing ever crashes and you never have to get calls in the middle of the night about the server crashing and that the backup failed....oh, wait...yeah, you still do.
Hmm, well then there must be something in this article that makes some kind of point with valid assertions. Let's, no. No, guess not.
But hey, that never stopped creative writing. And that is what this is comedic creative writing. So, quit that Pressflip mess, quit trying to swing your tiny balls on El Reg and work on getting a job with Comedy Central or something.
P.S. What is up with the people bitching about the language? That's the best part!